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Posts posted by PomsNZ

  1. Hey i can feel fo you, you are terribly excited and its hard waiting even one more day!

    on the other hand, as a breeder myself im terrible, yes i will call you back, only to forget about it 5 mins later..

    Other things going on, other calls, life, etc etc.

    I do tell everyone to remind me as my memory is atrocious and I will forget, my cell phone has been dead for over 3 months... and every day i still forget to get a new one.

    Just a friendly email from the puppy buyers, acknowledging i may be busy, when im free can i please call them, how terribly worried you are, excited to know it pup will be there soon. etc etc.

    or my friends.. their emails say HEY you cow you were sposed to call me back. do it.. NOW

  2. I made one up in Excel, but wondering if anyone else has done one up, that is possibly better than mine

    mines not the best, but I dont want to fart-ar$e around all day on the fiddly bits.

    I cant upload it sorry :(

    Is anyone else willing to share theirs?

  3. :banghead: Always happens that way ! You get more of the opposite sex than what you want to keep

    :( Ugh tell me about it... my last litter i wanted a couple of girls, or one girl at least, just one!! And i got 8 boys :eek:

    ok in that case i REALLY need about 4 boys. not a single one show quality, i want terrible bodys, horrific heads.. i want lazy gait, no coat...

    make the pups look like siamese cats...

    (hopes this opposite-thing works)

  4. AW great news bout the pups, im sorry bout the wee girl that passed.

    Molly on coutn down now, her last week.. start takeing temps tonight

    shes now out here with us, away from the other dogs, but all she wants is to get back in with them and cuddle up to her one true love (this year) the chinese crested. (Last year it was my desexed male she wanted to mate with, this year its another breed altogether, and i even informed of the right thing to do, she eventually relented enough for our chosen sire to mate, but im sure the whole time she was thinking of the crested)

    im pretty sure there is onlyone in there.. id love to see two, but im sure only one

  5. :) @ redkidsmum! lol your lap, wow, cute :rofl:

    Cute maybe..messy YES ;) but what the heck !! if mums feel better cudling up ..alright with me ..clothes & I wash up later . When I advertise pups socialised from birth ..I mean it :p


    I also suppose you had that dog as they just fell into your lap.

  6. i dont do *weeks* but use the puppy as a guide.

    Having small breed dogs, i wait until they hit the 1 kg mark. I had a pup at 10 weeks who got vacc at first time, but she was teeny.

    Just dont feel right seeing that huge needle with almost as much liquid as they are go in their necks.

    I asked many breeders and pretty much all agreed as close to 8 weeks, when the pup is at least 1kg.

    If they have to wait, then they have to wait, ill have to wait, and we deal with it.

  7. I live in NZ, but i will travel 6 hours for a show...

    I traveled 6 hours, in the snow for the nationals last year..never driven in snow.. for 1 dog.

    Drove a normally 4 hour trip that took over 6 due to stupid Auckland traffic...

    Id normall drive between 2-3 hours away.

    Every so often ill go to a show Ive never been too, I hope to go to gisborne one this year.. Maybe whanganui. Or levin.. lol

  8. i got a fantastic use for them already!

    i know some handlers who can show them, they are *&%# in the ring ........

    (well he...)

    will your female poop go for more than your male poop, and do you have poop of diff colours. or are you expecting all *ahem* chocolate coloured poop?

    make sure you get them desexed, we dont want none of that designer poop popping out!

  9. Congrats Perri what adorable pups!

    Good luck for puppies tonight CB!

    Hopefully I will be joining the new puppy list soon. Vayda has milk in all her nipples (even the teeny tiny half pie nipples under her armpits lol)

    I have been worried she isn't pregnant as I haven't been able to feel movement, but sitting with her I saw some movements that looked like turning.

    Nowhere near the movements I have had with others though!

    angie you sure it wasnt her poops?


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