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Posts posted by Cavandra

  1. I had one once who fell off a table & landed flat like a frog........No apparant injury then, but in time he started to slightly drag his back feet, you could hear his nails slightly scraping as he ran, but no apparant pain as such.....My Greyhound bloke dislocated his hips & massaged the tendons/muscles back into position & realigned the hips, he was fixed in one session.

  2. These horror stories must be outside dogs- you cannot live with the smell of what you are describing inside the house. I guess it's out of sight- out of mind.


    One of the most disgusting dogs I do is a neighbours dog,they are not home, so I have to go in & get the dog off their bed myself...........He is putrid, and has so many fleas they run across his eye balls, and the bath water is blood :laugh:

    Another bed dog I do gets bathed once a year, and has the stink of infection each time as the dew claws have grown into the leg more times than not :rock:((

    Incredible :thumbsup:

  3. Yes i don tusually do KC vacc, but this girl was already done so i just did her next shot with the kc nasal thing, im thinking its not a good thing.

    Yes I did mine on Vet rec with that nasal thing too............NEVER again...............it was reported to the drug company who were to contact me about it, but of course that never happened! Your dog will get over it, but in the meantime enjoy teh slime :thumbsup:

  4. Why not use Homeopathic ones, contact someone like Jackie Fitzgerald & place an order online.

    I know alot of people dont bother with heartworm prevention, as it is soooo difficult to get heartworm, they have heartwrom tests done each year instead. The trouble with this is that in that tiny window of opportunity that the dog did contract it, the cure is quite horrid, I personally dont fancy the idea.

    All the monthly products last 6 weeks, so I give it 6 weekly only through Summer.

  5. Very common in Cavaliers, known as "Cavalier Tears", and rarely worth worrying about, on a small percentage of dogs it may be extra eyelashes or an inhaleant allergy, but not so often .

    All diet issues have been run through already, other causes, are of course teething, & growth spurts............Alot of Cavaliers will have tear staining on & off until their head stops changing which can be up to 3 years of age. Windy days or airconditioning on in the car can be enough to start some of mine off.

    The only product that works is "Kojo eye conditioner", in & around the eye on a daily basis, unblocks tear ducts & removes staining, this can be purchased online at Petnetwork or Petcetera..........Other Cav people use eye envy, but this is quite expensive & involves a few steps.

    Neutralising the colour is another popular trick in tear stained breeds, and this can be done by feeding buttermilk powder daily, or a daily sugar cube size of cream cheese..........The latter is easier to buy.

  6. Perhaps you could answer each of my questions below :rolleyes:

    Has your dog had the Proheart 12 annual heartworm injection, if so what age?

    What ages was your dog vaccinated since it was born & with which brand of vaccine, when was the last vaccination given, what age was the dog?

    Do you feed pet meats/minces/dog rolls? Does it contain preservative 220?

    Is there anything in quantity in the compost heap? Many fruits/veg etc in large amounts are toxic.

  7. My dog is currently at the vet with an as yet undiagnosed problem, We are racking our brains as to what she could have gotten to make her sick, Current thoughts is either epilepsy or something worse.

    If anybody is on line atm, do they know what other things can cause fits? It is not presenting as straight forward epelepsy, she has slowly been losing wieght (Not a lot, but some) is staggery etc.

    What breed is she please?

  8. Vaccinations cause seizures, due to causing encephalitis, and can most often not be diagnosed as the problem ... as it can be months after the shot that it happens.........The Heartworm annual shot is the most dangerous one, and again it can start seizures months later.


  9. The worst dogs I had ever seen in my life were those brought in to a salon I worked in. Dogs where the owner died & left $$$ in their "Will" to a well known organisation to look after them until they died.

    Little fluffies that used to live inside & sleep on the bed turned into matted things whereby you didnt know what end of the dog you looked at. Penises matted to the leg, faeces matted to the entire back end, tails matted to the bum, dew claws grown in with oozing puss & infection, old hair entwined through the teeth & gums putrid with infection due to it..........You could smell the rotting filth before they even got out of the van, it was appaulling.........

  10. YES, I hear ya....drives me insane...........I had an old geezer that gave me a dog with an ongoing skin condition whereby he provided its "special" shampoo (from the very first time), yet after a year of doing the dog every 6 weeks, suddenly it was ME who gave it this condition, must be the shampoo I use etc...HELLO...........

    I get these all the time, and the ones who are not happy unless they are complaining about something....They say the dog has ear infections or skin problems, I tell them it is due to the diet the dog is on, I tell them it is this or it is that, but they dont actually want a diagnosis, a cure or a treatment, they like having something to complain about & what would I know anyway , I am only a Groomer!!!

