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Everything posted by gareth

  1. If that is the case, no rescue dogs would ever be rehomed. This pup needs a new home where it will be wanted, and the reason why is hardly important.
  2. See how you feel when you meet her. It is hard to generalise and say what this cross will be like as cockers and poodles are very different breeds, bred for different reasons. She may be cockery or she may be poodly A lot will depend on how she has been raised so far - socialisation, obedience, being around kids etc. as to how she will be with you. Coat care is very important with the oodles too. Be prepared for grooming, or paying a groomer if you don't do it yourself.
  3. Try googling strabismus or squint http://www.ehow.com/how_4530482_recognize-...ismus-dogs.html I wouldn't.
  4. Polaramine tabs might help for now, till you get to the cause and fix of it.
  5. I lkie this product for keeping skin in good nick. You can get it in health food stores, in the fridge. link
  6. gareth

    Leighs Friend

    Take your time. Go to dog shows and talk to breeders. Watch and listen. Learn the breed standard and how to interpret it. Study up about what health issues are in the breed. Join breed clubs before you get your dog and go along to activities. Ask lots of questions. Do as much research as possible. If it does not feel right, do not let your heart rule your head.
  7. Take her to a chiropractor. They are are amazing for picking up things that vets can't find. She might just need an adjustment.
  8. Lose the beef mince as the pup will not ge the necessary natural calcium, nor the correct calcium/phosphorous ratios, and subsitute minced chicken frames, or necks. I would vary it up more by adding in small amounts of veg, egg, sardines in oil, yoghurt. Keep the basis of the diet the dry puppy food the pup has been raised on, and make gradual changes. Avoid canned food, and wean her off the beef mince.
  9. gareth

    Leighs Friend

    How many registered breeders do you know personally? And I mean, how much knowledge do you have of their breeding programs and ethics?
  10. Oh please, let this sad topic just DIE!
  11. oh, you are precious aren't you ;) How many times did you have to scrutinize the thread to scrape that together? Any sane person would have made the same conclusions considering the inaccurate and scant information provided. I want one of those violins too Raz, this thread is way past ridiculous.
  12. Maybe you need to ask more questions of your vet next time so you understand what is being done for your dog, and why. And, next time your dog is in pain, do something about immediately. Please.
  13. So why are you fully spewing?
  14. Did they examine the dog under sedation then? You could afford that, could you? If they sedated and found something, they would not leave it there, so did you agree to exploratory surgery or not?
  15. Spare me. Nobody has suggested they are a liar or a troll. People have just trying to make sense of the posts they have made. Join what bandwagon? Do whatever you like. Doesn't worry me, perhaps you will let us try and get back on topic now, whatever that topic may be, as I am still not sure.
  16. If you have been able to make head or tail out these posts, well good on you. To the rest of us they are rambling, repetitive, illogical, illegible and nonsensical. Asking questions to try and understand what the hell this person is on about does not qualify as a "baptism of fire" Quite frankly, I am surprised people did not start calling out the "T" word long ago. Aspirin is a drug that is used to treat dogs. Therefore for us to conclude that the vet was possibly indulging in some overkill to pump the stomach when one tablet was swallowed, is a perfectly normal response on our part.
  17. I am starting to think this vet is fictional. Seems the same vet pumped the dogs stomach after he ate one aspirin tablet yesterday Rish, rather than giving us a detailed description of how you are feeling in the topic title, perhaps you could be a little more specific and refer to the subject of the post/question/rant etc???
  18. Panadol is NOT safe for dogs, aspirin is Ok but under vet's advice only. Did the vet really pump her stomach after one aspirin?
  19. why would the vet would pump her belly over 1 aspirin it is actually safe to give to dogs.
  20. Best way to pick a new pup is to let the breeder pick.
  21. Tony in Hampton Park. Number is 9702 9027 – ring between 10am and 2pm for an appointment
  22. They can have bad breath at this age with teething. The gums can be inflamed. It will pass soon.
  23. gareth

    Leighs Friend

    Hi Rish, congrats on your new baby, and I hope she lives till she is at least 14 too How are you managing the skin condition?
  24. That's right, and you took a swipe at vet's who recommend a bland diet even though it is for a good reason, then you took another swipe at vets by saying they promote dry food. Not necessary and not relevant. PP
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