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Everything posted by Rocksie-doll

  1. I promise to respond to most of your comments. Give me a day or two, because it was a wild scribble. I really would prefer to post it here first.though and give you right of reply.
  2. Thank you, I appreciate your input. Perhaps an alternative approach is in order.
  3. Bichon Frise is one I think will really hit the mark, followed by the two spaniels, but I really thing you hit it with the Bichon Frise. By any chance, is there a Bichon Frise rescue? I believe they live a long time, so age may not be so much of an issue. Thanks. eta: dog owners all our lives. Puppies are just wonderful but holy hell - need I say more?
  4. I completely understand. All I want is to stop this horrible trend that is happening all over the place. I have friends that have spent loads of money on pet shop (back yard breeder) dogs because they are cute. If we can try and support genuine cross-breeders, perhaps this may be at the very least, reduced. I'm really not looking for an argument, and I know many breeders. My plight is to allow more breeds who come under stricter regulation. With no malice to breeders, some of the stuff they have been doing to their breeds because of the new "idea" of what the breed should look like has been tragically detrimental to the breed. GSD for one.
  5. Ok., here is my situation. I have a invalid mother who needs a lap dog. Most of her dogs have been medium to large breeds and heavy shedders. She once had a miniture poodle who she loved and he was very intelligent and also pretty active and a bit of a handful. She is about to lose her Springer and wants a low maintenance lap dog. Not very demanding, small, doesn't do much and wants to lie around and be loved. She will be grieving as she lost her Pitty (17) last year. I really wanted a rescue but it is Mum that needs rescueing. A little fluffy thing to keep her bed warm would be great. I reckon mum's got quite a few years left in her, so a mature dog would just mean more heart ache. Big change of topic, but any thoughts? We are in SE QLD and I would like a dude or dudess who will get her off the bed but not need walking - just playing in the back yard. I have a blind E. Cocker and me and mum live in the same house. Mine is a bossy thing.
  6. I really don't know what the MDBA is or does, but it isn't enough.
  7. I do not know how many pure breed dogs there are. What I would really like is a strict body, similar to the ANKC or even associated with the ANKA which accepts members who perform all the required tests of both lines and their offspring so that X+Y doesn't equal a $1,900 dog of no integrity, but a genetic and health regulated inquiry into new, genuinley bred dogs, who in the future, can in fact be part of the over-seer of the ANKC. Five hundred years ago. there were enough breeds. Now look at the huge growth in Pedegree dogs. If we don't get some sort of organisation to really get tough with this interbreeding, many dogs will suffer. Furthermore, this approach will help to (never ever alliminate back yard breaders) but it should however form a new group to help dog buyers to look in the right direction.
  8. Puppy farmers should be jailed for offences that go far and beyond the broad limits which give people the right to treat their dogs with horrific cruelty. I have to draw the line with genuine breeders who are attempting to breed "new" breeds. This is the method, over hundreds of years that has been employed to create the vaste range of acceptable breeds which now occupy the various Kennel club varieties. 99% of dog breeds have been created by mankind and responsible breeders, attempting to create a new breed and have done so by mixing all manner of existing breeds. Rather than slamming every "mixed dog" breeder with a tag that labels them as puppy farmers or "mut" breeders, we need to encourage these responsible people, whose passion is to develop a new breed, in exactly the way all previous breeds that have come into being. I generally rescue dogs and also have Pedegrees but if some sort of organisation can't be established with a strong status and strict rules, then what has been over the past centuries will be lost. The needs for different breeds for different needs has emerged. Some of the working dogs of the past have been bred to perform jobs that are obsolete and as with people, we need go get with the times and create breeds more appropriate for the 21st century. An appropriate, uniform and strict body must be put in place and have a genuine recognition within the already established Pure Bred community. eta: typo
  9. Sorry if you have been through this before but puppies are like babies. Keep you awake all night and need constant attention. Crate, outside or inside - you have to set your personal clock and take them where you want them to pee. Praise them when they do it and "try" to get some sleep before the next episode. I used newspaper to start with (and they proudly peed on the newspaper I was reading once they got the gist). You hear about these "perfect" dogs that get it straight away - they exist, I had one. BUT ... the rest are a trial and error ,sleep deprivation nightmare. Don't lose hope, they kind've get it eventually and you will freak out with joy!
  10. I would try to use the dry food as a backup instead, slowly introducing a more natural diet. This is even more important for large breeds such as a rotty. You may not see much benefit immediately but many argue that this is an effective preventative diet for the myriad of issues that plague large older dogs. Meaty lamb and chicken bones are usually a big favourite NOT COOKED.
  11. I feel funny posting this as it is only my second post but I agree with Saltwood - totally ignore the pup when he is misbehaving. Turn your back on him until he looks at you with that "well what do I do now?" expression. When he seems desperate for attention, tell him to "sit" and once he is behaving, give him a pat. At this stage, he will start jumping again. Repeat, only acknowledging him when he is sitting like an angel. At first its a bit tricky getting that window of opportunity to give a pat before they play up again but for a smart dog like a Rotty, he should get the message soon enough. (another good thing is not to make a fuss when you leave - no lingering goodbye's - just walk out)
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