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Posts posted by Cavandra

  1. OMG..........I just choked on my coffee...................C8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    What is wrong with these Vets, they cant live in a vaccumm & be ignoring all the scientic evidence of what unneccessary "cocktails" are doing...........C7 was shocking, what on earth is in a C8???????

    sorry I am too flabberghasted to answer right now!

  2. 4 weeks pregnant is the worse time to be getting anything as that is a crucial development time for the foetus.

    I am in a similar boat as the Staffie next door has been hacking away for about 2 weeks now, I have 2 litters due, I hope my babies dont get it :thumbsup:

    The trouble is that Canine Herpes Virus presents in a similar way as KC, upper respiratory probs & coughing, if it is that & not KC that is far worse :D

    If you can remove her it would be a good idea, and you can feed her Mannuka Honey often, & hope she doesnt get it.

  3. Yes you need to open the eye to get it out. get a needle & heat it up, run it along the join line lightly. The eye is open at the inside corner anyway so open that end first. You can bath with saline or cold tea. It will be gone once you open the eye lids :)

    Will that damage the eye opening it too soon?

    NO..........you will need to check all the pups as you are likely to have others like it also.

  4. A friends dog has it, & is on Thyroxin for it.

    Dr Jean Dodds is speaking at various venues around Australia this month, one of the topics she speaks on is this issue, Annual Vaccinations cause thyroid problems... They cause it as they should not be given yearly :D

    I also know someone who is treating their dog for Thyroid cancer through a Homeopathic Vet, they have detoxed the dog , changed her diet, NEVER vaccinate her again, & she is on daily herbs from the Holistic Vet, her tumour has shrunk, she is jumping out of her skin & has never been better etc......she was given approx 3 months to live by her regular GP Vet, but they have proved him wrong!!!

  5. Valby, I am not sure what "scientific evidence" you want......in what regard? :laugh:

    Does your GP Doctor you go to when you have Flu or something , do they operate on your broken bones, or treat you for Cancer, or whatever??????? I doubt it LOL..........Why do you think your Vet knows everything? there are specialists in Veterinary medicine, organ specialists, eye specialists etc..........Your Vet is not a specialist in all things. They can not know all things, and many do not keep up to date on things anyway.

    The heartworm injections was designed to treat a small amount of dogs who can not take medications for various reasons, like the owner is unable to administer a pill due to arthritis or the dog is so uncooperative the owner cant do it....(this is admitted by Wyeth themselves).....the risk in adverse reaction is small in such a small amount of dogs it was meant for.

    It has become routine to administer it due to huge profit margins these days!!!!..........

    A quick question here would be to you , does your Vet administer it at the same time as the YEARLY vaccinations, or do they advise you it is dangerous with risk of reaction & according to the pack it should be done 6 months later ???????

    The reintroduction of the recalled product that has been recalled for 5 years in other parts of the world (is this the scientific evidence you want???), yet is only a third of the strength of the Australian 12 month one, says not to administer it in 1 month of vaccination.......sounds like a new "compromise" situation to me, as they know dam well they wont get the dogs back through the doors a month later, most often they wont get them 6 months later, so they ignore this & do it at the same time of the unneccessary YEARLY Vaccinations..........Then when the dog starts seizures within 3 months of it , they treat it as "epilepsy" & refuse to acknowledge it has anything to do with Vaccine damage. Dogs that have had this shot each year can have it for years without reaction just cos they have it once without an OBVIOUS drama doesnt mean a drama wont start eventually.

    Luckily there are some pet owners that have been educated by breeders who have advised them what the Vet has done is the cause, and to detox the dog through a Homeopathic Vet & have NO vaccines again & they are miraculously cured of the "epilepsy" LOL.........

    Does your Vet tell you of the dangers of pain relief after an Op? Rimadyl kills dogs too, yet I am yet to hear a Vet tell of the risks & just give it routinely anyway. Does your Vet tell you annual vaccinations are not necessary? or do they send you a reminder notice each year???

    Another question I love to ask people, is do you have their dog on monthly Advantix, because if they do why do they need to administer any other heartworm meds???????? It repels mossies & mossies in a slim chance can perhaps under the rigth conditions give your dog heartworm infestation..........Does your Vet ask you whether you use this Flea/Tick product before administering this ANNUAL heart worm injection?

    It all gets abit "iffy" as some lucky people can go through life injecting their dogs endlessly with all these things & have them survive it all with only mild symptoms . But just like in human vaccines, those people that have to live their lives with an autistic child caused by vaccination, perhaps dont see things as happily as others..........It is a big picture, and in this particular case the risk of heartworm infestation is so low that it simply isnt worth the risks of potential life threatening & life changing reactions for something that can often be prevented in a better & CHEAPER way.

