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Posts posted by Lynlovesdogs

  1. I just watched the Lappie Picnic day youtube (youtube's banned at work)..


    i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go

    can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait can't wait

    had ot laugh at ahsoka rolling over cos it reminded me of hazel. we recently taught her to roll over and she is like zoolander. she can only roll one way.. and i saw jedi just looking at ahsoka like saying "what a show offf!"

  2. I'm not sure what you mean by "mixed" for Keeshond colour... They're all black/grey/white - though do have varying shades of darkness.

    Yeah I didn't want to write so i meant like the same 3 mixes but with different darkness.. I was lazy!!! keen to get the table out!!

    And a Kees should be 17-18. 22 inches is toooooo big!

    Damn the website i copied it from!

    I would deduce that an adult male Lappie such as Magnus, would take me no longer than it takes me to do Harry. Entire bitches ARE much easier. Desexed dogs or bitches are much harder, but again, I think this would be the same with all 3 breeds? Desexing changes the coat somewhat.

    Samoyeds have a much thicker coat than your average Keeshond. Though I know a couple of Kees who also have very thick coats, but they are not that common.

    That is just my experience/opinion though!

    I will update the grooming to so-so, medium, most difficult? (timewise)

    how's taht sound?

  3. haha, sorry about that.. my research on Keeshonds is a tad old :laugh:

    or i must have stopped scrolling at some point.

    that's a great starting point for me! some less intimidating people to ring up to talk about visiting them!! :confused: thanks for all your help!

    yeah i should make it out to a show at some point.. just keep missing them!

    haha lappie picnic I WOULD LOVE TOOOO

    i really have never met one!

  4. Wow, that is interesting,

    well that cuts down my number of visits to breeders (since there are only 3 Lappie ones! and that's if they let me visit them!)

    10 breeders? there doesn't seem to be 10 listed in DOL?

    although you are right. I have seen more Keeshonds than Lappies. I dont' see many Keeshonds, but i have never actually met a Lappie!!!

  5. That's a great run down terranik!

    BTW, how's jedi's skin thingo going? We shaved hazel in the summer, and started her on a new food, and also with malaseb, when I took her to the vet, the vet kept asking me what I'd done to get her skin so good! no hot spots at all! anyway we can chat at the meet.

    I have met maybe... 5 keeshonds.

    the first I met at Centinnial park, she was even more aloof than Hazel to both human and dog,

    second i was in the car in a traffic jam and he was walking to the retirement home as a therapy dog and he seemed keen to want to almost jump up into the car!

    third I met outside my house and i think he liked me cos I had food?

    the last 2 i met at castle hill showground at a show, one was super hyper (young male) and the other just couldn't be bothered (older male)

    (and i lost that breeder's contact in Dural!!)

    Anyway, I love the keeshond personality.. I haven't met one I don't like yet... but it's the Spitz breed thread's fault! all the dang lappy photos!!

    I thought it'd be nice to get a dog with a slightly different personality, perhaps one who plays abit more than Hazel does :(

    in terms of breeders of Lappies, Samoyeds and Keeshonds, based on what I've read so far, would I be correct in assuming the numbers of them in NSW rank as Samoyed (most), Lappies and then Keeshonds?

    Also, anyone's experience with health type inherent issues wth the breeds?

  6. She doesn't even need to pretend!!! She can come along anyway! Our last picnic we had a few prospective owners there who had brought their non-lappies along!!

    Here's the video from last time - you can see the variety of breeds!

    Ohmigod... so have to go to the next one.. count me in please!!

    You are welcome to come visit my herd any time Lynlovesdogs. They are FAR from aloof . Or if we do organise a meet I can go to, then I will bring a couple out for the day.

    I think Kees are the best breed, but I am biased, but no more than anyone else who is trying to convince you that Sammies or Lappies are the way to go!

    I agree with you Rysup! Sorry I missed out at meeting u a couple years back at Castle Hill showground! everytime I drive down showground road, i keep wondeirng if I'll see a Keesie stick their head out of the house :D

    Good luck with your research and meeting examples of the breeds, the process should be fun in itself, let alone actually getting one of your own!

    I'm actually really keen on the process... and I want to do it properly :angel: but thanks!

    I love this community!!

    Poor Harry! :D You gotta love him!

    Well I do!

    Who's Harry!!

    Lynlovesdogs, there is a Lappie picnic being organised for the afternoon of the 10th of July. A venue is still to be finalised. If anyone would like to attend and meet a few dozen Lappies they are more than welcome.

    Be warned though, Magnus is nearly single handedly responsible for the population explosion of Lappies in NSW over the last 3 years :( He is the biggest smoocher and won't let you get away without having his belly rubbed.

