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Everything posted by MissMonaro

  1. Sorry to hear Silverblue and Chopperlodge that no babies are coming. Loved all the pickies of everyones pups.........cant beleive how much those kelpie bubs look like labbies when they are little. For us - more SAD news. Yeh...was hoping to come here on Xmas Eve and give you all good news - but sadly we lost the last of the black pups at midnite last night. 3 weeks of age. She fed just fine at lunchtime but by mid arvo started to go downhill, and despite our best efforts and the efforts of a long time breeder friend, we couldnt save her. RIP Sheldon, Blue Boy, Bambi and Pinky. :D The 2 choc babies had there first meal tonite and lapped it all up in no time at all. Just want to wish everyone a very Merry Xmas and let us all hope that the new year brings all of us that have had losses much better luck with our breeding plans, and those yet to have litters, let us hope they also go well. :p
  2. Shelbyville....she used to feed from her mother. She was the smallest pup we have ever had born here, weighing in at 313 grams and was just a little fighter. She started out doing okay....she didnt really gain a lot of weight, but was stable. After her brothers passed, she slowly lost the inclination to feed from mum, so we took over, only topping her up to start with. Then she showed less and less interest in mum and it just kind of spiralled from there. At 3 weeks of age she hadnt even hit the 1 kg mark - and most of our pups hit that by the end of week 1 (as you would know yourself how fast labbie pups grow)
  3. Hi Rysintira.....no sadly we had to PTS. There was just nothing else we could do. Her body couldnt fight it any more and she started having mild fits this morning. RIP Bambi - she was three weeks old today. And have to say this has been the longest, tiring and most emotional 3 weeks with a litter that I have ever had. Kelpiesrule.....so sorry to hear that you have lost one also. :D
  4. Another update from me. My 2 little ones are holding in there. All 4 now have their eyes open and the 2 bigger ones are quite vocal and starting to walk around. The smallest girl has had a swollen lump on her face from the scratch and as such has been very reluctant to take a bottle, so it has been back to the battlefields - she is so strong willed and pig headed. Well tonight I picked her up and the lump burst. OMG - cleaned it up and she looks better. But still wont take that bottle. So now I am syringing onto her tongue. She did take a bit earlier tonight and I thought great she must be feeling better, then no sooner I thought that and then she played up. Next feed she had to have her antibiotics and didnt want a bar of the bottle afterwards. I am trying to keep her hydrated as much as I can, and she takes a bit of cooled boiled water better than her bottle. She even got up tonight and kind of walked across the whelping box - so not lacking energy. But I dont feel that we are out of the woods yet and we have a long way to go....and another long night ahead. Heres a picky of one of the pups anyway.
  5. Very sad about the little schnauzer baby .......RIP But for you LMWS - that is going to be a lovely xmas present. All the best with them.
  6. Well we have just got home from the vet and an emergency c-section. We have one baby - a little girl. The others could not be revived. OMG I am so sorry to hear about the ones you lost. Sending lots of healthy wishes for the little girl you have been blessed with.
  7. Beautiful pictures of some very cute and adorable babies. Just gorgeous We still have the 4 here. The 2 chocolate ones have just started to open their eyes. Our 2 little black girls are still hanging in there, but have now resorted to just bottle topping them up as they cannot compete with the chockies when they are on the milk bar. We try to feed them both seperately on their mother as much as possible. Our chock girl weighs as much as the 2 black pups together. Another visit to the vets today for the little ones. A course of antibiotics for both as one has a bit of an infection from a puppy nail scratch on the side of her face. We think that there immune systems are just not coping at the moment, so we really dont know if they will make it or not, but we're trying hard. I tried a small bowl of formula for one of them and she actually lapped at it but not enough to get a good feed, but it was a start and at least she showed some interest.
  8. Congratulations, hope they are all doing well. It is nice to read some good news after such devastating news recently! Ditto Congratulations Cowanbree
  9. LWMS again I am so sorry for your loss....your post brought tears to my eyes. I am so glad that you have 2 babies and that their surrogate mum is caring for them. That is at least a small positive. Unfortunately for us.........more bad news. We lost another one - the brother has also just left us. We are just devestated. He was putting on weight and doing really well, and then just crashed. We arent sure whether he had suffered any problems as he was the one that was out of his bag when they went in to do the c-section. Please pray we dont lose any more.
  10. We are down to 4 babies - lost another boy. The remaining 4 are doing really well and will hopefully be OK. I have another litter due in 2 days so crossing fingers (and toes) that they will be all fine. oh no yarrowfell - so sorry to hear this news.
  11. I agree Ellz....seems lately so many crap things going on. Breeding definately isnt all cute little puppies - sometimes its very exhausting and emotionally draining. Its in the those wee hours of the morning, when you are so tired that you can barely stay awake, but you do because that little life in your hands needs you to try for them. That is when you really contemplate whether you want to breed another litter. Whether the crap just always seems to land in your lap, and it just all seems so hard. Then you come here to find that other breeders do have as much drama, if not more, and some have much deeper losses, and that you arent alone - other ppl have crap things happen to them too. But it does make you realise how grateful you are that your bitch is doing good and you still have puppies to raise and cuddle.
