Joan of Arc
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Everything posted by Joan of Arc
Just a final reminder that entries for Gundogs of The Southern Region close today by post, I will collect any entries on the grounds at the Wagga shows tomorrow only and MUST close Oz Entries on Saturday night no later than 8:00PM. I will also collect entries tomorrow for Murray Valley Kennel Club but you will have to contact Jan Seary to confirm her closing times for Oz Entries.
Attention Exhibitors, for the first time we now have a trophy that will be awarded to Best Exhibit In Show. This will be awarded at each show ie Saturday and Sunday and will be awarded each year. This trophy has been kindly donated by Phelix Kennels. Each winner of Best in Show will have their dogs details engraved on the trophy which will be retained by the club. Don’t miss your opportunity to be the first BIS on our trophy entries are still open and will stay open until 31 July
Thank you to all those exhibitors that already entered our August shows held in conjunction with Murray Valley Kennel Club at the Albury Wodonga Equestrian Centre. We are holding entries open until 31 July, and I will be at Wagga Wagga All Breed Kennel Club shows in Yerong Creek on 1 and 2 August and will take last minute entries on the Saturday for both Gundogs of The Southern Region and Murray Valley Kennel Club. The weather forecast is very positive for that weekend and we should have cool but dry and sunny weather... Hope to see you all there.
You still have time to enter these shows by either post or Oz Entries The committee is aware that some people will be concerned over the conditions of grounds following last weekend's heavy weather and would like to re-enforce that these shows are held at the Albury Wodonga Equestrian Centre, one of the premier grounds in the district. There is ample room for setting up and there will be plenty of space for everyone, including those who are entering both Gundogs of the Southern Region and Murray Valley Kennel Club. The grounds are level and well grassed, and they offer fabulous facilities that will hold up in the some of the heavier weather conditions. Camping sites are excellent - both powered and non powered. A full canteen will be available all three days, organised by MVKC, and coffee vans will be stationed on the grounds all weekend. Come along and join us for a great weekend of showing in a warm, friendly country atmosphere with all the benefits of city showing.
Entries Close Friday 18 July 2014 GUNDOGS OF THE SOUTHERN REGION TWO CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS ALBURY / WODONGA EQUESTRIAN CENTRE, ROBERTS RD., OFF CORRYS RD., THURGOONA, ALBURY. SATURDAY 9 & SUNDAY 10 AUGUST 2014 Classes to be judged: 1,2,3,4,5,10,11&18 (dogs and bitches)<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"> <br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"> Entries to: Mr T Couchman PO Box 8012, Tumbi Umbi, 2261 Ph (02) 4389 4877, mob 0428 119 391 before 9.00pm Extreme Weather Phone: 0409426319 Cheques made payable to: Gundogs of The Southern Region JUDGES Saturday Sunday Miss S Strang (NSW) Gundogs H to W (inclusive) General Specials Gundogs B to G (inclusive) Mrs M Wedgewood (QLD) Gundogs B to G (inclusive) Gundogs H to W (inclusive) General Specials Dogs NSW Junior Handler Classes will be conducted on Sunday during the Lunch break. Accredited Judges to be advised on the day. Order of Judging: As above. Judging Commences: Saturday 8:30 AM Sunday 8:00AM If a clash in judging occurs then the MVKC All Breeds show will take precedence for breed only BUT NOT FOR HANDLERS. It is anticipated that General Specials will be conducted during the lunch break for MVKC RNSWCC Representative: Mrs G Grant Entry Fees: Breed $10, Catalogues $3 each day PRIZES Category B General Specials: Trophy & Sash all Classes Junior Handlers: Medallion 1st, 2nd & 3rd (Sunday only) Camping: Available on grounds; full facilities. See Murray Valley Kennel Club advertisement. Refreshments: Available, courtesy of Lavington Lions Club Exhibit Numbers: Entries for both days may be sent in one envelope with one cheque. Please include ONE stamped addressed envelope for the return of exhibit numbers. UNITED RETRIEVER CLUB OF NSW POINTSCORE EVENT Make this a FIVE CHAMPIONSHIP show weekend for Gundogs with MURRAY VALLEY KENNEL CLUB INTERNATIONAL SHOWS same weekend, same venue.
