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Everything posted by PomsNZ
oh i HATE The pink thing coming out!!! Our desexed boy still has it pop out, if no one is around to help, id call a friend to come or take him to vet. I know ill laugh at my *naivety* in a few years, but right now, its still ick!!!
I looked on the site and it says they have done a voluntary recall. i wish i knew if it was the same treat! Ill be spitting tacks and demanding my vet bill paid in full!
ok im concerned. Im in nz. a freind brought the dogs some chicken treats and i fed them to the dogs, a few days later bucca had diarreah with blood, on the sunday, tuesday he was rushed to vets, where he was diagnosed with pancreaitis and kidney failure. hes still with us, but i hadnt really thought about it, but yes, he is wobbly in his back legs. i rang my freind who gave me the treats, to find out what they were etc, where she got them. i have poms, she has a staffy that she would have gotten some for as well
Im happy to say bucca even ate today!!! not much, but he hasnt eaten for a few days! a big leap forward, and he wanted to play for a lil bit.....
Go the siggy lmao! Bit worried, hes vomited 3 times today, still refusing food. He seems happy though, surely thats got to count for something! hes still drinking....
yes, i agree too about the testing, but getting a appt in the next few days is not going to happen unless its a emergency, they are booked solid, plus have stand bys waiting to take places of anyone who cant. We will take him in after xmas, when the silly season is over. Get bloods done, but surely his get up and go does mean something!! Already today hes had a game of chasing the ball, and hang round the kids, our son is having his xmas today, as hes off to to to his dads tonight as its his dads turn for xmas with him. (daughter has elected to stay with us and the dogs this year) im feeling rahter pleased though, my big strong brave fighter!!!
we woke up t his morning to him grinning at us, waiting for us to lavish attention on him, like he used too... i really think hes gonna make it! he does look great, he has done all the stuff he used to do before he got sick, grinning at us, then jumping all over us, licking daddys ears and nose and everything, and NOT with me lol. we havent tried him back on solid goods, we are just sticking with pushing the liquids and broth, hell eat when hes good and ready.
well that explains why it hasnt worked then doesnt it!!! lol
he hasnt had any tests since we got him home. 1. im terrified too, in case its not improving. 2. we did ring vet and said how he is doing, they said the vet will call us back if hes worried, so far he hasnt. We are going to wait till after xmas to get tests done. One, its hectic and unless its emergency there are just no appointments. I refuse to take him to the *other* vets, for another long story lol... we think he is doing better.. we realise the outlook is grim, but we honestly think he can make it now. we were discussing it just before, and he has gotten better since the naturpath came, he has improved since he came, he doesnt seem to be getting worse, and all the research we can find says if the dog can survive the worst of it, the outcome is usually favourable. However, if dog is not producing urine, there are no reported cases of the dog surviving. BUT he is weeing... so thats good... a freind has a chihuahua that was on a drip for 2 weeks with just pancreaitis, in critical condition, bucca was on a drip for 4 days, and he has renal failure to boot.... we cant help but think he can fight this. if someone tells me scrambled eggs poached backwards and then tossed over a vodoo doll cures it, i woudl do it. grasping at straws? maybe. If my boy is willing to fight this, we are going to help in any possible way we can. and im rambling!!!!!!! lol
Hes vomited again, i cant help but worry over every little thing. some one tell me im normal and to stop worrying so much. i know he can make this, but i dont want to get my hopes up if you know what i mean. Im sure hell be here for xmas with us, im thankful for that, as i am thankful for every day we have with him.
we are giving him fluids every hour or two, and at least once during the night. We keep doing the test to make sure he is hydrated, and he is getting ahoney salt mix, along with collidial silver. we introduced broth this morning, and im thrilled to note that today alone 3 times he has brought his Baa (fav toy ever) up to me for play time 2 times pranced (pom gait is a prance, uses a bit of energy ) chased the cat out twice climbed down and back up the steps at back door urinated numerous times his lethargic times he is watching us, he used to just sleep, not he is alert, but just resting 1/3 times Pooh is no longer orange, but yellowy, still runny, but with darker brown firmer bits (normal poop) in it i **think** hes going to make it. Hes no longer moping about. still refusing food, but is very interested and although i hate this, he is possesive over his food, even if he wont eat it to the other dogs. his coat is looking better, his eyes are clearer. he is starting to be himself again. from last night when i thought he wouldnt make it, the change is remarkable. we think hes got a tummy upset, and he wont eat,but the broth is giving him the get up and go he so desperatly needs. Thank you cockerlover for suggesting, and helping me when i was down. It is a rollercoaster ride, how knows, tomorow i might say i dont think he will make it.
its been 1 week now, and i keep reminding myself that hes made it this far...... and he seems a heckuva lot better than when he first got sick last week... he even brought baa, (his fav toy of all time) to me to play and we had a gentle game. He chasd the cat out of the kitchen, barked at a lady calling out a name, and growled at the other dogs when they went near his food. hes not eating, but we are syringing down the broth for him. he vomited this morn, but that have been becuase he drank too much we are keeping him hydrated and hoping time will heal. he seems jsut tired and depressed a lil today, he does have his good times and bad times, but today has been more positive then yesterday. last night i thought he wasnt going to make it, and we considered calling the vet for the injection. crossing fingers still!!!
