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Everything posted by alanglen

  1. It's hard to see in the photo's as he is so far away but they do look sore. Personally if he has problems with his ears too, I feel it makes it lots more likely that it has a secondary inflammatory commonent. Does he have any ulceration or evidence of? Surely by 10 years old if he has had chronic entropian, he would have scarring already? The surgery does very much sounds simple but it's a lot harder to correct if too much skin is taken out and so is quite fiddly.
  2. Great advice from Cosmolo, perhaps a good read would be Ian Dunbar's socialisation details, you can download the first half of the book for free off the web, lots of good info about socialisation etc. The sequel is also very good. PS Lab pups sqiurm way too much to be in bed with you! Neither of you would learn to settle! Good luck, Lab's are great fun but lot's of work to get it right! Hopefully one day we shall see you around the traps with tracking or agility with the pup!
  3. Poor man, but just quickly eyes don't droop downwards with entropian, they roll inwards. Drooping down is ectropian and quite a different condition. Shall check the net later for a photo, and yes if ever in doubt a specialist is always preferable to at least have a consult and find out all the options.
  4. Hi there, Entropian is not uncommon in labradors but in a rescue of that age I would be concerned that maybe it was secondary rather than primary. A secondary entropian can be caused by chronic irritation such as uveitis or eyelid inflammation and then cause swelling and the rolling. In this situation the surgery will cause ectropian (outwards rolling of the eyes) when the inflammation settles down, so with all the older rescues in this boat I try at least 2-4 weeks of oral anti-inflamm's and topical eye ointment prior to deciding on any surgery. Heaps of them reduce and avoid the surgery. That being said, if he has primary entropian and it has been left until he was 10 yars old I suspect his eyes might be a real mess and really need the surgery! Any photo's?
  5. Just think of all your good jokes, you need them to keep each other amused all the way around!!
  6. Perhaps a headcollar and a one on one training situation would be best, best wishes, I lived for years with an overly excited boy - you get some strange looks that can be hard to deal with.
  7. Love the ET! Did it again (here in Victoria) this year, all the dogs been through now, so have to wait until my baby is old enough!! Lots of fun!
  8. Some very good advice above! I would think it would be hard to completey relax with them having full yard access alone together, perhaps the castration and runs may be the way to go. Always worthwhile getting some help in to sort out issues too.
  9. Shall be there! But my dogs are fast asleep after an afternoon party and play session so I hope they wake up properly tomorrow morning!! Otherwise could be really funny day!! Cannot wait to watch top dog, the finals look very interesting this year!! Details KCC park, the top dog finals are at 12 or after depending on the morning trials finishing time.
  10. Well you clearly don't know me because I'm a "she" not a "he"! Perhaps you could relax a little bit. Yes I do know a reasonable amount about training dogs but I never said I was any expert and I did go along to learn. The bad experience was not my creation but from the club and its members so perhaps instead of mouthing off against me and suggesting that I should instruct your club, perhaps you should look within your own club and take this as a friendly reminder that we are not perfect and somebody had a rough introduction to your club. PS I was alerted to your post by friends of mine who you have just put off from training with you because they were going to give the club a go despite my troubles! Being rude about me is only going to make the club look worse not me - I went to learn!! Alanglen.
  11. Nope was a a male handler and a black labrador off to do tracking with a chain only! Also had a good friend gone down there last week and her experience was just as bad as mine. Sad really. PS Really enjoyed rotti club last night, thanks for the referral.
  12. training experiment? We can assure you easily that in it's place positive training works brilliantly, as does medication when warranted. If your breed and knowledge says different to that, then why would you experiment with your dogs?
  13. What time/night for rotti club? would love to come along and have a look! Have a few friends that train there who have alwys raved about it! Appreciate the details.
  14. Which night is rotti club? what times? positive training or old school?
  15. Funny I was trying to work out how to phrase the big noting of instructors about themselves and their dogs, I noticed that too! Odd thou, I didn't recognise any of them as regular triallers. It's only 10 minutes from home for me too and I certainly won't be back! As for other clubs, Berwick has a great reputation, as does Croydon (I come from agiliy background more than obedience). Mornington is a lovely club for general obedience and behaviour help, they really avoid the trialling details but again saturdays!! Lovely people thou! Personally I would like to join berwick, going on feedback from visitors and members and I always love their trials, but saturdays!!
  16. Yep I was really looking forward to it too! My problem is that the good clubs down here are mostly saturday based and I spend most saturdays working or trialling.
  17. 6 weeks ago! As you can imagine I was pretty devastated by the morning!! The website is so good and it all sounded so great but was really quite a worry!
  18. I went with my vaccination papers in my hot little hand and my latest pup, all ready to join. I was there for under an hour, 4 dog fights, dogs being tracking trained to pull on a slip chain, a dog rolled my pup to the ground and pinned it (after knocking me off my stool to get to the pup), no apology, no club member once came over to see if I was ok or if I needed help! So much for joining up! mmm more details, agility being set up in a tiny circle with two cairn terriers being tied at the foot of the A frame (on the club trailer) so that when dogs landed they got snapped at by excited terriers tied up, one of the dogs involved in the biggest fight was then brought back to the clubhouse and tied up and left (very large malamute) - apparently so that it learnt people didn't like the fighting! No-one stayed near it thou to warn other club members not to take their dogs near! At this point I thought I might just move away! Could not believe the ignorance to dog behaviour! Certainly wouldn't set foot back there and ended up training with the GSD club for the morning just to get the pup back feeling comfortable again! Just my personal experiences but really this is just a summary! It was all pretty scary!
  19. Sorry, my personal experiences were not good at all. Actually quite horrifying!
  20. Count me in! but then I live 10 minutes drive from the trial so no excuses for me! The two chockie girls will enjoy the festivities!
  21. I have the same problem here with a pup, but the adult dogs only let me know by a look anyway, so I thought it a good idea to teach all of them. Have bought a wireless door bell with a big button off ebay and put it at nose/high five height. They learnt it in about 5 seconds! Here's hoping they remember it during the night!!
  22. Definately agree, no over the net assistance unfortunatey, my contact are mostly in Melbourne, perhaps try your local vet for a referral to see a behaviouralist or professinal trainer. Best wishes.
  23. Cosmolo, Of course you count! Since your dogs are far better trained than most of ours anyway! Cheers
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