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Posts posted by PomsNZ

  1. IN nz we got the drongos too..

    Overheard by Ms Juniour Public after patting a Hairless Chinese Crested..

    "It feels just like a penis"

    We have a chinese crested hairless now, and at show last weekend, some public asked to pet him, the wife said Oh, its not leathery at all, the man said Hey, its like touching a wang. Wife asked how would you know?

    I show Pomeranians, which are NOT poms, but either chihuahuas, or (my fav) baby samoyeds. they didnt know they come in that tan colour.

    I have a black pom, i got asked what made her black. i went through a thousand replies before i just gave up and laughed.

    My step daughter came camping with us last weekend to the show, and didnt know a THING about dogs, took my wee puppy for a walk and came back to tell me she didnt like the poodle people as she was telling them all bout the labradoodle she had when she was younger and how great of a dog he was. (with my 4 months old, in puppy uglies pom who looks like a cross)

    She said when she grew up she was going to own a siberian malamute, like that dog over there. i asked if she meant the alaskan huskies LMAO and she said oh yeah, thats what they are called... (a few of us laughed at that)

    Whenever i get the comment OHHHH so cute! i always flick my hair and say aw, thanks LOL.

    of course they are meaning the dogs but i can dream!

  2. Oh this is terribly exciting reading about all your pups!

    Still unsure of Molly... I think she is, she seems to be getting thicker around the waist, Id love to have some nice ones from her so i can send one back to her breeder.

    Shes resting a lot, so quite possibly.

    Keep posting how your girls are doing!

  3. I havent in the past, but i am about to show a bitch who MIGHT be...

    we are chasing her last CC, so its pretty important, the last time i pulled her out of shows, she wasnt pregnant.

    WE are practicing good hygiene with her, she loves going to shows, so she wont be stressed, it wont be too hot for her, and shes coated, and only about 4 weeks, so wont show.

    We cant get her US before then, so figure why not.

    Id hate to scratch her, to find out shes not, with my luck it would be that way, so this way, if i DO take her, shes BOUND to be, cos no doubt someone will bite my head off about how terrible i am doing it.

  4. hey all, a lady who has a pup off mine says she got absolutely nutty when anyone leaves, this is not a bark bark thing, more of a jumping, shrilly barking, beside herself off the wall behavior.

    Shes tried to put her in another room, but the pup goes mental cos she knows. she is crate trained but when she leaves for work (even if someone else is there) the dog will go nuts.

    When they see visitors out, she goes nuts as well. Even when her owner is standing with her, shes just wanting to go as well.

    have seen the behavior and i have no idea what to suggest, for mine i squirt water, and they calm down, i dont think it was successful in this case.

    Shes tried doing the treat thing, (reward good behaviour etc) and shes tried ignore, but it all seems to be no use.

    Does anyone have anything that might possibly help?

  5. Poms are also very dominant as a breed...

    they will turn their nose up and demand venison, THEN when you feed him what he wants (usally what you are having) he wont eat it unless its out of your hands... or on the good china.\

    THEN he wont eat, and youll tear your hair out trying to tempt him with good food.

    SO from day 1, put his food down, and if he doesnt eat it, take it away, no normal pom will starve themselves, but given half a chance, they will train you to give them food which is bad for them, which is almost all human food.

    Lots of bones and chew toys, but they tend to ignore the plastic ones and go for soft toys, keep an eye they are safe.

    They are very easily trained, so you can start training now, use the word toilet when they go toilet and soon they pick up on what the word means and can go on command.

  6. I breed and show poms.

    Firstly, it is illegal in NZ to sell a pup younger than 8 weeks, i personally do not let mine go until 10 weeks.

    The dog has been bred to be close to humans, its his lifes ambition, to be close to you, and you lock him away in a huge place, for hours and hours on end, with no toilet breaks, id moan too! lol

    Definitely crate, and you will NEED to get up once or twice a night to toilet him.Just put on lead, take outside, praise when hes done and put him back, no playing, no growling, no talking, but no nonsense.

    Within a week or so you wil notice he will settle down a lot more.

    Please dont take him for walks, what you are doing is very dangerous, he would only weigh around 1kg, socialization is important, but the wong socialization is not what you want.

    please listen to all the above posters, we only have the pups best interest in mind.

    I take all my dogs outside to toilet every 2 hours, thier bladder is about the size of a walnut at that age, cant hold on all night.

    I do not know of any reputable breeder who would let a pup go at 7 weeks. Do research about the breed as well.

    they are known to be vocal but they do not have to be. training is the key. Mine bark when someone calls in, and a stray cat comes into the section, but thats about it. Seeing as they are smaller than the cats, they cant do much, lol.

  7. I got a freind with a pom who has the same thing, some times its genetic, sometimes it can be cuased by low blood sugar?? hypoglacemia, but im sure someone ill correct me on that (brain fuzzy today)

    its very scary ive been told, and i hope its just a once off.

  8. hey all

    Bucca boy went for a walk, is totally normal, hes a wee bit more agresseive towards the other dogs, when they invade his *space*, but that is the only thing i can see that is different from what he was before.

    He is eating all by himself, we are putting him on the BARF diet. He loves the meat and bones, i think he fought it just for the food now!!!!

    He is back to following me to the loo, playing games, finding daddy when i ask him too, going for walk and doing his tricks on command, i really really really think he has this beat.

    All bodily functions are ok, no diarrhea, urine fine, hes not drinking like he did before, still drinking lots but they are a very thirsty breed in summer.

    hes back to what he was before he got sick. we are going back for bloods, and i expect the vet to be astounded by him!!!!!

  9. we have sheep here???????????

    possibly down south, up here (centralish north island) we got cows.. lots and lots and lots and LOTS of cows...

    and pukekos...

    and those teenage boys who walk round with their pants tied to thier thighs, so thier boxes are showing... im find it hard NOT to go up and yank them up...

    Would love to go visit aussie again! Sydney was great to visit, a big eye opener for a lil ole country hick like me... (the cows, not sheep) lol

  10. the naturapath said collodial silver every 6 hours, and a honey mix every hour or so, about 3-5 mls.

    we have him on broth, as well, as he isnt eating anywhere near he shoudl be.

    yeah, hes only a small boy(well bigger compared to my other poms) so we do know they play hard, sleep hard etc.

    He has gone back to chasing the cat, which he never used to do, so cute, hell chase it outside, then jsut flop down... but he is doing so much better we feel

  11. hes still round!

    we went out to take advantage of boxing day sales with no ques, and he was waiting for us at the door, tail wagging, holding a bone, wanting to play...

    hes eating a tiny bit of fish still, we are so pleased! He still has his lethargic moments but when he is awake he is a lto more aware.

    his pee is bright yellow. so we are pushing liquids a LOT more.

    we havent been doing the every hour squirt down the throat, but when we noticed his pee bright yellow we are resuming it.

    he access to fresh water, but quite often hell sleep for around 3 hours.

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