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Posts posted by PomsNZ

  1. I woudlnt mind being a judge, although it would be hard to get away from the whole face judging thing.

    It seems i know someone in each group lol.

    Id ask my best freinds not to handle under me, to avoid putting us both in a awkward situation...

    but one day :thumbsup:

  2. If you are breeding to better the breed, and lets say for arguments sake, GOOD STRONG BONE.

    you have a breed that is known for tiny bone, and often is very fragile.

    You bring in a dog with that good bone, and you show it.

    what are you showing the judges? a DIFFERENT option. some judges may not like it, some may... some may even see YOUR way of thinking.

    if you want our judges to always choose stick legs, then by all means, take dogs with stick legs to the show.

    if you want dogs with good bone, then start taking them, you might loose a LOT but you are also training the judges that there is other types.

    that same judge later on, with a bit more knowledge about the breed, understands that bone is a problem in your breed, suddenly sees a dog who is of good quality but with good bone, what is he going to do? OBVIOUSLY put yours up.

    That same dog gets put up time and time again, other breeders are going to question WHY.

    so please do not complain that the judges only judge to a type, (and yes i realise they do-failing that they go for the best known face)keep to your guns, yell it from the rooftops, yes im PROUD that my dog has strong bones, YES im going to show him/her becuase THIS is what our breed needs.

    other exhibitors may even laugh at you, but if it is what YOUR breed needs, to continue and become a stronger dog, be proud that you are a ambassador for it.

    I know I am.


    but i do agree bout getting some help.

    a lady over in oz has CCDs and shes allergic to almost everything, we have 1 and hes jsut the most neatest wee dog.

    He does think hes a pom though, (all the other dogs are poms so why isnt he?) and will growl at his reflection, it doesnt look like a pom! lol.

    full of character, very low maintanace, great with kids, and they arent fragile at all, like the poms or even iggys.

    Ours leaps about like crazy, we jsut love him.

  4. When you arrive to find you cannot get a site anywhere that has a clear view of your ring because every tom dick and harry with a campervan has blocked up the whole area and you have to be in the seas of gazebos behind all the campervans.. (who take up the space of 2 gazebos and they only have 1 dog)

  5. omg. it would impact on me.

    in a huge way.

    1 caesar with average litter size of 2. most of the time singletons, and they can get huge,which means a caesar, so the bitch will have just 1 pup. tough if its not good enough to breed or show from then huh?

    that line is just gone.

    IMHO breeders will not register c sections, until they get what they want from a litter, OR our breed suffers.

    there will be breeders who will have 2-3 litters in a row, hope that all but 1 free whelps, and throw ALL the pups on that one caesar, in case those free whelpers need a c section down the line. register the pups under that one dam, and hope to carry on.

    what about bull dogs? how will they fare?

    it will impact ALL dogs, you never will have free whelpers all the time over your breeding history.

    what if that one c section is a bitch you imported a huge expense, for the bloodlines, type.. she has a singleton that dies before you can get any pups out of that one.

    cant breed from the bitch anymore IN CASE she might need another...

  6. haha im selling a now 9 month old pom, male, and every enquiry ive had wanted to use him for stud with thier *very pretty pom* or *very cute puppy girl* or similar.

    Ive been told that if everyone does this desexing then there will be no dogs left, ive had more money offered, ive asked to sell him just for a weekend (when their very cute X starts her period) .. that one was actually wanting to buy him, and make sure Id refund money back after hed done his duty. when i said sure, as hell be sold desexed they didnt respond.

    I feel your pain! lol.

  7. Good luck to all the pending Mum's, may you all have healthy and safe arrivals.

    Any tips to cope with the warm weather would be very welcome. :laugh:

    cooling mats do help, and have a place by the pups, put a wet towel down, where she can lay on it, to help cool her down..

  8. Heres a thought....

    IF she really wants to get into showing, why cant she go along to shows WITH YOU and do a *internship* or similar?

    Im of the same mind as you, nothing of mine goes out for breeding, BUT if someone generally wanted to get into breeding, and showing then Im MORE than happy to let someone know what showing is all about. If i still cannot provide a dog, there is always importing, or other breeders.

  9. I was wondering if you meant it lol! its ok, i had a brain freeze earlier today lol.

    Its so neat to see the lil bods lying there!

    I get mine done closer to the time, but for a reason, if its a singleton (and this girl doesnt know how to have more than 1 at a time) then its quite possibly too big, and we can do a elect caesar.

  10. wooo hoo how exciting Trish! Will have fingers, toes, tails and paws crossed that all goes well. Have been meaning to email you - been so busy with things - things have not been the best here, been a really sad year, so hoping this litter will bring happiness and excitement once more!

    Took tipsy to the vet yesterday for a check up as i was a little worried about her eye - ended up being minor prob, so on some eye ointment which will hopefully do the trick. Tipsy is just on 3 weeks preg I think? But god she is fat and was showing a "baby bump" within the first week. While we were at the vets the vet had a feel as it is too early for scans, but he is most certain she is pregnant, without a doubt - but I will save myself the disappoinent and wait a little longer :love: ....... So hard not to get excited though after hearing that news yesterday....

    SQUEE! its the month for Poms! lol.

    how exciting that she is showing such good signs so early!

    Molly will be on about a week now, and so lethargic, im not worried as all of them are, its so hot here!

    I have my carlos back loving me again so all is good lol.(only cos molly attacks him when he goes near her, but will still stand for casper the crested)

    who is the dad of this litter due?

    you are SO going to have to email me closer to the time!

  11. WOOT bilbo! congrads! Its a waste of time trying to feel with Molly, she only has singletons so half the time you cant feel anyways.

    Last time we did feel and thought yes, theres one up high, she had none.

    shes a pickyish eater at best of times, so cant take that either LOL.

    U/S have gone up in price here, so might wait until a xray day or two before, i ought to know by then!

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