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Posts posted by Lynlovesdogs

  1. We didn't get a Kivi... we end up getting and Emmy instead.. :laugh:

    Haha well Emmy's beautiful too!!

    Wonder, is it possible to train a keesie puppy to grow up to be a snuggle bunny?

    Anything is possible :D

    Hope so!

    Corvus: looking forward to meeting yourself, erik and kivi next month!

    The boys are more cuddle bums than the girls Lyn.

    The standoffish side of Kees comes from being bred for watch dog duties. You dont want a watch dog that runs and kisses the robber climbing onto your barge, or coming onto your farm. You want them to bark first, and give out kisses later. So that is what they were like.

    Harry was not at his most people friendly on Saturday, he was smitten with Hazel and was not interested in saying hello to the people. I think he was in love. He loves the lady dogs :laugh:

    I had to laugh when I read that.

    I just need to find keeshond puppies to cuddle to compare with lappie puppies to cuddle...

    So that's why hazel barks first and then kisses later....

    hahahahha Harry is a beautiful boy!! but much more sedate than I expected!!

  2. Lappies generally love everyone. Keeshonds tend to bond to a single person or family.

    I wouldn't say Hazel was stranger unfriendly - she warmed up to people after a little while! Nothing wrong with that!

    that was cos she realised she was missing out on treats!!

    I agree with you corvus about how life is so much easier having a people-friendly dog...

    but my sister reckons they'll love others more than you? :( (cuddles from her is the same as cuddles from you!! etc etc)

    Wonder, is it possible to train a keesie puppy to grow up to be a snuggle bunny?

  3. That's the tough part too as adults....

    I have a keeshond, and I love her to death, but lappies LIKE to cuddle for long periods of time!!

    I discussed with my sister and her bf who live with me and take care of hazel. They were saying they like how Hazel is stranger-unfriendly...

    in saying that,

    do Lappies like everyone but love their owner

    or do they love everyone?

  4. After today's visit to Castle Hill, I met my first bunch of Lappies!

    Soaks being all sooky and hurt swayed OH almost immediately

    Me: Wai, what breed do you prefer?

    Wai: Ahsoka

    Me: No, That's her name, what type?

    Wai: Ahsoka

    However, Keesie puppies are just too cute... I never had a chance to have a Keesie puppy! I think I need to hug hug keesie puppies and hug hug Lappie puppies. haha oh and samoyed puppies too :cry:

    only met ally and she's beeuuuttifulll

    can anyone help?

  5. Ahhh that makes sense!!

    I'm back from melbourne, have missed my internet and Hazel!!

    we were scheduled to go bck next week! but I stood my ground and said to my OH, WE ARE GOING TO MEET Rachel, Harry, Nik, Jedi and my first lappie Soaks!! and even possibly wolfsong!!


    so yeah, that'll be good. What time does the show starT

  6. No worries. Let me know if you want to enter WS, I wont be closing off till Saturday morning I dont think. Then I get to spend all weekend putting numbers in envelopes! FUN! :hug:

    Sorry to sound silly but.. what does that mean?

    Thanks Rysup, I've never done Castle Hill before, is it a hard show ground to get too?

    I would be coming from Canberra direction.

    wow that's far to go!

  7. Work's been super busy! can you believe it!

    haven't had much progress with my research except I know i'll be meeting Harry and Rachel next weekend! and Jedi and Ahsoka and Terranik if they're free.

    Just look out for like 4 asians and 1 keeshond :thumbsup:

    Hmm, since there are significantly more sammie breeders than the other 2, are they as helpful/friendly (i know subjective opinion once again) but has anyone had experience with any in particular, good and bad?

  8. Then he's all like "Can't. Carry me." He's a 25kg dog, so obviously it's not that easy! He'll move eventually, but until he's had his fill of cuddles he's a limp, dead weight. I always end up giving him the cuddles he wants, sneaky devil. :)

    whoaaa that's huge! he's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    How exciting!!!! She will certainly blow your socks off! She's not exactly what I would call a calm lapphund... :)

    haha well, that way I'll get to see a super active lappie!!

    then i'll ask someone to introduce me a super couch potato lappie!

    *hint hint*

  9. Well hazel likes a lotta people who live in the house, but she really really loves just me..

    and, she sleeps with me like she has to be in my room with me but she doesn't like me disturbing her sleep. as in, she will rather sleep at the end of the bed than next to me. but then again, i've only had her for the past 3 years of her 8.5 years?

    can't wait till the 19th!!

    Ahsoka wil be my first lappie I meet!

    and can't wait to meet everyone else!

    will any sammies be there?

  10. Lyn, I don't know if any lappies are entered on the 19th, but I can pop into the show with Jedi and Ahsoka if you like so you can meet them?

    That would be great!!!!! since it will take us awhile to plan a nsw spitz meet :D I should put it in the spitz breed thread!

    Was playing with Hazel this morning, and as usual, she was behaving her cheeky self, giving kisses and made me think:

    What are your dogs like with you for sammy, lappie and other keeshond owners?

    Not talking about trainability and sociability with people but the personality and response to the owner?

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