    Woofenpup and I were only saying a few weeks ago it was about time we had another Picnic :D

    I haven't had a Keeshond but I have had a Sammy and I now have 4 Lappies so I could give you a run down on the difference in personalities etc. There really isn't that much of a difference though. It will come down to what size dog you want in the end.

    Lappies are just black & tan or brown or cream or domino or wild colour or game colour or whatever colour little Sammies. :)

    Hi SnoFyre, I'd love to come for the lappie picnic, i'm just worried Hazel will eat everyone's food!

    IT'll be interesting to hear your run down of the difference.

    Looking at my "research" I do think these 3 breeds run almost the same.. except keesies are a bit more, less social with other dogs and more lazy? Or that could just be mine!!

  7. They are not like Mals or Sibes in ther exercise requirments.

    That was what I was worried about! you know how some dogs like collies and sibes NEED crazy exercise...

    I'd be up for a spitz meet with my two! :)

    Ahsoka is even more of a machine at the moment, Corvus :( Crazy lappie!

    Ahsoka and Jedi are soooo cute terranik!!! Loving their youtube videos!

    I would be up for a spitz meet!!

    And I think there might be a lappie picnic happening soon too!!

    Can Hazel pretend to be a lappie then?

  8. I'm bringing Charlie along too... he can pretend to be a Spitz too. But, he is better at pretending to be human then a Spitz though.

    I think most dogs THINK they're human anyway?

    i've been doing some reading and I thought I'd get some opinions...

    Samoyeds and lappies: people say they need a few kms run a day, some say 2 short walks but need lots of human companionship..

    which is it?

  9. OHMIGOD I so agree, yes yes we need a NSW Spitz meet! :)

    I live in Sydney city city well eastern suburbs but sometimes we stay out at turramurra (relos place).

    Don't mind a drive provided its not TOO far...

    Hmm.. I do agree that Keesies are very aloof with strangers.. Hazel is just such a snob with people but with us at home, she's the clingiest type!!

    See this is why I need everyone's input!

    Is a dog's personality also impacted by its breeding or up-bringing?

  10. This is so embarassing but as i read through this whole forum at work between stuff, i keep grinning..

    esp this thread!!


    wolfsong: that would be brilliant. I've always loved the look of samoyeds but never actually met met met one. There are a few around my place but the owners are not the... best (in my opinion)

    the lappies community IS growign! i swear its the puppy photos in the spitz thread!!!

    I would love to get details of shows to go to!!! and people to meet! i

  11. I vote for one of each :laugh:

    Somehow I don't think I'll be able to cope! although I would one day eventually get one of every kind!! mostly be big ones too :rofl:

    I'm in NSW.

    oh no no i don't want one right now. I foresee this process taking a good 8 months while i meet and talk with people and breeders, then find which breeder I'd eventually go with, put my name down and wait for the puppies :heart:

    I worry that if i meet with the keesies and the lappies and the sammies even the huskies and the malamutes, i'll want them all!

    my OH thinks I should stay clear of going to breeders because if they DO have puppies, i might end up taking them all home that day!

  12. Hi all,

    I know this has been done to death but I figure where else can i talk about this and get like-minded people to respond? My friends unfortunately think I'm just crazy...

    So, the history is, 3 years ago, I finally decided to get a dog, and we got Hazel, thanks to another foster doler... she's 8.5 now almost 9, and we, well I , think it's time we bring another puppy into the house because I think I'm ready with commitments etc etc.. plus I'm older and all that...

    So, having had a Keeshond and loving their temperament, their personality etc, I always thought my next (first puppy of many to come) pup would be a Keeshond....

    However, after reading through all the breed subforums (Spitz thread you are to blame!!) and seeing all the puppies, I'm curious to know more about people's opinions of other dogs' personalities. I'd like to still keep within that kind of breed so the following are:

    1) keeshond

    2) Finnish Laphund

    3) Samoyed

    So now is the boring bit of paper research and readign up (because now I only know about keeshonds and have so much to learn about the others!), but then comes the fun bit!!

    I will start looking for breeders... make contact..

    what are breeders' response to people turning up to meet the dogs and puppies without straight away purchasing? I know there are heaps of breeders out there, but i've also heard lots of horror stories about breeders getting REALLY offended at people coming and not walking with a puppy....

    so i'm keen to hear from everyone about everything!!!

    Also if people want me to come and meet their puppies to hear their stories over a cuppa, let me know!!!

  13. Hi all,

    Looking to buy more treats for hazel as such that she's lost weight and can have treats now...

    What's the difference between all the different ears?

    cow's ears vs sheep ears vs pig's earS?

    I know pigs are the most common and hazel Loves all of them, but is there any real difference between them?

    My OH thinks cows ears would be best cos all they eat is grass....


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