Mental Midget
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Everything posted by Mental Midget
Furminate.... I tried the special vacuum cleaner attatchment my old mum swears by for her corgi. Slavette Number 1 didn't keep a secure enough hold on Merlin. A trip to A&E, a tetnus jab and a few steri strips later and it was decided to stick with the furminator and comb in future. Merlin is one of the most easy going and placid dogs of any breed I've ever known but the vacuum cleaner attatchment episode has lead to the death of two upright Dyson vacuum cleaners. With the help of Pixie he made sure they were dead dead. The executions were carried out on the few occasions they were left home alone for a couple of hours.
I have two Combat Corgis. Merlin our little boy dog gets more to eat than Pixie our little girl dog. The difference in both is amazing. Merlin is lean and Pixie is curvacious. We try and keep a good eye on Pixies diet as she will eat all day and night if she had the choice. I toss her a carrot when she starts talking to me then head butting me for more grub. I stupidly didn't realise that the "treats" we give them were adding to her curvy figure - hence the carrots now. She seems to be very happy just chomping on something but at least a carrot now and then isn't adding to her curves the way a pigs ear or other doggy sweeties can. Merlin isn't too keen on any veggies but Pixie will lie protecting the cupboard we store veggies in. Is there any veggies or fruit I shouldn't be giving them? They both like apple and pear.
I seen this and thought it was refering to doggy smell. I have noticed that Archie (a cav) has a very distinct whiff than the corgis do. I may just be used to corgi whiff mind you. Tips on keeping Archies ears clean are very welcome. I'm still blundering about with those ears.
I think I'm tempting fate. Pixie is wonderful now. We went from the vets and then on a train for a 3 hour journey then a 1 hour trip. She was minted She was a perfect corgi and such a diplomat. She worked her public. Many many people on the train all want a corgi now. She posed for pix like a pro. The ladies and gents from Japan - please find this site and please show everyone how practically perfect Pixie is. I didn't know how BIG corgis were in Japan. I#m spouting tosh now I know but I'm so happy she seems to be on the mend now. I am still keeping a close eye on her. We arrived and Pixie got her DAW... that was it. My Uncle Daw had his special tripe and blood mix ready for her - he knew she had been very poorly. We got there and Pixie ignored me. You had to see it to believe it.
Emmark - I am as usual worrying she isn't drinking enough. I have applied the same thought process to her as I did to my children when they were tiny and ill. Who cares what she drinks so long as she drinks something. At the moment she isn't dehydrated. She has been lapping Barrs Irn Bru (full of girders and loads of suger) and my tea. Green tea with jasmine from my special cup. She is only drinking from my special cup - hell I've managed to train a fussy drinker ! :D Oakway - I have confidence in my vets practice, and I will continue to consult them. It;s a big practice for where I stay in the UK(area wise) but the original vet I seen with Pixie as an emergency case has been available to me outwith surgery hours and she has continued to see her when things get rough even if she hasn't been on call. She's a really caring Austrailian lady and the vet nurse who usualy works with her is a Kiwi.
Monster Pup and Show Dog - I was given pumpkin today from the same elderly man I seen on a walk with Merlin and Archie. He has an allotment and my goodness - the wonderful fresh organic produce he has put my way - including wonderful hens eggs and duck eggs. I can assure you the Pumpkin is for the Pixie ONLY. I would never have thought of trying her with pumpkin. She is sick to the back teeth or as my wee Mummy would say SCUNNERED with rice. Edited 'cos I put Pixie and not Archie. Pixie is on very gentle walks only with no Partner in Crime (Merlin) or her minion (Archie) Edited for a second time as I can't spell PUMPKIN
I'll certainly give that a try Pebbles. I did have a similar thing suggested to me today when I was out with Merlin and Archie. An elderly gentleman we normally see on our walks asked me where my wee lassie was as he hadn;t seen her for a long time. When I told him she was poorly(with all the details as he wanted to know) he suggested I mince/chop liver and let it steep in milk then drain and squeeze all the fluid from the mush, whip a raw egg in and offer her that.
I do my furkids every 3 months and any visiting furkids get done at the same time whether they think they need it or not. Same with flea treatment if I suspect it needs done. If there is a furkin visting they get done too. I'm not an expert but I'm sure many many more experienced people here will keep you right.
