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Joan of Arc

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Posts posted by Joan of Arc

  1. I am trying to find medium size firm springs that comes with the pens - apparently they only sell with the kits according to bunnings :thumbsup:

    Do you mean the springs that come with the 'compost bins' that we are all using as puppy pens??

    I had a couple of them but tried cutting them up to use on the bl**dy crates!!!!

    Surely Bunnings would sell simple springs? Otherwise there will be a springs place nearby surely.... try somewhere like Blackwoods

  2. Try Janelle Mannell at Classic Show Supplies.


    There is a number on her web page if you want to ring her.

    ETA: A friend got some mats made for her trailer and they were fabuous!

    I emailed Janelle Mannell several times and no reply over the last few weeks so looking for someone that provides better service

    You not the only one.. i know someone eles who also has the same prob..

    I know they have had a computer crash there over the last week or so and should be up and running again this week. They are going to Armidale if that is any help to any of you or ring them on

    07 32000720

  3. Posting this here because most of us use crates every week.

    We have several crates that are only about 2 yrs old but they have small spring steel clips that act as hinges and hold the different panels together. These clips have come loose and we have lost some, after spending hours trying chase them I cant find them anywhere.

    I have been to upholsterers and mattress makers who use very similar clips but nothing that big.

    Was hoping someone here might know where to buy them or have an alternative.

    i will try and post a photo of them....

  4. Thanks boxagirl and CD.

    And CD - yes she is a clumber, and she came from Brisbane and is not doubt related to the ones you see waddling around with thier bibs on :) she was delivered with a bib :)

    I'm in love with one up here I see in the ring called "Fatso". He is so adorable. I can't remember the breeders name but I am a big admirer every time I see him. Good Luck with her. :)

    Thanks CD... 'Fatso' is owned and shown by Lyn Durrington of Appintiki... she is the lady who bred my Rosie ;) .... everyone loves Fatso :love::) ...

  5. Gah, this makes me worried about Halo flying in next week (assuming it's not too hot). I know it doesn't happen often, but still.

    Using a dog transport company is your insurance against this.

    I'm sure if there was a pup at any airport in Oz, a post here would get DOLers scrambling into cars to take care of it for the night. :laugh:

    We are using a dog transport company, but then, so did Mercedes. :thumbsup: And yep, I know I could count on people on here to help out. :laugh:

    AAE made the stuffup, not the transport company - and it will be the transport company's Hobart agent that probably cared for the pup overnight.

    If someone told me there was a Lab puppy stranded at Canberra aiport overnight, I'd break the land speed record out there to babysit!! :) Of course, I'd have to beat FHRP and she lives closer :laugh:

    Yes you are quite correct and I should have made that clear from the outset, it was NOT Dogtainers fault and they have been fantastic. And agan you are correct, the ladies from Dogtainers in Hobart have cared for her overnight, fed her, and transported her back to Hobart airport. She should, by now, be sitting in Sydney waiting for a plane change to come to Albury. I spoke to someone at AAE in Sydney this morning and he PROMISED he would handle her personally.

    Oh and Pf, just a hint... this baby is NOT a Lab.... :rofl:

    Here she is....


  6. Thanks Toolz

    Well Murphy's Law again...

    Was convinced by dogtainers to fly her directly into Albury and there was no reason why it shouldnt have been ok. She left on an early flight, was to have a two hour lay over in Sydney and arrive here at 4:25 yesterday afternoon.


    They lost her.... cut a long story short, AAE had the Dogtainers paperwork for Albury but appear to have put her in a crate marked HOBART. :)

    So she has spent the night in Hobart and will fly out this morning, via Sydney and arrive here at 3:10...someone will want to hope she is fit and healthy...

  7. Well by now I should have been able to post some photos of my new show baby. I was to get her last Friday but we had to defer her arrival because she was flood bound in Brisbane so she was due to land here yesterday afternoon.

    But AAE lost her.... she was put in a crate at Brisbane airport bound for Albury and ended up in Hobart...

