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Everything posted by Rain

  1. How come some vets are only doing two shots? My pup had a vacc at 8wks, 12wks and 16 wks. Three vaccinations, is my vet trying to rip me off? Then to have annual shots. I payed $75 per vacc also.
  2. Maybe Barney senses something about him, not every dog will like someone just like us humans.
  3. My thoughts are with you charmbug.
  4. Dogfish, i have a lagotto and my breeder said feeding left over's is fine, meat and veg, no cooked bones, left over rice or pasta. He is 4 months and breathes it down. Any photo's of your airedale? Oh and i started giveng left overs when he came to live with me at 10 weeks.
  5. My heart goes out to you MCM, How terrible for all the families and friends involved. Rest in peace.
  6. Akitaowner that would be funny to watch! But what a great method
  7. Rain


    I will try that, feeding earlyier and see how that goes, thanks for both suggestions.
  8. Rain


    I currently use a airline cage for my lagotto at night, will buy a crate when he out grows it (very soon). I have had him for a month now and every night he goes to bed at 10pm wakes up at 6am and he has never poo'd in his cage, last three nights he has done a poo, why? I havent changed his food (lately) or routine, breakfast 7am, lunch 12pm, dinner 6pm. these are small meals as i feed three times. Any suggestions please?
  9. My lagotto puppy does the same, digs his water bowl, stands in it etc. Think he is cooling down and playing in it. Thats why his water bowl is outside. I tried raiseing it higher makes no difference as he puts his front paws in it anyway.
  10. Erin, desexing at 6 weeks, that sounds so young? is that normal to desex at such a early age? my vet wont desex til 6 months!
  11. On a hot day just towel dry and the sun does the rest, cold day towel dry then blow dry.
  12. I use homebrand sardines in oil, puppy loves it so does my cat!
  13. I simply wouldnt get up until she stops barking, as you are giving her what she wants.
  14. Tha local vets in my area, as i have rung around, say that vacc at 8wks, 12wks, 16wks. Then every 12 months. Is this what most people do? As i am unsure about over vaccinating. Also in the caboolture shire area you have to have these shots before your pup/dog can attend obedience training. A breeder i know vaccinates at 8wks, 12wks than yearly. Do other breeders recommend this? Any opinions would be great to hear!
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