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Everything posted by ~Harminee~

  1. Hi Jed, Just popping in to say hi. went to the chapel and lit a couple of candles in thanks for Jed's continued recovery. Hope you have a comfortable day . Its been a bit chilly here today in Tassie. Very much a pajama day with a hot cuppa to go with it,, so I hope no-one minds that I am being a real bogan today and all snuggled up for some warmth. :: Grabs a bowl of soup and snuggles up to a couple of Newfy's ::
  2. Somehow coming in today and Reading the fantastic news that Jed is actually well and truly on the mend, makes the room seem all bright and cheery but then, it may well be cause everyone is on a sugar high from all the food we keep consuming. Just as well this is a virtual waiting room as i think we would all have to put our hands up for next seasons biggest loser as a group entry ( they may have to build a bigger house and get more equipment to house us all ) Seriously.. hearing Tooheys news from Jed herself really lifts my spirits and I know now it wont be long before we hear from her Until then :: waves the cleaning wand:: there is work to be done....... after i cuddle a newfy, have a wonderfully delish coffee courtesy of FranCQ and Ill be good today I'll grab some yoghurt and fruit :sits back,, sighs,,, smiles.... and enjoys the warm tingly feeling of a room full of love:: dam life is good
  3. We had a lovely day here today in Tassie Jed.. beautiful winter day with lots of sunshine. Managed to get the washing done ... very mundane but essential when we have so few nice day Another day closer to healing Jed... (( hugs)) :: Off to light another candle::
  4. I can say without a doubt that if robbers broke in here that Lilly would ensure all her balls were safe.. she constantly has one close at hand... And IF we had a catflap,, the cats are more likely to attack than the dogs
  5. Candle relit :: cleaning bomb needed in here.....:: ((((((((((((( pffft ))))))))))))) there that's better :: inhales deeply to the lovely arroma of fresh coffee and croissants... yum: Smiles... morning everyone.. just adding to the national weather report.. My part of Tassie is still looking like its going to be a lovely sunny winters day. Hope it will be as I have a stack of sheets to wash. Hope today finds you well and another day closer to recovery. :: parks my but to enjoy this wonderful coffee ::
  6. So glad to hear this Toohey.. Katdog Oh I don't know if my magic wand has anything to do with this place being so cheery, I think its the beautiful combination of the visitors themselves.. and their furbabies and their sense of humour and imagination.. Katdog, if the corner is where you feel comfortable, then that.s ok,,, i'm sure there is a horde of animals keeping you company.. just yell if you need help getting out from under all of them
  7. Well its a little too late to say morning,, so afternoon everyone.. Its a misty foggy midday here in Tassie.. but if you hang around for 30 it might get sunny :: Grabs a bikkie and a cuppa and sits next to some fluffies:: (( note to self... stop wearing black, I resemble a 70's pop art exhibit when I leave)) :: Uses a cleaning bomb from petville to magically clean the room spottless ::
  8. :D well at least you don't hear me snoring due to the magic of this room.. :p ::stretches:: :: yawns:: gives a Maremma and a Newfy a hug - thankyou my bed warmers: well its a lovely sunny day here now that the fog has lifted.. best get some washing done, but will be back later to check- in wanders off to the chapel to light a candle
  9. Hi everyone... ::: lifts nose to the absoluely devine smells wafting from the waiting room>> walks over and grabs some tissues after reading blacklabs little story:: :: sits on a chair after collecting the swf off it first.. :: :: picks up a cup of plunger coffee (( thankyou Fifi)) and a serve of curry (( thankyou WSM)) :: This place has become quite the place of tranquillity.... If we could bottle what we have created here I am sure the world would be a nicer place... ::closes eyes and listens to the various conversations... ::
  10. Thank you Toohey for the update. one day at a time... that's all we can expect,,, (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))
  11. ::: sit and grins at this room full of love, good food and fantastic company ::: ahhhhh the procrastination of life.... sigh... well I will sit here quietly doing my course and listen to the great conversations going on... please excuse me if I don't say much Both those poems and great ...and oh so true I think after Jed has gotten better and healed we need to make another waiting room in off topic so this vibe of friendliness and camaraderie can continue and we can continue to wish those with misfortune and ill health a road to recovery what do you think?