We were thinking maybe he has a sore tum, so we boiled up some broth overnight, and gave him some of the liquid today, he did like it and dank a fair bit, even licked some of the solid waste. A few hours later, he is prancing down the hallway to look for his *daddy*, walking round, with that tail wagging. hes gone for a rest again, but im glad that his energy levels went up for a lil.
he doesnt seem as bright and perky today that he has shown on other days. he also hasnt eaten anything other than the few morsels this morning.
im so glad hef is better!!! may you never ever go through this again!!!
he is drinking and passing urine, so thats good. i do know if he stopped producing urine there is no hope.
he is getting a wee bit brighter each day. jsut a tiny bit, but when i look back to when he came home from vets, he was death warmed up, his ears are up most of the time now, hes eating a few morsels of venison, we are also going to get some chicken for hiim, (his favourite food) hes still hanging on, and im pleased. each day we have with him is great, and from all the research ive done, if he survives over the bad bit, his chances are good. his coat seems a bit better, hes not loosing it as bad, anyone who has a pom can understand how bad hes blown it, pretty much all undercoat is waiting to be taken off. Im not worried bout grooming until hes able to cope with it better, i do a tiny bit each night with him. Its likes hes lost his puppy coat again lol. but his coat is not longer dry and rough, its gone back to its harsh texture, not the sickly feel it did have, so the oils are getting through i presume. At times i still think hes ging to make it, others i think hes slipping again, and wait to see how low he slips. Just hoping against hope hes getting there. i dont care how long recovery takes.
we tried buccca on food today hubby went and got lean venison, but it was frozen so he put it in micorwave. bucca wasnt interested, so i said get some raw. bucca wasnt interested, but when the other dogs came round his crate (in the lounge) he growled at them and had a few mouthfuls. he had a wee sleep, and then i had a cuddle of him, he growled at the cat and looked like he was going to rush her, then i put him down, bryan picked him up to go outside to toilet, bucca jumped up our oustide steps to mark the counch, then walked to front door, marked my shoes. Came over for cuddles, tail up, looking great, then went and got me a toy!!!!! the nieghbours drove past and beeped thier horn and he rushed outside barking. his first bark since he got sick!!! he is now resting but he is looking SO much better!!! hes also got dark urine, not the very light colour he did have. i hope it means his kidneys have started to work.
i breed poms, a breed of dog that is between 2-2.5 kgs. tiny tiny dogs. HD is really rare, and if found, 99.999% of time from back yard bred crossed dogs. Poms have higher chance of suffering from Legges than HD. Why should i get them xrayed? I test for every other disease they can get. (doubly so, now my 3 year old pet is dying from a non-breed related disease) poms are notorious for patella problems, which is jsut as debilitating as HD. I wont get mine tested for things that do not pop up in the breed, i might as well test for CRC, even though there is NO collie blood in any of the lines!!!!!!!! Id also not expect a crested to be checked for BSD.
I suggest the orange is due to the breakdown of the blood from the bruising. to you and him. is that bad? or a good sign? Im jsut so confused. sometimes hes sitting there bright as a button.. others im worried. hes hung in so far.
we are putting liquid into him. he is on collidial silver liquid, and also a honey salt mix, plus water at will.
Hes holding out, at times hell sit up and you think omg hes back, hes got that checky smile, the spark in his eyes, and other times you think oh no... but at his worst, he is still better than the best at the vets. he did a big poop today, started off as diahreah, then went normal, funny colour (orange) and i presume that is from the antibiotics etc they gave him. he is still nil by mouth. im hoping that the sign he evacuated his bowels is a huge good sign. Have added a pic of him, taken yesterday after the naturapath left. he looks great!!! and at times he does.... he sleeps a lot, but does seem a lot happier. still drinking himself, and NO MORE VOMITING which i know is a good sign. his gut may be working, i jsut want that kidney to kick in!!!
he got up and walked from the door, to get a drink, then walked outside to pee. we cant believe it. he is resting and hes happy. we jsut cant get over it. yes, he is still very very sick, and still may die but there is no way hed been able to do that before the naturapath.
we have brought bucca home to die. the vets hold out no hope. so we have brought in a naturapath. yes i realise he may still die, but i cannot get over the change from him from when he first got home, he was death warmed up.