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Posts posted by PomsNZ

  1. What colours are the pom pups?

    they are all dark brown (with a black stripe down the back) at the mo.. most will lighten to orange. not sure until they are about 18 months old LOL. I guess 2 are sable, but you just dont know what colour they are going to end up, not as easy as a lot of other breeds. Ive had a black turn silvery, that went orange... no way to know when they are born lol. I thought last male might have been a black, but hes just a bit darker than the rest.

    When Ive caught up on a bit of sleep Ill take a picture of the big slugs :)

  2. WOOOT go kitey! Yay after all this time!

    not much happening here... had the er.. evacuation.. lil bit of digging.. lil bit of restlessness... I think shes waiting until its dark and house is quieted down... we both had a nanna nap.. well i did, I think she did too.

    Keep em coming Kitey! well done :):thumbsup:

  3. her temp has risen back to normal, i rang vet as i was surprised that it was so quick to rise.. he said that was normal and most people should take temps every couple of hours once they are days away.

    So he said to count it as the drop as it was low enough, and to carry on ..

    shes still very restless, so itll be a long night :)

  4. AWESOME things are happening nevafollo, im so pleased for you!

    Becks congrads on babys! pics needed :)

    Murmar how is your girl today?

    ducks has a little temp drop of 37.3, still lil higher than when she had the drop, but lower than what shes been all week. i doubt shes going tonight either.. shes never going to have these pups.. Ill be the only person with a 9 month pregnant bitch... they will come out as fully formed adults... but in need of a groom...

    Let us know how you are going nevafollo!!! yeah, the panting thing is boring, hopes she starts shredding something or something lol

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