  6. If you're a dog owner make sure you're an informed dog owner, do your research and don't just assume that everything your vet tells you is 100% correct. And don't assume that your vet is an expert in nutrition, dog behaviour and training or grooming, most of them have only basic knowledge in these areas and you are far better off asking your breeder or a qualified behaviourist/trainer if you have any specific questions.

    And of course there's always DOL :thumbsup:

    Very well said Miranda........As breeders it is our job to be "experts" in our chosen breed & our duty to be up to date on health , nutrition etc.........IMO

    We dont expect our human GP doctors to know everything...........

  7. I was reading today that it is being reintroduced in the USA shortly :love: It was recalled back in 2004 due to so many adverse reactions etc.............Here in Australia we have Proheart 12 which is a 12 month injection & is 3 times the dosage of the Proheart 6 - (6 monthly) one that was recalled :):) ;)

    Proheart site

    This is the last paragraph..........Australian Vets often give this injection at the SAME time as vaccinations ;)

    ProHeart® 6 is generally well tolerated. Do not use in sick,

    debilitated or underweight animals, animals with a history of weight

    loss, or within one month of vaccination. Use with caution in dogs

    with pre-existing allergic disease. A small percentage of dogs showed

    mild, transient swelling or itching at the injection site. While

    rare, allergic, digestive, hematological, or neurological reactions

    may occur. In addition, death has been reported. ProHeart 6 is

    available only through a restricted distribution program. Only

    veterinarians enrolled in this program can receive and administer

    ProHeart 6. In addition, ProHeart 6 must only be administered to

    clients whose owners have been advised of the risks of ProHeart 6 and

    sign an Owner Consent Form. To obtain additional information

    including a copy of the product labeling, visit the website at

    www.proheart6dvm.com or call 1-800-533-8536.

  8. It is possible , however, if she has been annually vaccinated all her life this is also a likely cause.

    What evidence is there that annual vaccination is a likely cause of collapse, muscle spasm and difficulty jumping?

    One of the symptoms of Vaccinosis is encephalitis = inflamation of the brain.

  9. I have no experience with this, however, from discussions recently from show breeders it seems the new procedure for joints are "gold beads"...........ask your Vet about it, if they dont know about it yet perhaps they can find out.......dogs are doing fabulously well, and those humans that have had it done swear by it.

    The other more Natural approach is "Ester C" tablets.......there is info on the net , studies of miracle "cures" for HD etc.....a friend of mines husband has chronic pain from rhuematoid arthritis in the spine, and after being on this a short while he was relatively pain free, he went off them thinking it was something else that was working, and the pain started once more, so back on them again........If you want some you can get it at Health food shops, or cheaper online at Vitamin King or Natural City.

  10. Firstly the very last thing I would so it go to Commercial foods!!!!

    Peter Schofields & Garry Barnsley are the best peopel to see, in Sydney. I have been to Barnsely & have been happy, but most show people go to Schofields apparantly these days. I now have 2 greyhound guys I see up here in the Country, one for muscle & one for chiro when needed. I dont find Vets know enough to treat antything structural.

    Puppies can go through growth spurts, in my breed I have seen perfectly sound puppies grow into minor puppies with slipping patellas, due to growing faster in the hind & having straight stifles, when they catch up & the turn of stifle returns the problem is gone again......... However, "bunny hopping" is usually associated with HD.

    If your pup does have HD, then of course you have some options to look into in time, but "Ester C" supplement is something I would have him on ASAP, health food shops or online at Vitamin King, or Natural City to name a couple of places.

  11. Yes, I would most definately drop all Vaccinations at his age especially. :D

    He can only get heartworm if there are mossies about, and even then it is very hard to actually contract it........Go back to Proheart monthly tablets through Summer, they last 6 weeks actually, so there is never any reason to panic if it is not done the same day each month.

    There isnt much point asking the Vet about it as most Aussie Vets are not up to speed on the dangers of annual vaccine & heartworm injection :D

  12. Dogs digest & process raw meat & bones easily as that is what they are designed to eat ............

    Processed foods are full of rubbish & the digestive system has to work hard to process it, as dogs are not designed to eat all the grains, cereals, additives, preservatives etc in processed foods........

    Dogs do not need a "balanced diet" at every serve, they need it over time as if they would in the wild. Alot of the stuff in processed foods is wasted anyway, as even though the labels might claim to have this & that in it, in reality most of the "goodness" has been taken out of it by the cooking & processing of it, and most Vits & Minerals are not available to the dog to be absorbed anyway.

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