Hi Persephone.... it is a long time since I posted and spoke with you and others.... At this stage I am making them get lots of exercise before I feed them... I let them crawl around thier 'box' and encourage them to chase each other for company so that they are getting circulation going and building body strength... have plenty of egg cartons at home so I take you just put a layer of egg cartons directly under the top layer of bedding? and speed humps made of socks would be sufficient at 10 days I guess and as they grow maybe empty toilet rolls inside the socks?
Thanks Mjosa - They are orphans in as much as mum isnt with them at this stage.... I am feeding Di-Vetalac, I was using a milk mixture but they we not thriving on that so went back to what I have used for 20 years... 25 years ago I used Bio-lac and it was wonderful... I have used Wamberoo once, with the Labs, but didnt find it as good as Di-vetalac and much dearer....
Long time since I posted her on DOL.... have recently had a litter of puppies and unfortuntaely lost 3 of 6. Autopsy results are due this week so more on that later. Of the three that are left, one does sleep more on his tummy than his side. but because they are bottle fed, I only feed him on his side... they are 10 days old today... a good friend suggested that becuase they are not with mum, and kept warm and well fed, they have a greater chance of becoming 'swimmers'.... this friend suggested that I make their bedding 'lumpy' which we have done by putting rolled up socks under the top layer of bedding... we have also got some small cuddly toys to put in there. Another breeder suggested that becuase of thier environment, they should all have 'a turn in the pillow slip' Some one once told me that all orphaned pups should be raised over egg cartons or similar. For instance, instead of egg cartons, would it be just as efficient to use that egg carton foam and put it under the top layer of bedding. And so I am interested in your thoughts and how you individually go about these issues.
Murray Valley Kennel Club & Gundogs Of The Southern Region
Joan of Arc replied to jan seary's topic in General Dog Discussion
http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/forecasts/map7day.shtml Exhibitors for both shows....It could be a wet weekend so bring your warm clothes and waterproof foot wear.... -
just wanted to let everyone know that Murray Valley Kennel Club is holding their entries open past 25 July
BUMP ..... Entries close on 19 July... don't forget you can enter 5 championship shows and one open show in 3 days.... Great venue, camping and canteen available.... Shows are available on Oz Entries
Just restarting this topic as I am looking for a hydraulic table... big enough for a lab or large spaniel.... Thought about these http://www.ozgroomingworld.com.au/shop/index.php?route=product/product&manufacturer_id=12&product_id=255 AEOLUS Deluxe Hydraulic Grooming Table with Arm Rock-solid at any adjusted height, from 51.5-101cm. Outstanding quality of hydraulic pump, continuously used for 50,000 times.<li> Silver vein surface, antistatic baked epoxy finish for durability.<li> Unique "Z" shape design eliminates wobbling and tipping.<li> Elastic PVC edging, resists scratches and hauls.<li> All metal-edge, durable and long-lasting.<li> Removable desktop and easy to clean, allows the possibility to change the colour into more personal and fashionable styles.<li>Outstanding loading capacity of 150kg (300lbs), is strong enough for most breeds.<li>Table top is non-slip pure rubber matting, pyramidal pattern, scraping resistant and easy to clean, and is waterproof 7-layer plywood top.<li>Size is 126cm x 65cm x 51.5-101cm (49"x26"x19-40"). Contents AEOLUS deluxe hydraulic grooming table AEOLUS grooming table arm set (L frame) Specification Table Size126cm x 65cm x (51.5cm~101cm)Net Weight 48.2kg
Mine not here yet
