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Everything posted by idigadog

  1. They are Eurohounds Eurohounds have heard of them but don't know much about them. Cross of??? Alaskan Husky (that is a newish breed, was or is a cross of Husky and ?), they look and sound hound (what kind?) and maybe sight hound too?? guessing on this? Absolute fit for function, they are beautiful dogs. This is why I can not get that exceited a out cross breeding or attempting to breed new types of dogs that are appropriate for what the person or persons want to do with them. If they over time become a stable breed, then that is good too. They are pretty much a cross between the Alaskan Husky and Pointers. Over time though, the percentage of Husky has been watered down to being very small. Purpose built for speed and they absolutely clean up in the European sprint races. Hence why he can have them off-lead and they for the most part, do what he asks them. Not like a bunch of Siberians
  2. And that's fine Rebanne, but this was not filmed in Australia and has nothing to do with off-leash/on-lead dog areas in this country.
  3. Oh yeah, very much so. He is a world class musher hailing from Germany.
  4. No dog is. What this video is supposed to highlight is the fact that 'sleddogs' can be trained to be off-lead and can be totally dedicated to their owner. Go ahead and pick it to pieces, doesn't bother me, but for anyone to be less than impressed by what this 'team' have achieved through training, well, you would be in the minority I think.
  5. I'm glad I could share :p To me, it shows the amazing respect and obvious devotion between Heini and his dogs. Imagine being able to do that every day
  6. I thought I would share this link with everyone. I think it's absolutely wonderful and inspiring
  7. Let's face it, usually the young staff at PP stores wouldn't know the pointy end of a dog if it bit them, let alone the 'breed' of dog they are trying to flog
  8. How do you know I haven't done that? Sorry shortstep, but selling unregistered pups for $3000 is ludicrous. Saying in the media that you will be breeding your bitch every 12 months is unethical. Do you not agree?
  9. Well I guess unless someone else imports some unrelated dogs or she does this herself in the near future, the breed is screwed here anyway.
  10. Aha! Well, she's sold three of them, a fourth is still for sale. Sorry, but the point of her breeding them was?????
  11. Her website is here Southern Cross Klee Kai. Personally, I think they are a bit weird looking and not my cup of tea. Whatever floats your boat I guess but when you seem to only be breeding for the $'s and not keeping anything for yourself, yeah, you have to wonder
  12. I would go the black plate with white writing. You don't want it to blend with the white car, you want it to stand out
  13. I know right!!! I couldn't have Idigadog (two letters too long) so Sledog it had to be. Then I had my smart arse husband ask me what a "Sled Og" was. He thinks he's so funny
  14. Oh really???? Buggar!! Canberra airport is an absolute shamozzle at the moment. We flew two 8 week old pups with Qantas from Adelaide recently and I'm not lying when I say it took Qantas/AAE over an hour to get them from the terminal to us. Something about it being late at night blah, blah, blah and that they wait until all the late night flights arrive before they bring any of the animals over to AAE blah, blah, blah. In the meantime, pups were just sitting on the tarmac. A little bit of jumping up and down from me saw one of the AAE guys get in his work van and drive over to the Qantas terminal and pick them up himself Sorry Mystiqview, I was wrong
  15. Not true actually. Virgin fly dogs to and from Canberra and you can collect them inside the terminal rather than having to go over to AAE if they fly Qantas. Yes, it is cheaper to fly them with you as they will go as 'excess'. If you have your own airline approved crate, then you can make the booking yourself after you have your flight number and ticket number from the airline. If you have to hire a crate, Dogtainers or Jetpets will meet you at the airport. You can either get them to make the booking for you or you can do that yourself (so long as you know how heavy the crate is as you will be asked when you book). The only thing we have found with Virgin is that they have a limit on how many animals they will board per flight so you would need to organise it as soon as you have arranged your own travel. We have never had any trouble with either airline although it can be a pain waiting at AAE for the staff to bring your dog over from Qantas. Especially if it's late at night and most of the staff have gone home!!
  16. Just read on Facebook that Nate won Puppy in Group today as well - can anyone confirm this? I would say its so - have heard from Alicia who is over the moon! Definately correct. I watched it with my own eyes
  17. 11 dogs here and I could easily handle more
  18. I have already read the report. Just shameful I have absolutely no sympathy for this b@#$%#d. Any 'normal' person would have said, 'stuff your job, I'm not doing it!" He is supposedly a lover of dogs, a guardian of the breed, an example to the rest of us mushers, a fellow racer with maximum exposure to the sled dog world and beyond. A person who holds a high position within 'Mush With Pride', an organisation that frowns upon abuse of any kind. He's a joke. He should be strung up, not paid compensation for doing something that most humans wouldn't be able to do in a million years. To be perfectly honest, I hope he never lays eyes on another living, breathing creature again because he doesn't deserve the chance. Do I come across as disgusted and angry? You bet I am
  19. My guys sunbake all day - go figure! We have a shell pool that gets eaten more than it gets used for swimming in So long as they have plenty of water and shade, my lot are happy. I just make sure that they are out of the sun, i.e. in their runs, during the hottest part of the day.
  20. And I recognise my little man wearing the number 4 bib Oh, and the OH is there too Nikkis Mum Another slederererera here!
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