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Everything posted by ~Harminee~

  1. Oh wow.. how kewel is THAT awesome job...
  2. JAG are you using Photoshop or PaintShop Pro?
  3. This was done by Jag.. I just put the frame around it Well done JAG its awesome
  4. Which ones jag. Ill do them in template form like I did the film strip and post them in jpeg format for you
  5. if you select the white area and cute then use this as the frame..
  6. Abbyb that looks like one of the photoframes from PSP ( Paint Shop Pro) if you want I can post a template one that you can adapt to PS
  7. Yayyyyyyy Glad to see the artists are back at it.... I had the day off. We went snow playing on top of Mt Wellington the went to the movies to see Harry Porrter... Great work everyone..
  8. OMG the missing ear... hooooraaay for Risyntira detective talents.. Now siv darling.. your expertise in matters of photshopping just leave me SOOOO envious... may I ask how you achieved such stunning results?? Common you have to share with us that are lacking in such talent.....
  9. siv your artistic ability just leaves me v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v speachless
  10. LOL ummmmm very ,,, ummmmm artistic siv... keep up the "good" work hun
  11. lol I don't mind if you use Freckles bluecollie its all good
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