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Joan of Arc

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Everything posted by Joan of Arc

  1. Was the poodle Missen / Hopkins? and the Am Cocker Hopkins?
  2. Thanks for the results Sway and Happy Birthday
  3. I agree, if only they were held during the school holidays Please post and let us know how you go.
  4. Oh nedsur, how sad, perhaps next season.
  5. We showed yesterday and today and both judges asked when the pups were due ... hope that's a good sign
  6. Best wishes for the bi-black sheltie's. Cavaliers - 2nd June - 6th June not yet confirmed. Booking ultrasound end of month. Pregnancy Confirmed. 4 blobs on the ultrasound with a possible 5th one shadowing behind. Cavalier puppies due first week in June. (Can't half tell how happy i am) Congrats T ... glad to hear it
  7. Results from Sunday BIS - Samoyed RUBIS - Whippet BP Crestie MP Flat Coat Puppy - TT junior Border T Inter RUBIS Aus Bred Japanese Spitz - Go Morscha what a great weekend Open - BIS
  8. Sorry for not posting this here earlier. I had posted it in the show thread but a DOLer just suggested that I also post here. Change of Judge Due to the current delays in flights from Europe ( post volcanoes) Mr G Parsons (Vic) is unable to keep his judging appointment with Corowa & District Kennel Club and Albury & Border Kennel Club. Mr Graeme Field will take his place. Apologies for the short notice but we anticipated that Mr Parsons may have been back in time. Change of judging order Albury & Border kennel Club would like to inform exhibitors that on Sunday 2 May Non Sporting will be judged as advertised. However Working Dogs will be judged in that ring at the completion of Non Sporting. NO change of judge - just judging order. Thanks for your understanding.
  9. Change of Judge Due to the current delays in flights from Europe ( post volcanoes) Mr G Parsons (Vic) is unable to keep his judging appointment with Corowa & District Kennel Club and Albury & Border Kennel Club. Mr Graeme Field will take his place. Apologies for the short notice but we anticipated that Mr Parsons may have been back in time. Change of judging order Albury & Border kennel Club would like to inform exhibitors that on Sunday 2 May Non Sporting will be judged as advertised. However Working Dogs will be judged in that ring at the completion of Non Sporting. NO change of judge - just judging order. Thanks for your understanding.
  10. I've just dropped in and read the posts quickly but having Labs I find obedience / good behaviuor is mandatory. And I find that 5 weeks isnt enough, manners and good behaviour are a lifelong thing for dogs and people alike
  11. Does anyone have gundog results please? Can you tell me Labs and Am Cockers if you have it?
  12. Oh becks how sad RIP little one, but sometimes its just not meant to be. We lost one last litter for no apparent reason but had to focus on the remaining 9 healthy pups.
  13. Thanks for all the replies, I llike the dialogue that these threads open up. I must say that I also find them more beneficial to all concerned because there is no angst in the posts. Everyone respects each other's opinions.
  14. He only goes to the kennels because all he has on his mind for about 5 days is sex!
  15. Vets and now - sorry - hope she is ok - keep us informed
  16. Thanks guys for the replies - I think conversation is good not only between breeders but I also know that several of the Lab people frequent these pages and so they get an idea of how we think and what we feed. Its all education in my opinion. Becks - sorry that question should read What changes to diet do you make once you have confirmation of pregnancy? I asked this because I know a couple of breeders that automatically assume pregnancy once the mating has taken place adn adjust diet immediately.
  17. And just to add a little further A buyers ability to pay excessive $$$ for a puppy doesnt necessarily equate to their ability to care for a puppy.
  18. ;) I have nothing to add except to support the comments of Mikelli and Blackdog. I have waited a long time for my next litter and have relied on the depth of experience of two wonderful mentors to ensure I have sufficient knowledge of the 'family' of the dam and the sire. I wish to maintain 'type' never lose the wonderful temperement my girl has and while I am aware that at least one of the dogs carries choc, I am not concerned if the other doesnt. I could not possibly select a breeding partner for my girl based on colour alone, no more than select a breeding partner for my son based on the woman's colour. The proof of the pudding is always in the eating - good lines from good lines produce good lines -total outcrosses with very little understanding of type, temperement and family achieve little for the breed and benefit very few - particularly unsuspecting puppy buyers.
  19. Steve have you had any success with this yet? My son is in Wagga but not sure he could help with the animals unless absolutely desperate. I will contribute one nights boarding fees also - just PM me details when you need it
  20. Every now and then these topics go round and round and often we find that no one has changed their diets or eveyone has or someone has. So seeing the thread about Raspberry Leaf Tablets surfaced again in the Breeders forums I though I would open this up for discussion again. What breed are you feeding? What do you feed normally? What if any changes do you make to diet after mating? What changes do you make to diet confirmation of pregnancy?
  21. We dont actually have any kennels here to separate our dogs - one big happy family - but have to admit that if the girls are in season our yellow boy gets a short holiday at Grandma's but not until absolutely necessary and home as soon as possible. It is for his benefit more than anyone else's
  22. +3 All run together day and night - never had a cross moment between any of them. Have friends bring thier entire males here, they just get put outside with everyone else here and all the girls get on, visitors included. Even when we have pups, everyone visits the pups and our yellow boy often 'fathers' them, never any aggression and wouldnt tolerate a dog in my yard that displayed any. They are socialised from day 1 and meet and greet all breeds often - at training, at shows, at trials, at the river.
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