  12. It is with sad news that I come here to say we have just lost one of our little boys. He would of been 2 weeks old tomorrow. We all tried so hard this last 2 weeks with round the clock feeds etc, but it just wasn't meant to be. RIP my little man. Only here a short time, but loved just as much.
  13. OMG LMWS - I am so sorry to hear about your girl and her puppies. RIP You are in our thoughts.
  14. Hi everyone........apologies for being absent for so long. The new litter of pups has been very time consuming with around the clock care, so I have not had the time to come to DOL. I will catch up on missed posts as soon as my life has some normality back to it. But for now here is a link to some photos of the pups. Hope you like. Our Current Litter
  15. Shelbyville - beautiful babies Kelpiesrule - should of known....purple basket..... Pups are gorgeous Oztar - Congratulations on the arrival of your new babies too. Hope you get more sleep than we have had. Our girl is still not toileting her babies, and the 4 black ones are slow to feed. Suprisingly the smallest black girl has got the hang of it quicker than the other 3....but we decided to go to the vet and get a shot of liquid and have started them on a bit of beef liver remedy. 2 of them are now latching and feeding with help, so thats a bit easier. The other 2 are still being difficult and we are bottle feeding. The vet has said if no change by tomorrow morning for me to go down and he'll teach me how to tube feed. Its just like having a baby all over again with the wiping butts, sterilising bottles, making up formula, and feeding every couple of hours.
  16. Congrats Shelbyville.....sounds like all has gone well for you. Hope all the new puppies for everyone are doing well and the new mums to be are progressing along good too. I'm very tired and hoping that our girl will start toileting her own babies soon. I'll pop back in tomorrow and see if anyone else has any more updates.
  17. Back from vets and just been getting everyone to feed and warm up a bit. We have 4 blacks - 2 girls, 2 boys and 2 chocs - 1 girl, 1 boy Weight ranges 313 for the little black girl to 479 for the choc girl. And the chocs certainly have the hang of the milk bar already. So now I'm ready for the long night ahead. Their mum is finally having a sleep, so hoping she doesnt wake up and freak at these little wigglers. I have taken a few photos, but didnt fuss too much as to not disturb mum too much. Will post some when I can get a better photo and everyone is fine and rested.
  18. Just wanted to add..........almost same thing that happened with her mothers first litter as well. She had one pup, and the 2nd one tried to come out all 4 feet first, so she had an emergency c-section too. And it was a big boy as well that was the problem child then too. *sigh* This breeding thing just never gets any easier :nahnah:
  19. Thanks Hesa. okay.......just had the call. Puppies are here !! We made the right call - turns out that a big boy was blocking the way and not only was he out of the bag, the placenta had come away as well. There was no way she was going to deliver the pups and if we had come home, we would of lost him for sure. But ultrasound was wrong. The count was more, so looks like she has also absorbed a couple as well. *sigh* Anyway looks like we have 6 new babies. 3 boys and 3 girls. Dont know what colours we have yet either. We go to pick them up about 12.30 am.
  20. Sorry to hear about the 2 that didnt make it and congrats on the other two. Unfortunately for us the good whelping fairy did not make it back from Kelpiesrule place in time. Water broke sometime this arvo.....and have had nothing since. Decided to get her to the emergency vets. Ultrasound showed one pup slowly going into distress. Had to make the call. We could go home, knowing we'd probably lose one, and maybe others if she failed to progress....or go in and hopefully save the one in distress. So I am sitting here feeling rather sick to the stomach and stressed big time, waiting for the vet to call us. Plus whilst I was in there someone came in with a greyhound to be PTS. It had a towel around its throat covered in blood.
  21. awww I cant wait to see the pickies....how exciting !!
  22. wooo woo GO THE CHOCOLATES !!! Best wishes Leanne from me and Jamie. I'll have to check back in the morning for the complete updates. (dont forget to send that good whelping fairy back when you have finished with her - we need her back here )
  23. WOW Shelbyville - your girl is huge !! Our girl has about 5 days to go too and we just took some more photos of her tonite. To protect her private parts I have added to the photos. She is panting and has been busy shuffling the paper around the whelping box....but we think that was only to hide the chicken wings we gave her.
  24. Lablover - unfortunately I havent spoken to the ppl in quite a while, so dont really know what ever happened. There was no "known" epilepsy in the lines at all. Of course, there were other factors that could account for the problem .eg. the owners told me she often jumped the fence and got out of the yard and I mentioned that maybe she had been hit by a car and perhaps had a screw loose in the brain. They didnt think that was it - but you have to look at all possibilities. But anyway, it was the comment about EIC being similar to heat stroke or a form of epilepsy that caught my attention and made me remember these dogs.
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