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Everything posted by Cavandra

  1. I reckon that sounds ideal How well does pasta freeze? Ive not tried that, but also hardly feed it, I normally only feed brown rice very infequently, as i find these grains & starshes cause itchy skin & yeast infestions (ears) You could make your own patties with mince , veg & offal, and freeze individually. Cheers
  2. Ideally all raw meat & bones should be frozen and then fed after thawing in teh fridge. Freezing helps kill some bacteria. I wouldnt deliberately set about feeding off meat even though tehir digestive systems are geared up for it, it is still an unnesccessary risk. JMO
  3. http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/DODDS-CHG-VACC-PROTOCOLS.HTM Protech is only given twice. However, due to Aust being behind the times breeders continue to give the first dose at 6weeks which is wrong. The puppy has to be weaned compelety at least 2 weeks before the shot, as it has its mothers antibodies through feeding. Giving a shot under this time usually causes nil effect, cancels each other out and this is why so many babies get parvo even after having had a vaccination at 6 weeks. Jean Dodds site above shows the correct format (we dont have Rabies). Basically once a dog has been vaccinated after the age of 12 months it will do it for life, but Vets dont want to believe it. Jean recommends a Titre test to check the levels in the dog every so many years, instead of just innundating it with unneccessary vaccine year in & year out.........causing all sorts of health problems that you & your Vet will NOT associate to the vaccine as the cause, even though it is. Cheers
  4. Frontline hasnt worked on fleas for a coupel of years now. Ever since they changed it to Frontline "Plus" it was less effective. Advantix DOES work, only lasts 3 weeks instead of the 4 that is on the pack however......... EVERY dog I have on books on Frontline has fleas.........EVERY dog on my books on Advantix 7 Advantage have NO fleas...Grooming clients I am talkign about. I am in a flea plague area too.
  5. Do you have any Grevillia's anywhere nearby? If so that is your problem. Have you contacted your breeder to see if any other littermates are affected? As it could be Atopy, as this often shows up at about 6 months of age also. Cheers Cassy
  6. Why not feed him BARF, and NO dry foods.........Chciken Frames, Turkey necks , offal etc.
  7. Hello Have you had him treated for YEAST infection??? Ears, feet , and face are common in this. Caused by humidity, and GRAIN in the diet, mainly rice! Grain is in every dog food, and Dogs do not eat grain in the wild, and their digestive systems dont cope with it. Itchy skin is the first sign of a proble, & yeasty ears , licking feet , rubbing face....... Just my guess......... Cheers Cassy
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