I just recieved my pup last saturday at the tender age of 8 weeks... Oscar... The Pug.
i have photo's of him in the photos forum.
Anyhow, i would like some advise on training him. i knopw hes only a couple of months old, but is it too early to stop him biting hands, fingers (nose, ears, etc!!)? and tugging at things, i.e. sleeves, pants, etc. or is it best to let him go for a bit longer because he's just being a puppy?
i dont want him to get into the habbit of doing these things, but i dont want to stop him from being a puppy aswell...
any advice would be great. also any advice on how to stop him biting/play biting (which is actually quite hard, with hes very sharp little teeth) and tugging on things...