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Posts posted by Cavandra

  1. What kind of murmur is it please?

    I am not sure why the breeder is refunding half the price, if it is hereditary or even congenital a full refund is the only option.......I find it amazing that the breeders vet missed it I must say.......

    If it is patent ductus (sp?), then surgery will fix it,I reared a litter for some people once & the pick of the litter supposedly had this (not my breed) my vet quoted $1000 for this surgery recently, in comparison to the specialists quote of $3000..........Interestingly enough, PD is supposed to kill a dog by 12 months of age, unless it is corrected, this little guy 9 months later got a CLEAR heart certificate from a cardiologist Vet, it had disappeared!!!!!!!!!!........

    Now I find my Vets are extraordinarily good, but in this instance they were obviously wrong........& I myself could hear this heart murmur with my own stethescope, it was sooooo obvious...........so there you go.....

  2. I have no experience with behaviour specialists....but you can do a search & read up about how high protein diets are causing behaviour problems & aggression in dogs...........Commercial foods , many are abnormally high in protein, you may find a raw natural diet will help..........

    I first read this theory here on DOL recenly in fact, and was gobsmacked at this suggestion until I understood the theory..........do some research, it may solve your problem :thumbsup:

  3. Most commercial products are high in poor quality protein & full of grains :) A natural raw diet woudl be most beneficial.

    Kidneys are damaged through environmental toxins, such as grain diets, preservatives, colourings, chemicals from flea/tick treatments, taking wormers/heartwormers & all other chemical drugs, and of course vaccines.

    Things that cleanse the kidneys are parsley, dandelion root & milk thistle

  4. I have a couple here that sometimes get dermatitis on a foot after rain from the grass..........Neither are itchy dogs though........I must say that cortisone would be my very last choice to treat my dogs & I would do a liver detox afterwards if possible.

    Daily fish oil capsules, garlic, zinc, Vit C, with organic apple cider vinegar in all water dishes......

    How long has she been on BARF? It can take 3-7 months to detox a dog from grains/chemicals......Most often itching will increase initially as the body gets rid of the toxins.

  5. Unfortuneatly Demodex is an immune system problem, and Ivemectin is the worst thing to use, as it further ruins the immune system :rolleyes:

    The mites feed on yeast & sugars in the dog...by eliminating these things, the mites will starve to death. This means eliminating ALL GRAINS, POTATOES, YEAST & STARCH/SUGAR...feeding ONLY quality raw meat & bones, nothing else ........avoid all chemicals & vaccinations too.........

    The best therapy would be supplementing with Colostrom, next best thing which isnt anywhere near as potent though would be probiotic for the immune system.

    You can also supplement with Fish oil, garlic, Vitamin C, E & A, Grapefruit seed extract or echinacea & put organic apple cider vinegar in the water dishes.

    You can mix fresh lemon juice with witchazel & water & apply multiple times a day to the affected areas......There are heaps of different topical ointments that could be used however.

  6. Sorry, but this still doesn't really make sense to me. The only reason we give 2-3 shots for puppies is to make sure they get atleast one that isn't over-ridden by mums antibodies. A pup could get one vaccine at 16weeks of age and be covered (but obviously the pup would need to be kept inside up till this age because from about 10wks on it has no immunity against these diseases at all as mums antibodies have worn off).

    edited to make more sense

    A pup can get one at 8-10 weeks & be covered........titer it & see....T cells are T cells, immunity is immuntiy, you cant get any more immune than immune LOL

  7. I agree with you that puppies get no benefit from a 6week vacc, but assuming they get a 6week shot, then they'll also get a 10, and then a 14week, which according to Jean, is adequate (one shot before 12wks and one shot after, 4 weeks apart), but just renders the 6wk shot pointless. So to say that so many puppies get parvo BECAUSE of the 6week shot, IMO, is not correct. The reason that puppies get parvo is because they are allowed to come into contact with the virus before they have adequate immunity.

    Thats good, as that is not what I said !

    Pups that have had a shot at 6 weeks is the same as a pup that has had NO shot at all........when the 6 week old goes for its 12 week one, that is in fact its FIRST one (as the 6 wk one did nothing), yet is out in public etc thinking it is immune, and it is not.......This is why so many 6 week vaccinated pups get parvo.........I hope that is clearer for you :D

  8. LOL Morgan

    Some of the rubbish is astounding isnt it.........The drug industry is so corrupt, they ban things like B17 & Hemp as they cant make any money out of them, and are afraid of losing heaps in chemo drugs etc when these natural substances cure things like cancer!

    I use Colloidal silver for lots of things & always have :D

  9. Yes but only is small amounts and is dependant on the size of the dog to how much as it can be toxic if too much is given.

    Here is an article about garlic from a Holistic Vet

    Lisa S. Newman, ND, Ph.D.

