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Everything posted by bordacollies4me
pipe tunnel can be purchased through plasticoat in Vic.. last i knew they were about $195 delivered
Nose Touches - Agility
bordacollies4me replied to JulesP's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Hey JulesP my young girl did this, she found it self rewarding to launch with nose then paws or paws and nose... got me very frustrated... so i didn't do it for a while, then one day stuck in horrific traffic, she was travelling in the front of the ute, i decided to play nose touch games, as one does stuck in traffic and always has treats and clicker handy ... anyway, the more confined space didn;t allow her to launch, so i got beautiful nose touches... i then just didn't accept the lauch/pounce, if i asked for a touch and got the paws, i would move my hand away very quickly, then re present took a little bit , but she finally worked it out and has good nose touches... and Big Ben.. yes you are right that if you click you should pay, but if you click the wrong thing i wouldn't pay it, but would ask for an alternate behaviour before rewarding, without clicking the alternate behaviour... and we must remember to Click for Action, Reward for Position, dog should not quit the behaviour once it is clicked, they should maintain poisition for the reward... -
Brisbane Training
bordacollies4me replied to Blue Fox 001's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
if you want a good agility club Suncoast Fundogs -
Can Someone Please Break It Down For Me!
bordacollies4me replied to smisch's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
REALLY REALLY REALLY QUICK!!! but yes can be done... is a great game to enter, if not just to learn how to play it... -
Can Someone Please Break It Down For Me!
bordacollies4me replied to smisch's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Jumplers description... from the clean run book of agility games... Take a bit of jumpers, add a bit of gamblers.. shake it up, and youv'e got Jumplers. This is a fun game that marries speed and jumping to distance work. in Brief This jumpers course must be run in the sequence specified by the judge. Time will be deducted from the performance and the total score, for correctly executing the distance challenges as indicated by the judge... The judge will specify the containment area. The handler wiul have the option of remaining inside the containment area throughout the dogs run, or remaining outside. The course will be balanced so that either option is challenging. Should the handler leave the contaiment area at anytime during the dogs run, the bonus subtraction of points from the total score will be lost. There is no penalty for not attempting the distance challenges. The handler may opt to run portions of the course or the entire course, as a straightforward jumpers round. Scoring Jumplers is scored time plus faults. the team with the lowest score wins. Course Design The course consists only of jumps and tunnels... -
Can Someone Please Break It Down For Me!
bordacollies4me replied to smisch's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
yes you can enter all four... once you get your BAAD title (four elementary passes) then you cannot enter Elementary events... if you manage to get your AAD title(four Starters passes) first/before your BAAD title(yes this is possible, Coco missed out on her BAAD by 1 card), then you can not enter into either Elementary or Starters... You can also if you are just starting enter Intermediate events, Open A(but not Open B) events, as well as the pairs... most if not all games are usually Open A events... -
ah yes i was wondering when someone was going to point that out i have Border Collies, the easier to train dogs... i don't think so.... i have seen some very unruly/pigheaded/arrogant Borders... i don't deny that your training tools don't work... i am one to explore all methods/tools of training and have done so.. i choose the methods i use now, because i know that they do work.. are sometimes harder to train with than with the use of a training tool... as you have to teach the dogs to think... make them work for their reward... i have helped train other breeds of dogs not just border collies... currently on my training list are 2 GSD's, a Bull ArabX, a JRT, Boxer, and a few Border Collies.. all these are using positive methods and are showing great results, all have developed there relationship with the dogs more since starting training with me and have put in place Criteria/rules that both dogs and handlers need to follow... i have owned a GSD and trained him to be a well behaved dog, never pulled on lead he was trained with a check chain/flat collar.... although it wouldn't have mattered what collar he had on he would never have pulled on lead, becasue as a puppy he learnt that to be by me was were his rewards came from and what i wanted of him.. i had a great Relationship with him.... I do however feel that such training tools have no place to be used on puppies, the initial topic was whether check chains should be use on puppies...and that it what i have said thus far... ETA: Cosmolo you are exactly right what will work with Dog A may not with Dog B or C... i wouldn't rule out the idea of teaching owners to use a check chain correctly... in conjunction with positve methods... if that is what would give a quicker result... sometimes it also makes the owners feel better having such training tool on their dog...