    People are also liars..........They ring up to make a booking & they get it explained to them that I am a Stylist , so the last thing I want to do is a clip off unless I have too, has the dog got ANY KNOTS? I ask............"NO, not at all", they reply.............Hmmmmmmmmm.............funny how a dog can suddenly become matted between the phone conversation & the appointment which is often only a day or 2 apart............Then of course the winging starts about their bald dog (7 blade)....this is the thing that erks me the most from the job I must say..........

    I had one that is a compulsive liar, she has 2 neglected dogs that live in a back yard with grass up to my thigh, they get done a couple of times a year, and are not touched in between me doing them..........She got herself a new puppy, a poodle that she has live inside, while her other 2 lap dogs have to live outside in filth, she told me it was bathed the day before.........The dog was filthy infested with fleas, and scurf etc, I rough clipped it & handed it back to her unbathed, she said I hadnt bathed it, I said how could she tell, as she insisted it was clean as it had been bathed the day before, she went bright red in the face, I never did the dogs again, and I am glad as I hate to see any dog so neglected in the first place........I ran into her in the local supermarket one day afterwards, she loudly said that I must have broken the poodles tail when I groomed it............I said no actually, and loudly explained that if she didnt neglect her dogs so much & have them so matted & filthy, she would have known the dog had a kinked tail when she bought it as a baby, and how sad it was that an owner touched the dog so little that she didnt even know that fact.......again she was red faced, but too bad......... :rolleyes:

  11. first part of the animal that the wild dog eats is the intestines and stomach contents....then the meat

    be interesting to see what 'wild dogs' these are ...

    sheep around here killed by dingoes/feral dogs usually have intestine/stomach left intact.

    heart/liver/kidneys tongue, testicles are prized... then other muscle meat is eaten..

    Foxes may drag the semi-dried guts around, and chew on it..but the matter it contains is usually scattered ..not consumed.

    Many years ago when we were feeding our dogs sheep innards.. to try and get them eating the stomach was almost impossible . they wouldn't go near it.

    Thats right Persephone...........Wild dogs do not eat the stomach if they can help it, that is true, yet a few people write books saying they do, I would say they "presume" them to eat it, but the fact is they do not.........

  12. They are Carnivores, as taught in Biology in schools, & even in the Dictionary as such............The confusion that some call them omnivores is due to the fact they are scavengers, they will eat anything, however, they need nothing more that meat, organs & bones to live on, whereas Omnivores MUST have all food groups, Dogs do NOT NEED all food groups for general well being.

    You get many morbidly obese people actually classed as suffering from Malnutrition, this is due to them usually consuming large amounts of carbs & Protein & low to zero in fruit & veg.........Omnivores need all food groups to stay healthy.

    Dogs fed an omnivore diet eventually will get sick or bad skin etc from excess carbs (rice, pasta, starchy veg), and too much grains & cereals...These are human diets given due to people humanising their dogs, helped along by advertising by mega billion $$ pet food industry who use these cheap fillers to maximise profits.........

  13. Such information over the years pushed me to feed raw food. Hard to get enthusiastic about them promoting & using scare tactics to sell a product, but most of what they say is true for various imported brands, less so for Australian made products though...........

  14. I agree to cut out the veges & carbs...........I have always fed raw bones & have never had a problem ever, and I have a Toy breed!

    I would say he has a stomach bug, Rasberry cordial, Cooked mashed Pumpkin or Probiotics such as Yakult will help get the gut bacteria back to normal, unless it is something more sinister of course.

  15. It used to contain Ethoxyquin as the preservative..............this substance is used to make rubber!

    Whether they have been exposed for this I dont know, it used to not be labelled but called a numbered preservative on the pack..........Maybe someone can verify whether it is still used or not????????? If so it can & does cause immune system problems.

    All grains & cereals are unnecessary & potentially harmful, but yes corn is number one offender in dogs..........

  16. I believe it is a hereditary problem & Steve makes some good points here :rolleyes:

    It is mainly associated with singleton litters & the overfeeding of the pup, but I have seen evidence of it in other litters & linked to certain lines where this is not the case, & yours a litter of 11 is a classic example.

    Lie the puppy on its side all the time, when it feeds turn it to the side also, continually hold the legs in the correct position & massage it lying on its side on your knee etc............Egg cartons under the bedding or rolled up towels under the bedding to make it bumpy so the pup has to use itself to get around instead of just dragging itself..........keep putting its back legs under itself to encourage it to use the legs.......Some people put carpet squares in the whelping box, a rough surface easily gripped, and harder to slide along.

    There is plenty of info on the net, and I have known very bad swimmers not to have walked until 11 weeks of age :champagne: but that litter in particular I have seen in the show ring now, so they have all made it through.

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