Tassie - I will certainly try yogurt with her, I know what antibiotics can do to me. I have been offering her little and often with her food but at the moment she just wont eat or drink. I have HUGE tablets for her that work the same as imodium(sp?) does with us for tummy upsets. I think that is something similar to the Peptisumit you mentioned ImaShepHead - I am googling Nutrigel as I type. Thank you both. X
About 15 years ago I had my sisters dog on the beach and he managed to find the broken bottle some idiots had left behind. What a horrible horrible day. Tramp ended up with a cast on his leg ( he was a cross breed of all big soft as clarts dogs you can think of) and my wee Cleo (corgi) started to limp in sympathy. I do hope your doggy gets all better. Cleo did develope athritis when she got older and could always put on "the limp" if anyone mentioned " ohhh poor wee soul. Who's got a sore paw?"
Pixie is still very poorly. She develovoped Pyo and had to have emergency surgery. This is going on 4 weeks now. She's been on antibiotics fpr what seems for ever. She's had a super dooper course of "stuff" prescribed by the vet that deals with worms and other intestine parasites including single cell nasties. She;s still very poorly. Her jabs are all up to date including parvo. We go see the vet - she gets a jab and she seems to perk up. Next day she is eating her scambled egg and is fine. We get to rice and chook dinner time and she's went down hill again. She vomits and has diahorea. She gets to the stage that she is throwing up bile and the other end is mucus slimey stuff. I've had a good look through the other end stuff and there is nothing I can see to indicate a nasty worm type thing. (nothing obvious). As it is we are at the vet every two or three days. I've been following the vets advice with her diet (bland- rice, scambled egg. chook etc) and feeding her little and often and away from the other dogs. I'm so worried about her. I';ve took samples of her vomit and faceas to the vet - at one point I thought she had parvo but it tested clear. I have had dogs most of my life but I did have 5 years waiting time from Cleo passing on till Merlin and Pixie coming to me. I need advice. I know she;s not a puppy now, she just had her 1st birthday. She wont eat, she wont drink. I'm trying everything with her and she;'s getting so tiny. I'm also knackered with doing the night shift with her. Merlin is fine and so is Archie (almost official addition to our Tribe/Pack). They actually step away from their grub if she gets in the scullery at feeding time. Does anyone have any suggestions what I can tempt her to eat that is sorta bland but tasty to her and what I can do to get her to drink?
I just hope Archie is as happy on Tuesday when he gets groomed by a pro. I felt a right eegit when asked " What breed is he?" and by chance there was a Cavaleir King Charles Spaniel sitting waiting on her Mummy or Daddy. I pointed at her and said - "A bit like that one but not those colours" - "I don't know what to do with his ears" I didn't realise/know that a CKCS and a KCS were different breeds. Archie was originally coming his holidays while his Mummy got better(she's very ill but realised she couldn't care for him) but it looks like he's gonna be a fixed addition to our family. His Mummy has been ill for a long time and getting progressivly worse and hasn't been able to keep up the grooming progamme as she has in the past. Don't think bad of her, she was doing best she could and he wasn't neglected but she couldn't keep his coat the way it should be for a pet. So we have to learn how to look after his coat properly. We have been combing and brushing him while waiting on Tuesday to come for the last 6 weeks. The professional groomers where I live are booked up 4-6 weeks in advance. Thankfully he's not a show dog or a stud dog. We have been cutting any tangles we can't brush out as I read that tangled hair could lead to his skin getting sores, so the odd funny looking bit on his coat is allowed - I think. He does now bomb about the place with a hair bobble on his ears (not tight)- just before and after food times, not all the time. A DOLer suggested it was OK - and it must do wonders for his ears - my opinion. Gawd can they get in a state. The poor wee soul has the Combat Corgis in his face after every meal time cleaning his ears. Archie is a gorgeous wee thing. Any advice on how to groom him between "pro" shots is most welcome. The ears is my main concern
Snail Pellet Survival Story
Mental Midget replied to David See's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Sorry. I told a lie. Our back garden has had pesticides used in it. We had a wasps nest a couple of years ago and it got zapped by every wasp killing chemical known to man. The evil b*$@"&%s try to kill me so I'm a little paranoid about them. -
Snail Pellet Survival Story
Mental Midget replied to David See's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Not a snail bait thing but related I think. When we got Merlin, we had a close call. A day or two after Merlin came to join our family The Daddy done his lawn feed and weed on the front garden. We get all sorts of birds from sparrows to swans in our garden and had always got the "good" ones for wildlife,birds and domestic pets. Well that's what we thought - we believed the packaging and advice from the bloke. The only time Merlin (or Pixie or Archie) are in our front garden is briefly going to the car or when we go walkies. Our back garden has never had any pesticides used on it and this is Merlins Kingdom. Merlin came to live with us at 4 months old. A few days after we got him home he was very lethargic. He was laying in his wee bed and was shaking and twitching and then he wet himself when still asleep. I called the vet and ranted the symptoms down the phone. Turned out that Merlin in his very brief visits to our front garden had hoovered up some of the "feed and weed" stuff. Luckily for us The Daddy had watered the lawn and it had rained after he put it down. The Daddy was very proud of his front lawn that looked like a snooker table but now he's happy with the daisy and clover look. I've never used slug pellets in the back garden but a beer trap does the trick on my veggie patch along with egg shells and orange peel. I'd rather have some well chomped flowers and veggies than have a sick Merlin or Pixie or Archie. -
Sorry to yell again - Is apple cider vinegar the same as cider vinegar?
