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Everything posted by gareth

  1. Maybe you can let vk2mpj answer the question themselves considering it was addressed to them
  2. One question for you. Why are people who feed BARF/raw referred to as food Nazis? Another question for you.. how do you know these farm dogs are fed Supercoat, and how do you know they are living long healthy lives on it? Have you researched this?
  3. What has that to do with the topic? It's about her pup being attacked, not vaccination. Why are you hassling the OP with emails?
  4. Ahem.... back to the delightful topic of Supercoat hey folks?
  5. You really need to lose the nasty attitude and stop making personal attacks. BL has been extremely civil considering your repeated snipiness. Diet is not just BARF or dry. It is not black and white. I sometimes use a good quality dry too, but prefer to feed human quality natural food when possible. What is wrong with mixing and experimenting? You think we have to stick to one rule when feeding the dogs? Why?
  6. Well you know, plumbers are expensive
  7. I am happy to give dogs the same food I eat, but I would not eat Supercoat :D
  8. Have a stiff drink and hug your puppy. Hope there are no ill effects, physical or otherwise.
  9. It's not about what people want to feed, it should be about what is best for your dog. And for those who go the extra mile to research and try different foods to see how the dogs perform and what they are healthiest on, whether it be dry or natural, well good on em.
  10. Agree with this (at risk of being called a food nazi).
  11. well excuse me for being human. Did you even read my post? Read the forum rules and you willsee I have only stated what is in them.
  12. Maybe you need to read the forum rules and learn the reason the report button exists. If you retaliate and personally attack people, you are equally to blame and deserve your warning. SBT303 Err, pressing the report button does NOT make you a moderator. It alerts the REAL mods to assess the thread and take action if they think necessary.
  13. One of those puppy farmers was crossing them with cavvies recently to try and get cute fluffy pups with blue eyes
  14. Is the practice of poo eating beneath your dogs? Gee whiz, are they allowed to sniff other dog's bum when they go out?
  15. Brilliant stuff! Well done Erin
  16. gareth


    You can walk six labs at once?
  17. Does everyone have their numbers already?
  18. Fortunately there are newbies who can distinguish between good old fashioned advice, and "high handed pontificating" and rather than getting snooty and defensive and bearing a grudge over nothing, they are the ones who go on, stick it out and end up as successful exhibitors
  19. Whatever. I will save my "lectures" for those who have open minds, who want to learn, and don't get carried away by their emotions. Anyone who knows their audience from reading a public forum would be pretty intuitive. All we can offer is generic advice.
  20. Why would I have a set lecture? And I hope you will realise in time that I am not missing any points at all. I wish you a lot of luck. I will say no more for fear of "lecturing" you, or god forbid, saying something you don't want to hear
  21. Ahh you need to NOT take things so personally, you will not survive otherwise. Treat it all as a learning experinece and take the good and leave the bad behind. Please explain? Also, you need to listen to "lectures" from experienced exhibitors. You might learn something. OR you can get huffy and defensive and decide it is all too hard emotionally. Your choice I read the title of the thread - approach to criticism. Am I in the wrong thread?
  22. It can be very difficult to accept criticism of our dogs (or our children). Most people DO take it personally and it is very difficult not to. Sorry SSM but I do not understand why you would be upset over that, IF you knew your dog was within standard. Not all judges get it right, and part of showing is learning to understand and accept that and move on to the next show. You are also within your rights to call for a measure. I ASK for criticisms of my dogs from respected people to help me learn. I may not always agree with the opinions of others, but will always give them due consideration. How can one learn and improve without an objective eye and an open mind?
  23. Why do people keep asking these questions? Why do people think that there is a need or benefit for purposefully crossing breeds with other breeds when there is a purebreed for everyone already in existence? What ethical registered purebred breeder would supply crossbreeders with dogs of sufficient quality in terms of health, temperament and conformation to breed with?
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