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Everything posted by Rain

  1. So sorry to hear this, my heart goes out to Midniara and family Rest in peace Buddy
  2. I like this letter, Good luck with your neighbour.
  3. I say 'quick' for toliet command
  4. Thanks for your reply lilli, very interesting inregards to the Komondor. I can imagine the coat would be alot of hard work for a working breed. They make the cutest pups though dont they
  5. Thanks for that, maybe some of my words were not the best choice. So the breeders that imported the Komondor did they slowly faze the dogs out as in stop breeding? as you say they werent viable for our environment. This is what i was getting at with the Pyrenean Mastiff. Im not interested in the Spanish Mastiff just curious why say the Tibetan Mastiff is more 'popular' than say the Pyrenean or Spanish Mastiff. Whether Spanish or Pyrenean will florish as a breed here so to say. Am i makeing sense? Thats it Hannah what happens to the pups? I thought some breeders may have some knowledge about them being in the dog scene. Thats ok i was just asking and learning even if i look stupid!
  6. I am curious as to why some dog breeds are not as popular as others, especially the rarer breeds. As breeders what are your thoughts on why the Pyrenean Mastiff isnt more popular, there is one registered breeder and the breed has been in australia since 2005? i think. When importing a new breed into the country how do you know what will succeed here and what wont? Do you think the Spanish Mastiff will do well here or fade in the background? Thanks
  7. Yep they certainly do, save the life, rake in the money and the destroy the dog. exactly! poor girl
  8. I built / paid for the fence before they had a dog. I paid for all the fences here. I never ask for money from neighbours. I get the fence i want that way. <<< That's the fence in question. I understand you wanted the fence your way but if a fence is built between two properties you would go halfs right? so for them to not offer any money or a gift of thanks shows you their character right there, you have saved them money by not asking for money with the fence so again i would not pay them a thing. Just my opinion..
  9. I wouldnt pay anthing towards the bill, didnt you pay for the entire fence? did they contribute to that? Maybe a get well doggy card and hamper like someone suggested is as far as i would go. This is not your fault.
  10. I wouldnt pay anything as i dont feal as though its your fault? at the end of the day it was an accident as both dogs were on their own property and the gap just needs fixing now.
  11. Rain


    Hi What is the rough price for a pet or show boxer pup? Are many breeders doing health testing?
  12. Arrrg! thats all you need Didles, i hope it all works out for you and your family.
  13. Hi, I am looking for recommendations for a Vet near Maitland or surrounding areas
  14. The Ark - where do you find the show information date/places or is this info only for members?
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