    When it comes to your pet’s health, do you want to follow facts or fears? Unfortunately, garlic has come under attack. This is primarily as a result of garlic’s close cousin onion’s reputation for triggering hemolytic or “Heinz factor” anemia (where circulating red blood cells burst) through its high concentration of thiosulphate. With onions, a single generous serving can cause this reaction.

    Garlic simply DOES NOT CONTAIN THE SAME CONCENTRATION of this compound! In fact, it is barely traceable and readily excreted (not stored in the body).

    Despite this fact, garlic is falling victim to mass hysteria spread through the internet. Yes, there are 51,174 sites devoted to warning about the “toxicity” of garlic, this hysteria has even prompted the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center to place a warning on garlic although there is little scientific data to back this claim other than the fact that thiosulphate is also found in garlic. Yet, there are also over 400,000 sites still proclaiming its benefits, many of them from reputable holistic veterinarians who have widely used garlic in their practice for many years! How can an herb suddenly turn so bad?!

    There is no doubt that onion, due to its concentration of thiosulphate, will cause Heinz factor anemia. In addition, as stated by Wendy Wallner, DVM, “Onions are only one of the substances which can cause Heinz body anemia. Other substances such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and benzocaine-containing topical preparations can also cause Heinz body anemia in the dog.” The latter probably accounts for many cases as it is prevalent in creams often recommended for allergy-suffering pets due to its ability to numb the itch. It is absorbed through the skin and builds up in the blood stream. This other substance is likely to have been involved in cases where garlic was suspect.

    For centuries, as long as humans have been using herbs, garlic has been a primary remedy turned to in a majority of cases. For as long as people have been using garlic, they have also been feeding it to their animal companions. Its properties have proven far reaching, easy on the body and safe to use. In the past fifty years, during the rebirth of holistic medicine in the United States, garlic has been in the forefront. Every text that I have researched on herbal health which mentions pet care has recommended it, especially for its incredible anti-parasitic and anti-septic properties. In my own experience, garlic has also benefited pets with cancer, diabetes, liver, heart and kidney disease, uncontrollable staph infections and a host of other conditions, as well as been a staple in my recommended preventative protocols. It has been widely used by hundreds of thousands of pet owners with no reported negative side-effects – except its effect on their animal’s breath – until now.

    This is the point; garlic has suddenly become a “suspect,” not proven the culprit. Do not let mass hysteria determine a holistic care program for your dog or cat. Follow hundreds of years of “proven use” rather than recent “suspicions” in regards to this miracle herb, as garlic is known to be. As with anything, do use garlic in reasonable doses, and do know that you can trust history over hysteria.

  10. Like I said everyone has their own program. :laugh: With all the dogs our family and friends have had and still have the first vaccination has always been done at 6 weeks of age. I will look into this further but as my vet is an AQUIS Vet, he is up to date on all the latest in veterinary medicine, as he is also specialising in AI and frozen semen and always expanding his knowledge. :laugh:

    We have an AQIS approved Vet here & his clients are constantly complaining to the AVA about his negligence, so it doesnt really mean much to me LOL

    Your vet is following the outdated protocol, which has been proven to be wrong.......he is following the Drug company recomendations, and not following the scientific evidence. ....

    he can run his own personal study himself if he wants to, he can vaccinate pups at 6 weeks then Titer test them & see that they have ZERO immunity....he can then take other litters & vaccinate them at 8-10 weeks & Titer test them & see that most if not all WILL have immunity........

    The reason so many puppies get Parvo virus is due to the fact they have been done at 6 weeks & have no immunity :laugh:

  11. Many Breeders and Vets have their own way of doing their vaccination programs. I am a Breeder and I vaccinate my puppies at 6 weeks with a live C3, then at 12 weeks they get their C5, they are at their new homes by then, and a booster is given at 16 weeks of C5. As for isolation periods after their first vaccination I ask for the puppies not to go to places where alot of dogs go, and ask their owners to keep them inside their backyards. At 12 weeks most obedience schools start their puppy classes after they have had their 2nd vaccination. Like I said each Breeder and Vet has their own program. I think it also depends on where you live, e.g down the coast they have ticks, I live in a tick free area, so I don't need to use Advantix or similar products. I do not use flea treatments as my dogs do not get fleas, When I go to dog shows I give them a natural flea rinse when bath them and I have never had any flea problems. At the off leash park in Bowral, there is a large bucket that gets filled up with water and every dog drinks from it, some people change the water but mostly all the dogs dig in and drink it. I supply my dogs with their own water to be on the safe side. If I were you I would ask your vet as he can answer your question better as he knows what dogs come in to the surgey, whether e.g. Kennel Cough may be running rampant or their might be cases of parvo the have had to deal with. Personally I would rather be safe than sorry, especially seeing you work in a Shelter. Hope I have been of some help.