  12. Popping in with some freshly made choc chip bikkies to go with the coffee, hot chocolate and scones.. Gives a Maremma a very special cuddle (( oh how I miss Bear)) hope everyone is doing well today (( especially you Jed ))
  13. absolutely.. Just remember though that the very critical stage for Jed was the first week or 2. Now we are going through the normal setbacks that will affect a burn victim. This added with all the emotional things that will be facing her. Until we know for sure what is going on from Jed herself or those that are close to her,, we just have to be positive and send all those possitive vibes to Jed for her healing
  14. Hey Brooke... in this room everything is possible, their is only one rule :: being positive is a must. This is the last update from Toohey. And yes it is saddening that Jed had a setback, but with burns especially the type that Jed received, are an incredibly bumpy road (( 2 steps forward, 1 step back))but we still need to keep positive for her. Well I must be off for a while and get some housework done...
  15. Hi Everyone... :: parks bottom in a warm chair,, puts Gemima on my lap grabs a hot coffee :: I brought by cross stitch today, and a radio ... that way i can watch you girls play jax as well. Gosh i haven't played that since 6th class Another day Jed on your road to recovery, whether it be a step forward or back, we will be here waiting.
  16. Just popped in to say Hi and see how we are all fairing today. Leaving a bunch of new release DVD's for us to watch as we wait... can highly recommend Bran nu dae very cheesy but oh so funny,, nearly busted a rib watching it I laughed so much.. Yes,, laughing is absolutely essential for healing cause it releases good endorphins that encourage healing Won't be staying tonight,, need to play catch up at home.. looks like the housework fairy has been lax due to being so busy here.. Keep your spirits up everyone.. as it was said ... we are here for the longhaul however long it takes Toohey.... we appreciate all news of Jeds progress so please don't feel bad.. it keeps it real :: looks at the room and thinks it needs some colour.... waves her wand and fills the walls full of sunshine smiles and sunny flowers :: keep on smiling people....
  17. if you could find out Jed's favourite, we could do a call out for fabric of any patten but must be in that shade... I would be happy to donate material or "fat squares" to the project
  18. :: puts a pot of chicken and vegitable stew with crusty rolls on a table out of doggie reach:: Oh Dear....well we will just have to be a little more patient and wait for Jed settles into a comfy chair to read a book ... I lit another candle today for you Jed Burns is one step forward 2 steps back we will be waiting for that next step forward...
  19. Now THAT is the best news ever... Thank you Thank you THANK YOU for our prayers and hopes have been answered... :: Here is the lasagne that I promised:: happy tears Jed, sending you lots of love and healing thoughts . Waiting for the best update of all.... from Jed herself
  20. hope Gemima and lilly behaved themselves while I was napping.. Making Lasagne for dinner so will pop some in when it's finished for those that are hungry Be back in a while :: off to relight my candle and feed the hungry household.. ::
  21. Mother Mooch been snapping my fingers away madly hoping your house is magically cleaned.. although it doesn't seem to happen anywehre else bar the " Waiting Room" cause my place has just been physically clean.. ho hum.. Hope no-one minds, but i brought Lilly and Gemima with me..:parks bottom on chair, grabs a coffee and reads another new magazine: Yawns.... :: someone poke me if there is any news ... I think i might have a nanna nap::
  22. *** yawns and stretches .... Good morning all... any news ????No? how are we all doing,, ooo.. eee :grabs a hot chocolate: thankyou my to comfortable pillows.. OMG is THAT the time??.... must run.. have to go collect daughter number 2 from an 18th she went to last night.... bolts for the door,, screaches to a hault .. looks back.. grabs handbag... smiles, waves and keeps going: snaps fingers on way to carpark and the "Waiting Room" is magically cleaned
  23. Good night all: time to get this head on a willing furpillow and bunk down for the night... ::curls up in the corner and goes to sleep ... no its not cold,, there are plenty of furbabies to keep us warm, Gaylek Benson makes a great doona:: Jed.. sending you lot of lovely healing thoughts and prayers that your condition improves even more ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  24. the cleaning fairy has done her job oh so well... oh what a choice.. Collie or Aussie to cuddle.... heck I have a big lap.. cuddles both.... Sit and watches Hitch while we wait for news
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