cavNrott and oakway I have to apologise to you both. My post came across as narky and crabbit. I didn't mean it to. Pixie is positivley on the road to recovery. I had her out a little walk earlier today and I have never seen a dog look mortified the way she did when we met Cassie and Scoobie (West Highland Whites) who live near us. I had to put the Elizabethan Collar on when we were out as she kept trying to have a sneeky lick at her stitches without it on. I've also found it stops her zooming about like a loon. She's beside me at the moment with socks on her back paws as I'm worried she might catch her stitches if she tries to have a scratch when she's asleep. I did think of trying a T-shirt but was a bit worried that the air wouldn't be able to circulate round her wound and maybe inhibit healing. Merlin, not wanting to be left out, also has socks on his back paws and seems to be very pleased with himself. Archie is staying well away incase he gets socks on too.
Is apple cider vinegar the same as cider vinegar?
cavNrott - Spelling has never came easy to me. oakway-I followed my vets advice. Let her have her first season then have her spayed no sooner than 2 months after her first season. Pixie was booked in to be spayed in August. This happened and she's been spayed a couple of weeks earlier, albeit a more expensive "spaying" than planned. I still have no reason to question the advice I was given. As Miranda said - I was just unlucky to experience this as it is more associated with older bitches. Tryamartimmy - I sure have had a close call. I'm so glad I went with my gut instincts and didn't put off getting to the Vet with her.
T-Shirt could be an idea. I've been watching her this evening and did think of putting socks on her back paws and securing with tape. I know I'm gonna sound really bad and desperate now - but I will struggle to be able to pay for her to be restitched if she bursts them. As I thought, my pet insurance "had a clause" - so my new cooker fund is now back at minus zero for the time being. I paid £424.25 ( GB pounds Sterling) today and if she pops her stitches I'm looking at about another £100 if she needs restitched. If I have to find it I know I will. Makes me wonder why I bother with Pet Insurance. Mind you who knows what the future could bring for Pixie or Merlin and little Archie. Thanks again for all the encouragement.
The Elizabethan collar is stopping her from licking her wound but does anyone have any ideas how I can stop her trying to scratch it?
Pixie is back home now. My list of instructions from the Vet and the reality. Don't let her overstretch or put any pressure on her wound - She was bounding about like a loon in the Surgery We've had trouble getting her to eat. Tempt her with her favorites. - She scoffed the small amount of food I offered and then scoffed Merlin and Archies. They showed no resistance. Don't let her lick her wound. - Yeah right! On with the Elizabethan Collar. She is 10 times 100% today than she was yesterday and my plans to confine her somewhere nice and quiet (the pet crate A.K.A Crazy Combat Corgi Head Quarters) have gone up in smoke. She was wanting to rough and tumble play with Merlin and Archie. So Merlin is in the CCC HQ and Archie is in his little KCS house. The expression on her face with the Collar on is priceless and as she has no legs only ankles keeps tripping over it as she is pacing about with her head down. Thanks to everyone for their reassurances.
I don't think she had closed Pyomentra as she did have an alarming amount of discharge coming away from her. I will ask my vet though. I have of course been reading about it and I'm still in a bit of shock as it sinks in just how poorly she was/is and what the outcome could have been if I had decided to wait till tomorrow(Monday) before getting her to the vet. I also have to contact the pet insurance people to see if her op and treatment is covered. Sods law will no doubt apply and I'll be told it doesn't. There goes my new cooker - moved to the back burner again. I'm fortunate in many ways as I do have the funds available at the moment (was for a new cooker - only the hob works on the current one) to pay for her treatment but not everyone who may find themslves with a hefty vet bill to pay have that luxury. I can save up again for a new cooker but it would be impossible to save up for a new Pixie. Merlin is in the Crazy Combat Corgi Headquarters(pet-crate) with Pixies Scotland coat looking miserable still. He's even let Archie snuggle upto him