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Joan of Arc

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Everything posted by Joan of Arc

  1. look forward to seeing you in Albury however I hope you get your pass in Adelaide - good luck
  2. Just bumping us up and hoping some of you might come and join us.
  3. Yep - read, watch, ask questions, a good learning curve is your vet if you have agood one - he may have some literature he can give you. Our vet has a handout he gives to everyone who goes in there with a pregnant bitch and it doesnt seem to matter if its litter number 1 or 100. But it has great advice in it about timings, when might things be going wrong, what to do when ???? And as already stated, try and visit another breeder when thier bitch is whelping.
  4. CB your pups look like they have turned the corner and doing well now - congrats. Any news from Newfiesrus? We had our weigh in this afternoon and have reached 35.1 kg - 10 days.
  5. Think I would simply reply with "please call to discuss your enquiry" if they dont, they miss out.
  6. Tomorrow is the 7th. Are you going for another scan newfiesrus? Yes all booked and I am scared because if not in whelp she must be ill .... all she does is eat and sleep, she has even given up chasung birds around the garden! OOOOOO It sounds promising
  7. I agree with Steve, some of the questions should be about 'horses for courses' if you'll pardon the metaphor. Plus I think this is an excellent response and approach from a prospective puppy buyer. Do not think that because this might be your first dog that the problem is unique. I am currently looking for a second breed and have been doing my homework for about 8 months. Those on here who know me will be able to tell you that at shows I work the rings looking and asking questions. I have spent hours researching the history or a couple of breeds, thier genetic problems, temperaments, etc. I have almost decided, I have handled some of these breeds in the show ring for other people - which then raised more questions for me so I went back to the research. Now that I have narrowed it down to one breed, I must wait until the right puppy for me is born. And given that there are not many breeders I could wait quite some time. So it comes down to research, research and questions and then patience. Good luck
  8. ENTRIES CLOSE FOR BOTH TRIALS FRIDAY 19 JUNE 2010 ALBURY & BORDER KENNEL CLUB INC. OBEDIENCE WEEKEND SATURDAY & SUNDAY 17 & 18 JULY 2010 ALBURY KC GROUNDS, EAMES ST NTH ALBURY SATURDAY JULY 17 2010 Check-In & Vetting Obedience 11:00am. – 11:45am. JUDGING COMMENCES 12 Noon JUDGES Mr E J HOWDEN (VIC) - Open, Novice Mrs N McIlroy (VIC) UDX, UD, CCD SUNDAY JULY 18 2010 Check -In & Vetting Obedience 8:00.am - 8.45.am JUDGING COMMENCES 9:00.am JUDGES Mr E J HOWDEN (VIC) CCD, UDX, UD Mrs N McIlroy (VIC) Novice, Open TROPHIES OBEDIENCE - ALL CLASSES 1ST, 2ND & 3RD TROPHY & SASH. HIGHEST SCORE IN TRIAL EACH DAY-SASH. HIGHEST WEEKEND AGGREGATE SCORE (one class only) -TROPHY & ROSETTE. QUALIFYING & TITLE SASHES. CANTEEN - available – breakfast on Sunday CAMPING – Albury Central Caravan Park - phone 0260218420 MOTEL - Albury Coach House Motel (accepts dogs) phone 0260251465 ALL ENTRIES TO – Trial Secretary 525 Webb Street, LAVINGTON NSW 2641 REMITTANCES TO: ALBURY & BORDER KENNEL CLUB INC. ENQUIRIES – 0260255888 Before 9pm ENTRY FEE: $9.00 per entry (includes RNSWCC levy required for each entry) Catalogues Free NOTE – ONE CHEQUE ACCEPTABLE FOR BOTH DAYS; HOWEVER PLEASE HAVE SEPERATE ENTRY FORMS FOR EACH CLASS AND EACH DAY
  9. Tomorrow is the 7th. Are you going for another scan newfiesrus?
  10. Congratulations Teamsnag - ;) gorgeous photos - now I am starting to get really excited - 11 days to go. :D Cavalblaze so glade your pups are really starting to make progress. ;)
  11. I agree. I have copies of all DNA tests, certificates etc adn am very up front with people who enquire about adopting one of our pups. I am also a believer in life time support - we had a litter last year and one of the buyers asked if I could take her pup back when it was 7 months old because her circumstances had changed. That is part of the deal here - if you cant keep your baby, we have first option on him/her coming home to us. There are lots of other things but I have to say that sometimes you have to just keep asking questions to and eventually go with your instincts.
  12. Such great news. So glad they are doing much better.
  13. Our pups are generally born in the family room, next to kitchen, and raised there until big enough to go elsewhere. they hear the TV, the noise of everyday life, the phone ringing non stop, mix masters going you name they hear it. Also, unlike many of you we dont isolate from our other dogs - because all our dogs come into the family room with us at night until we go to bed. So we just bring them in, the first couple of days there is a little excitement but after that its "on your bed" and they go without any fuss. this also means that our girls are not isolated (socially) from the others while they are raising thier pups and amazingly our boy mothers the pups once they get to about 4 weeks. We have watched him gently toilet young pups when mum is having a break and sit beside the box and watch until she returns. They are handled every day, by both of us, and if we have to be away for any length of time during the days of the first week or two then one of our sons is usually there. They are also handled by them. So I am all for trusting the mother and dogs and lots of socialisation from early days.
  14. Thanks for the immediate replies, yes it just didnt sit right and so I will delete it immediately and they happen to be a bit seriuos then they'll try again.
  15. I received this email tonight and I know this sounds judgemental but it came from a hotmail account has not details etc - well read it and see what you think. I have copied it word for word but left the sender's name out for thier privacy. It just doesnt feel right. i will like to buy a pet from you for my wife who just move to australia as part of her birthday gift and i saw your advert online about the pet animal you have for sell because she really like pet alot and i will like to do anhything to make her happy. Please kindly let me know what you have for sale now, their condition and the cost too. I will be waiting to hear from you asap.
  16. Cavalblaze is that your little girl in the photo by herself? She looks so tiny and fragile. I do so hope she pulls through and is fit and healthy
  17. Mercedes, My rotty whelped a litter of 13 in April, her total weight gain was 11kg - pups weighed from 228 to 354 grams. Her weight at the time of mating was 40kg, and her weight post whelping was 39.5, she was all baby Thanks for that Zed_N_Q. She was one of a litter of 11 and were all big babies so am expecting similar size. Her dams second litter was 10 and all over 400gm except one tiny boy who didnt make it. So if you work on the 400gms per pup X 8 pups that's 3.2 kgs plus placentas and fluid I think she is ok. I look at her as an overall picture and she's still running and training and very active. Pretty hearty and healthy I think.
  18. Congratulations Cavalblaze Your success bodes well for the rest of us.
  19. Getting excited for you and of course that means 2 weeks here.
  20. Well 8 pups of 300 grams is 2.4 plus placentas and fluid and extra fat for feeding I would say pretty on track. Thanks BB, I thought it sounded ok but our regular vet wasnt there and some young pup - looked fresh faced from Uni (very judgemental I know but) - said Oh ghee that's a big weight gain, I would be watching that - But she's still really active and jumping up into the truck - I dont make her do anything but if she wants to keep going I'm not going to stop her. We are off to obedience training tonight - its still gentle exercise and good socialising.
  21. We went for our weekly weigh-in today and came out at 33.7 which is a gain of 2.4 since last week and a totla gain of 3.7 kg. She is 7 weeks and carrying 8 pups - do you think this is too much?
  22. Sounds very promising and 7th is only 8 days away. Good luck we will all be waiting for your news.
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