  8. what about a standard schnauzer, they dont shed and you dont HAVE to pay to have them groomed you can actually strip thier coats by hand. It doesnt take as long as people think, you can do a bit each night for a week while they are sitting on your lap.

  9. This is interesting because I was to have my new baby flown in this week from Brisbane but she is coming next week now because of the floods.

    I am using Dogtainers and no one mentioned these conditions to me and it was the length of the flight with change of planes etc that had be really worried - it is a long time for a pup to go without food or water.

    But what they did mention was that the airlines now require a vet certificate to state that the animal is fit to travel.

  10. Its all about your preparedness to be inconvennienced. I didnt notice where in NSW you are but 8 hrs is a long drive for a pup, especially if they are not used to cars and are going with total strangers. But I also admit that when you live in rural areas your options are very limited.

    Our new show baby is arriving next Friday - 14 Jan - I wasnt prepared to drive from Sthn NSW to Brisbane in the heat of summer. Nor did I want a 9 week old baby changing planes in the heat - given that we often have 35+ days. So she is flying from Bris to Canb on a direct flight and we are driving to Canberra airport to collect her. We could have driven to Melb or Canberrra but we chose Canberra as its easier to get to in traffic. She is arriving on the first direct flight from Brisbane and we will be there to meet her.

    Fortunately we have a doggy friend in Canberra where she can go and be toileted in safety and then she will be crated in the back of the s/wagon in air con for the trip home.

    Having said that - I have flown puppies to Perth from Wagga Wagga with plane changes and they were fine - so many animals fly these days that the companies are very accustomed to dealing with them now.

    Were you able to get your pup considering the disaster of the floods in QLD?

    NO - I watched the news for two days and listened to the weather reports for this end and it wasnt promising. I spoke to the breeder and decided that it was too much to ask her to try and drive across Brisbane in all that disaster just to put a puppy on a plane. And with the weather predictions for Canberra and Sthn NSW I decided to wait. As it turns out she could have flown but I would rather wait and be safe than sorry.

    Now she will probably fly direct to Melbourne and a friend will collect her for me, then we will meet half way on the highway.

    Thank you for asking

  11. i wont add to what has already been posted as you have been given so much great information to digest. However I would recommend crate training. Especially as you say you would like both your pup and your daughter to have thier own space.

    There are several good threads on here about crate training.

  12. Its all about your preparedness to be inconvennienced. I didnt notice where in NSW you are but 8 hrs is a long drive for a pup, especially if they are not used to cars and are going with total strangers. But I also admit that when you live in rural areas your options are very limited.

    Our new show baby is arriving next Friday - 14 Jan - I wasnt prepared to drive from Sthn NSW to Brisbane in the heat of summer. Nor did I want a 9 week old baby changing planes in the heat - given that we often have 35+ days. So she is flying from Bris to Canb on a direct flight and we are driving to Canberra airport to collect her. We could have driven to Melb or Canberrra but we chose Canberra as its easier to get to in traffic. She is arriving on the first direct flight from Brisbane and we will be there to meet her.

    Fortunately we have a doggy friend in Canberra where she can go and be toileted in safety and then she will be crated in the back of the s/wagon in air con for the trip home.

    Having said that - I have flown puppies to Perth from Wagga Wagga with plane changes and they were fine - so many animals fly these days that the companies are very accustomed to dealing with them now.

  13. What a coincidence that you ask this now.

    My sister, in Qld, shows a couple of breeds and this week her older BC bitch too very ill over the long weekend. At first they thought it was some form of aggressive cancer as she had these big open wounds developing along her tummy. One nipple was rotten, and she licked herself that much that its all covered in open absesses (sp?) and stinks to high heaven. Her entire mammary system is all ulcerated and they thought they were going to lose her.

    Finally got to see regular vet yesterday and outcome - spider bite - probably white tail but maybe red back but the symptoms fit those when a white tail bites a human.

    I come from Sydney originally and because of Funnel Webs have a fear of spiders so we have our house sprayed / treated twice a year.

    Get the place sprayed but you will have missed the breeding season so will have to have it done again around September.

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