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luv mini schnauzers

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Everything posted by luv mini schnauzers

  1. Going to schn club pic soon, will see what happens after that.I say yes, hubby says no,a work in process!!!!!!!!!! Kids say yes too.
  2. Oh how cute, I want to take them all home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart says yesssssssssssssssssss, my head is thinking have to talk to hubby.
  3. Thanks k9kutz , you give me hope that Im thinking along the right track. I love my babies and would do anything for them. They are a BIG part of family life.Who needs stress management when you have little people waiting for you to make it alright...........
  4. Thanks for all the posts. I have alot to think about.
  5. Hi fellow doggy people, I have a question, I have two girls at home whom I adore and can't wait to get home to.I work part time,kids are school and uni age. I groom them,walk them, play with them and yes sometimes sleep with them or I should say they sleep with hubby and I. I adore them. Well have been feeling like I should add another treasure to my family??????? I would love to have a little boy now. Am I mad or should I go for it. The breed is mini schnauzers and the girls are desexed and so will he if I go ahead. Is it the right thing to do or should I leave it alone. Torn!!!!!
  6. Found out what the problem is......Fungi infection picked up in dirt and compost in back yard.....On the mend now.
  7. Hi all , they are not there all the time,just after bath times and they are as if they start off as small blister and then scab up,then when scab falls of they are gone.Like chicken pox sort of.She hates them when we touch one and it weeps a bit and she goes nuts. Like she can smell something is on her.Its not really bad she probably gets 6 or 7ish .Sometimes its more sometimes its less. Vets are not sure but I have to keep an eye on when,where, and how many. They are too small to see through her coat.With the malaseb I use the smallest amount just on the area. Thanks
  8. Hi just wondering if anyone has issues with little bumps or blisters on skin after bath time? Tried medicated sh and malaseb rinse but still happens after bath. Have two girls and one is fine but the other has bumps??
  9. Hi , I have 2 mini schnauzers and One of them have leaky anal glands. Vet checked nothing wrong just over active glands,so once a week at bath time she gets a bit of a squish and no more leaky smelly problem. Shes happy and so am I. I went to my vet a few times so as she could teach me and now Im the expressing queen.Love your dog,have to love smelly anal glands too. cheers and Good luck
  10. Hi all' as to anal glands,my Ruby leaks when sitting or sleeping on or with us all the time. I express her weekly or else she leaks and it stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!worse then poop itself. Well go to the vet and get them to teach you, easy as pie, just wear thin gloves and do it at bath time. Her sister Olive has no problem, nervy types I think are alittle prone to the problem.Love your dog,love the anal glands!You get used to it. ;) ;) ;) cheers
  11. Nice to know Im not alone. Try when you bath your bub to massage rear with water pressure and then have a go.Gloves a must but when you get the hang of it its done in a second and down the sink
  12. Hi all ,just an update to my anal gland issues. Im a queen at expressing weekly, my vet is very impressed :rolleyes:
  13. Hi all, just a quick question, have two adorable mini schnauzers both girls and now thinking adding a little boy to the brood. Love them dearly groom them myself.Am I nuts or do you think three is ok. cheers Doris
  14. hi/ my girl is a mini schnauzer and have tried it all,pumpkin,wheat bran.bones chicken wings.dry food. brown rice.turkey you name it Ive tried it :rolleyes: .I express weekly ot twice a week. She gets very upset when she has a spill and takes a while to calm down.She is two yrs old and has leaked from a pup.
  15. Hi all, just wondering has anyones loved one (Doggy that is) had their anal glands removed? Has anyone had problems or is everthing ok. Has been suggested to us as option or ekeep expressing weekly concerned Cheers Doris
  16. ;) Hi all well it doesnt hurt my Ruby , she sometimes comes to tell "their full I need a bit of a squish" and yes its a foul smell so beware!!!!!!! Am an expert now so when its bath time,its squish time. Had Dobermans before down sizing to mini schnauzers and never new dogs had anal glands. Then hello schnauzers,hello anal glands. Its all good,love the two mini schnauzerss anal glands and all
  17. Hi all Im not a groomer,breeder just dog lover and I clip,trim nails,express anal glands, trim furnishing's wash, brush daily and run a house hold,work three days a week, I just adore my girls, they mean the world to me and I love having them looking spiffy D opps sorry about above new to this
  18. Hi all Im not a groomer,breeder just dog lover and I clip,trim nails,express anal glands, trim furnishing's wash, brush daily and run a house hold,work three days a week, I just adore my girls, they mean the world to me and I love having them looking spiffy D
  19. Hi all yes well I do the express thing weeky,getting used to it, tried fibre,wing etc and yes Ruby is a nervy little dog but we love her anal glands and all.
  20. :D :D Hi new to this, just wondering if anyone out there has a doggy that sometimes shoots out anal fluid, vet checked all ok but over active glands and I have to express them often, sometimes weekly then fortnightly.Got the art down packed but sometimes she still leaks sound yuck but we all no what to smell for and have nicked named it anal juice any ideas????? D
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