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Joan of Arc

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Everything posted by Joan of Arc

  1. It doesnt fit in our washing machine so we use the Karcher and put it outside. Once its clean we throw it on the line to dry. takes longer unfortunately but that's the only option
  2. Find a large cardboard box and cut the bottom and top out of it, line it with newspaper. You really only need the sides. You will be with her when she whelps so you can survive at least the whelping without a pigrail.
  3. Done that before Remember to sign cheques ;) Done that before too ;) We all make mistakes but I understand the grief Ceilidh is going through. Can I also suggest that if you are entering a two day weekend and its different clubs make sure you use two cheques. As a secretary I dont do cheques but our Treasurer has often asked which half of the cheque should she sent to the Sunday secretary?
  4. newfiesrus so pleased we have heard from and also that you have good news. I was a little worried about you for a while because your last scan was negative and we hadnt heard the results of the 7 June scan. ;) I would start feeding her up, quality puppy biscuits, meat, I prefer to use cheese and yoghurt than other supplements and no calcium until after the event. Thats the extent of my knowledge, and there are far more experienced people here to give you advice, except to say I agree with BB - think about the number of strays and BYB dogs that are half starved and still manage to produce strong healthy whelps. Our girls pups were small for Labs they are coming along in leaps and bounds now - you may want to be prepared to supplement them with some Wambaroo or similar if they are really small. Rajacadoo I agree with the others, start temp taking now. Our girls temp went down to 37.4 on the Sunday and stayed there until Tuesday morning when it was 37.1. I came home from work at 4pm, she had just started the panting thing when I got home, first contraction at 6:15pm, first pup at 7:10pm - 7 pups all over done and dusted by 10:26pm. ;) She was a maiden, 3 days early and never missed a meal - looked twice at a bone on the Sunday night and that was it. But good luck to both of you and we will be waiting for lots of news and piccies.
  5. We will await the 29 June with the smell of puppy breath in the air.
  6. Thanks SWAY on the ball with results as always. Are you able to give me some idea of the Labs that were there or at least BOB? And can you tell me whose Mini Poodle please?
  7. I use the heating pad from a water bed, think I paid about $75 three or four years ago. Covers half the whelping box so mum and pups can choose "on or off". Its fantastic. And thanks SHelby - they are starting to take on now.
  8. Sorry for your loss Shelby - RIP little one. It seems to be in keeping with the rest of the litters born so far this month. Hope the rest of June has better luck.
  9. Have posted puppy photos on facebook, just waiting for photobucket to get organised and might be able to post here tonight. Hope everyone else is going well, who is next on the list?
  10. Sadly today we lost one of our babies - :D one of the black boys. OH found him on his back and not moving, he tried in vain to revive him and our other bitch was even mothering him but with no success. :D RIP little man Monteba sorry to hear you lost your other boy. I really dont know what to say except that we are thinking of you and hoping your solo baby is gettting stronger.
  11. Thanks Sheila, we both got some sleep - 7 was the magic number and mum and bubs are doing well - she's a great first time mum. Well I'm off to get ready for work - on two hours sleep - the kids will love me - adn OH is puppy sitting.
  12. I am so pleased for you Monteba, I have lost babies before and its a devastating experience, you feel so helpless. Well our girl believes she is finished. 10:26 the last pup was born and she has given us 7. The vet said at least 8 when he did the U/S at 5 weeks but he may have miscounted. Nevertheless we have given her a shot and will wait to see what happens in the next hour. We are going to take it in turns to catch some sleep and then I will try and make the grade at school tomorrow.
  13. And another little black girl and what a great first time mum she is.
  14. Keep up the good work Wigglebum!!! That's my special girl
  15. Thanks Monteba - another little black girl has just joined us. How ar your babies?
  16. Thnak Lab Lady A little black girl. They are small pups but strong
  17. 4 puppies so far - 1 yellow girl, 1 yellow boy (241 gms - very small) and 2 black boys but healthy and noisy pups
  18. We have one yellow girl born at 7:15 but Tina is determined not to have them in the whelping box.
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