i think some of you are missing the most important part of training/owning/working a dog and that is the RELATIONSHIP part... building a great relationship with your dog, and have your dog wanting to be and do things with you is what training/owning/working a dog is all about... if we don't have good relationships then it can become very hard to get respect/leadership/compliance out of the dog... thats why we do not need to use check chains and other training aids on puppies, building the relationship and having the puppy want to be with you is the best method of training IMO
Can Someone Please Break It Down For Me!
bordacollies4me replied to smisch's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
yep the regular program was started for older dogs and dogs who are returning from inhury, there is no spread jump and no tyre either, jumps are all on a lower height.... the SCT is also longer... not sure about Jock not being able to run the same course twice, i am sure that you could run him in the international programme eg.. Open A Agility Test and a Junior run him in the Junior event of that event... have had a look through the regs, can't find it yet... this may give you some more info about the junior programme... taken from the regs which can be viewed from the adaa website... SECTION 6 – JUNIOR PROGRAMME 41. General Information 41.1 Introduction The JP utilises two separate systems of recognition to cater for the two separate and different realms of Agility handling and Agility training. Agility handling skills are more about the Handler’s athletic ability and include the skills of turning on the run, timing and footwork. Agility handling skills are encouraged and nurtured through the Junior Handler Awards (JHA’s). A JHA is awarded to the individual Junior Handler and not the Dog in recognition that, in many cases, the Dog is owned and trained by another member. Agility training skills are about training a Dog to be confident and skilled on each obstacle and to build a bond and connection and develop teamwork between Owner/Handler and Dog. Such skills are encouraged and nurtured through the Junior Handler Owned & Trained (JHOT) Titling system. 41.2 Aims The JP aims to foster Junior participation, good sportsmanship, skill development, Handler confidence and experience in the sport of Dog Agility. It is envisaged that the JP will encourage positive training methods, responsible dog ownership and family involvement. The JP also aims to encourage Juniors to participate in fun, safe outdoor activities. Further, the JP aims to provide young adults who can transition into the IP or RP with fundamental handling and training skills and a good understanding of the sport. 42. Junior Membership and Dog Registration The JP is restricted to Junior members between the age of 10 and 16 (inclusive). There is no separate Dog registration for the JP. Dogs that compete within the JP must be on the IPR or RPR. A Junior Handler that owns and trains their own Dog must choose if they wish to register the Dog on the IPR or RPR. A registered JHOT Competitor is not restricted to competing within the JP and may also compete within the applicable Programme in which the Dog is registered and/or the Combined Programme, subject to their eligibility. Thus, if a Junior wishes to compete with their Dog within both the JP and IP, they should register the Dog on the IPR. Alternatively, if they wish to compete with their Dog within both the JP and RP, they should register the Dog on the RPR. ADAA Agility Regulations - 71 - Document Number: POL-AR-001/12 1 April 2008 42.1 Junior Handler Owned and Trained (JHOT) The aim of the JHOT Titling System is to encourage Junior Handlers to own, train, achieve a relationship and compete with their own Dog. Therefore, it is expected that in order to be eligible to become a registered JHOT Competitor, the Dog will be exclusively trained by the Junior and will compete (in any of the Programmes) more than 90% of the time with the Junior in whose name the Dog is registered. That is, if more than 10% of the time the Dog is handled by Adults or other Juniors, then the Dog will not be entitled to be issued JHOT Certificates that may be used towards JHOT Titles. 