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    Miniature Pinschers<br>Arabian Horses<br>Poultry
  1. Hey there, Just wanted to make a mention for Horsham A & P Society held Saturday 17/9/2011 : ) BIS - Kinshasa Knls - Ch Kinshasa Bronzed Aussie (Rhodesian Ridgeback) RUBIS - Mr. J W Camac - Ch Balkana Jack Sparrow - (Australian Silky Terrier) Baby - Jack Russell Terrier Minor - Schipperke Puppy - Pug Junior - RUBIS Intermediate - British Bulldog Australian Bred - Italian Greyhound Open - BIS And Tambaqui - BOB Min Pin was Julie Smith's "Altrue Simply Red" : )
  2. Hi there, Can anyone on here help me on where I can find size 12 suits for a teenage girl. Skirt, not pants. Hoping someone may have something for sale or can point me in the right direction. Also, I hear of people buying suits from the States - where do I find this place? Kindest Regards
  3. After hearing that Halls Gap has been evacuated again, I don't dare step out for the show. We are not too far from Halls Gap as the crow flys. A warning was issued tonight and it was said on the news that people should not travel on the roads tomorrow unless they really have to. After the floods 3 weeks ago and losing all my dog yards, kennels, books, some furniture and so much more, I will listen to the warnings and stay home.
  4. Apologies if this appears twice - I messed up the first time and nothing has appeared so am re sending. I think it will be goodbye to a lot of shows in the warmer months and this could mean some clubs have to go as what will they have to rely on for finances? If you entered your dog (this is to anyone reading this), and the temps went over 37 degrees so you lost all your money, would you then enter that same show the following year if the weather was looking warm when entries were due in? I don't understand why the temp issue? Why do we all pay out so much money for Cool Coats, Cool Mats, Fans with ice blocks attached to them for the front of our trollies and etc? We have squirty bottles of water on hand and many things that we would usually be making sure our dogs are being kept cooler. How many people do all this with their dog at home on the same temperature day and how many people rush home from work to make sure that the dogs don't need their Cool Coat re soaked and etc? (you would normally never leave a cool coat on when not home). I am not saying that no matter what heat we should be allowed to show - I am just meaning that at 37 degrees, most of us are not silly and possibly do more at the show to make sure that the dogs are kept cool and safe than what we would normally even do at home as we want them to perform to their best. At home they may be cool but it doesn't matter if they are feeling lazy stretched out under the trees in the shade and etc. At the shows we keep them cool so they are feeling like they want to get out there and strut their stuff with us. Secretaries are not silly either. I recall Kathy Humphries announcing at Cohuna one year that the show would start later due to the heat. That seemed to be a good idea with most people and worked well. If the later time didn't suit someone then they could have gone home. There were so many dogs that day that were being squirted with water bottles and loving it, there were dogs sprawled out on their Cool mats and there were dogs getting a new Cool coat on the day. There were fans running and more. I don't see the problem! And this is just my opinion but hopefully many more peoples too.
  5. I would never enter into any agreements ever again no matter what. It's either your dog solely or not at all. And be careful if there is too much mention on rare bloodlines or similar - stay away no matter how much you may like or want the dog. Just my views and opinion - been there, done that. :D Regards Jeanette
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