Just wanted to let everyone know that this club is conducting its first shows and that the accommodation information in the DogsVIc journal is incorrect. I have inserted a copy of the correct version below GUNDOGS OF THE SOUTHERN REGION **INAUGURAL WEEKEND** TWO CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS ALBURY /WODONGA EQUESTRIAN CENTRE, ROBERTSRD., OFF CORRYS RD., THURGOONA, ALBURY. SATURDAY10 & SUNDAY 11 AUGUST 2013 Classes to be judged:1,2,3,4,5,10,11&18 (dogs and bitches)<br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"><br style="mso-special-character: line-break;"> Entries to: The Secretary, P O Box1058, Lavington, NSW 2641. Phone: 02 60258459 e-mail: [email protected]. Extreme Weather Phone: 0409426319 Cheques made payableto:Gundogs of The Southern Region JUDGES Saturday Sunday Mrs A O’Keefe (NSW) Gundogs H to W (inclusive) General Specials Gundogs B to G (inclusive) Mrs D Horner (NSW) Gundogs B to G (inclusive) Gundogs H to W (inclusive) General Specials DogsNSW Junior Handler Classes will be conducted on Sundayduring the Lunch break. Accredited Judges to be advised on the day. Orderof Judging:As above. JudgingCommences:Judging will commence following completion of Cocker Spaniels (American) at theMVKC show but not before 10:00AM. If a clashin judging occurs then the MVKC All Breeds show will take precedence. RNSWCC Representative: Ms P Smith EntryFees: Breed $10, Catalogues $3 PRIZES Category B General Specials: Trophy & Sashall Classes Junior Handlers: Medallion 1st,2nd & 3rd (Sunday only) Camping:Available on grounds; full facilities. See MurrayValley Kennel Club advertisement. Refreshments: Available, courtesy of Lavington Lions Club Exhibit Numbers: Entries are requiredon individual entry forms for each day. Entries for both days may be sent inone envelope with one cheque. Please include ONE stamped addressed envelope forthe return of exhibit numbers. See MURRAY VALLEY KENNEL CLUB INTERNATIONAL Make this a SIX Showweekend for Gundogs with the Murray Valley Kennel Club - five Championship shows& an Open Show - same weekend, same venue.
Numbers were posted today
Thank you to those who replied.... The nearest one to us JulesP is Hydro Haven in Maroonpna.....it seems to meet my needs and he has been very good in responding to any questions I had... the people in Qld were not very forthcoming and I am still waiting ot hear from Melb....so I think it will be Maroopna....and a 3 week wait because I want the door in the front, not on the end...
Our Labs love Nutri Grain as bait.... but the clumber doesn really go for much bait... she will outside the ring but loses interest in the ring...
I realise this topic has probably been done to death over the years but here goes... have decided to bite the bullet and buy a hydrobath... have considered 3 diffferent suppliers / brands and reduced to the two closest - geographically - so given that we are on the NSW / Vic border, where do others suggest I go? What brands do you have?
We would like to inform all those interested parties that we have been notified by DogsNSW that our affiliation has been approved and as notified at our last meeting and in our minutes, we will be conducting a meeting during the lunch break tomorrow at teh Murray Valley KC shows in Albury. Main point on the agenda will be the decision concerning the proposed show dates
I would like to send a dog from Albury to Melbourne and wondered if anyone was travelling south this coming week/weekend for a show and could fit one dog in for me.
Bring your winter woolies.. the forecast is for very cold weather
Practical Solutions To Problems
Joan of Arc replied to SkySoaringMagpie's topic in General Dog Discussion
i have been in the line up where the exhibitor behind me has been crowding us to the extent of allowing thier dog to jump all over us - both me and the dog - I did all the right things, made the joke of it 'Oh Look, he wants to play - but we know its work time now" and several similar comments - quite loud enough for two other exhibitors to hear me. No response positive or otherwise. Next day when we were in the same line up I asked the steward very politely to allow me some room before sending in the next exhibit, which they very nicely did.... so the other exhibitor waited until the entire line up was stacked up, picked up her exhibit and walked about two foot infront of the rest of the line... and was not sent back.... -
I'm a gundog person but not entered this weekend but was amazed at the entry for Basset Fauves... 10 Where did they all come from.... Dont think I have ever been to a show with 10 Fauves... Good luck Rebanne
Anyone from the Albury or Wagga area going to either Cowra, the ACT or Yass over the next three weeks who could collect a trolley for me I would really appreaciate it...