    Sorry to disagree, but there is no wrong & right way or "own way", there is "ONE" way...no puppy should ever be vaccinated before 8 weeks of age end of story...the ideal age is 10 weeks of age........Vaccinating puppies at 6 weeks is WRONG..............Please update your knowledge & educate your Vet in this regard, it is your duty as a breeder to be up to date and almost an expert in all things doggy JMO.......... :(

  12. Sasha is a 7.1kg Cavalier and currently getting 1 BARF pattie a day (split into 2 meals). Does that sound about right? I'd also like to add more variety to her diet but I'm afraid of overfeeding her. She's at an okay weight at the moment, could probably afford to be a smudge leaner but she's so food oriented and hungry all the time that I feel like a meanie if I cut it down. I only started raw feeding a few months ago and I don't really feel like I know what I'm doing. :(

    Am I on the right track? Any tips?

    ETA: If I feed sardines a few times a week to increase her oils and improve her coat, do I need to cut back in other ways?

    I think it sounds like a bit much.....I have seen the Billinghurst patties years ago, and 1 of them a day would be too much for mine. 7kg is an ideal weight so if you can maintain that you are laughing!

    I woudl be inclined to feed half a one a day & some chicken necks , are you feeding any bone ?

  13. Once a puppy has seroconverted they have been vaccinated. Once vaccinated they cannot be vaccinated anymore. In other words once the immune system has "learned about" the disease through one modified live vaccine, you cannot boost immunity.

    That all makes perfect sense, it's like us getting shots as kids and once you have the antibodies that's it for life, so... why have the medical professional vets been recommending annual vaccinations then?

    Because the Drug companies say so.....a multi billion $$$$ industry full of corruption.......and vets are happy as they make a fortune too, and then they also get to make a fortune treating all the damage that Vaccinosis can cause.In fairness, most Vets have never done any study themselves, they just follow the protocol as it is the easiest thing to do.....

    We dont get annual shots of measles & Hepatitis, so why would our dogs need Distemper & Hepatitis, same thing!

  14. My dogs go lots of places, including shows, and they get a C3 at 8 or 9 weeks, another C3 a month later, they get a C4 a year or so later, and they dont get anything else.

    In my experience the dogs I see with KC are C5 vaccinated dogs...........At one time, the neighbours C5 annually vaccinated Staffie had the worst KC, it drove us all round the bend with its coughing & hacking, this went on for about 3 weeks or so..........While my non annually vaccinated dogs that never get C5 all caught it one by one from this dog, all except my oldest dog who never got it at all, all the others had a few light coughs each day, that most people wouldnt have known to be KC, and it lasted 2-3 days...they all had a spoonful of Mannuka honey a few times a day, and were fed Ester C tablets............I am quite happy that my dogs get this flu & build their immune system in this way naturally.......Annual vaccine suppresse the immune system. Admittedly I also feed a Natural raw diet, which also plays a huge part in holistic health for them :rofl:

  15. Puppies vaccinated at 6 weeks have zero immunity.....This is why the breeder has done it at 8 weeks, as puppies 8 weeks or older will be immune! 3 days after a shot is enough isolation before going in public......

    The more shots you give the less immunity your dog will have :laugh:

    My new pup was vaccinated at 6 weeks then i have been told needs another 2 shots?

    However when i get her 2nd shot done ive been told to make it a c5 then she wont need another- is this correct?

    Yes you will need 2 shots as your puppy is not currently vaccinated........There is no immunity under 8 weeks of age. Doing them at 6 weeks is the olden days method, pre scientific studies........

  16. The more shots you give the less immunity your dog will have :laugh:

    Cavandra I assume this was a typo you ment "the more shots the more immunity." :laugh:

    No it is not a typo. The more you vaccinate a dog, as in, if you vaccinate it yearly the dog is less immune each year, as the immune system is stressed & compromised from unnecessay vaccines.......

  17. Puppies vaccinated at 6 weeks have zero immunity.....This is why the breeder has done it at 8 weeks, as puppies 8 weeks or older will be immune! 3 days after a shot is enough isolation before going in public......

    The more shots you give the less immunity your dog will have :laugh:

  18. I think it would be good to do a bit of research, and decide what you feel is best for your puppy.

    I have 8 & 9 week olds here & they are eating a variety of things liek raw chicken necks, lamb hearts,raw kidneys, human grade beef mince, pet grade chicken mince, raw eggs with crushed shells, mashed cooked pumpkin, wing tips, rolled oats,goats milk, yoghurt..........I think that is all.........I dont feed any commercial foods to my dogs.

    In my care packs I suggest to those new owners that dont want to feed a raw diet to feed a holistic brand like Eagle Pack, Orijen, Ziwi Peak.........and feed some raw foods & bones with it.......

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