42.2 Registration for JHOT A JHOT Competitor must be specifically registered with ADAA as a JHOT Competitor to be eligible to be awarded JHOT Certificates and achieve JHOT Titles. A Competitor may not be registered as JHOT if the Dog has been awarded (or is eligible to receive) any ADAA Titles whilst registered to another Owner. A Junior competing with a Dog that is not a registered JHOT Competitor may achieve Clear Round Certificates within the JP or any other Programme they are eligible to enter. A Junior that is a registered JHOT Competitor may achieve both a Clear Round and a JHOT Certificate within the JP and any other Programme for Agility/Jumping Tests they are eligible to enter. ADAA may cancel a Competitor’s JHOT registration if it is determined that the Dog is handled in Competition more than 10% of the time and/or trained by someone else. 42.3 Using IP and RP Titled Dogs within the JP It is not unusual for a Junior Handler to be exposed to Competition for the first time through the use of a Dog that is on the IPR or RPR, owned by a parent or friend and that has various IP, RP and/or CP Titles to its name. As such, there are no restrictions with regards to IP, RP and/or CP Titles placed on the Dog for eligibility to a Class within the JP. 42.4 Junior Games The JP does not include Individual or Team Games. 42.5 Use of Clear Round and JHOT Certificates Both Clear Round and JHOT Certificates may be achieved from any Standard within the JP. ADAA Agility Regulations - 72 - Only a registered JHOT Competitor may be awarded a JHOT Certificate. A JHOT Certificate will be awarded to a registered JHOT Competitor for any Clear Round in any Agility/Jumping Test from any Programme they are eligible to enter. A Junior and Dog that are not a registered JHOT Competitor will only be eligible for a Clear Round Certificate for use towards Junior Handler Awards (JHA’s), but will not be eligible for a JHOT Certificate for use towards JHOT Titles. ADAA and/or the Judge may refuse to issue a JHOT Certificate if it is determined that the Dog from a registered JHOT Competitor is being regularly trained and/or handled (in any Programme) by someone else (adult or Junior). In such case the Junior will receive a Clear Round Certificate that may be used towards Junior Handler Awards (JHA’s). Clear Round Certificates achieved within the JP cannot be used towards JHOT Titles. JHOT Certificates achieved within the JP cannot be used towards Junior Handler Awards (JHA’s). -
i have been reading through these pages sometimes laughing, disagreeing, agreeing... going to reply decided not to... but am now deciding to... i use postive training methods, have used check chains with my first border with success... he will also wear an e-collar for barking... yes he does know when he does or does not have it on, and usually only wears it when travelling in the ute... One thing i have to disagree with is that Haltis are more difficult to use in a training method... i use haltis with all my dogs, usually start puppies off with them... they rarely wear a Halti past 5 months of age... most of the training with my dogs/puppies is done without leads/collars, they learn to stay beside me from an early age when out walking in the yard or safe area... i could put any type of collar on my dogs and when i ask them to walk beside then they will... i then introduce the lead, but it very rarley pulls tight.. if it does i just stop... I have 4 Border Collies, and can walk all on or off lead, together across abusy road to an unfenced paddock, when they are given the command they are allowed to all go off on their own, when we have finished our walk through the paddock, i ask all to come beside, we then recross the road and walk home... best way to teach a dog is without a collar/lead, if they will stay beside you then it would not matter what the dog wears... totally agree!!
Simply No... i wouldn't expect or do not give guarentees... If you attened a seminar from a well known dog trainer, and didn't like what you were told, or 6 months later your issues still havn't been fixed, would you require a refund... IMO... the information given by a trainer is valuable no matter what it is, if one thing was acheived out of the session... does not have to be a major thing, as simple as dog will now sit better than it did before, than money well spent... i think you are paying for a service, and for someones knowledge on what they know about dog behaviour/training... whether you like what information is given is irrelevant...
well have preordered, both the GD and SG dvd's from Cathy at Agility click... now just have to wait wait wait... oh i hate waiting... that clean run package better arrive soon :D ... why doesn't the post get delivered on weekends, all packages to dog enthusiasts delivered from CR should have preference and get delivered any tiime anywhere
Gold Coast Agility Clubs?
bordacollies4me replied to Heidii's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Wild ABout Agility Gold Coast (WAAG) Further Info: Ph: 0402 308613 Email: [email protected] Web PageWAAG We train Monday evenings at James Overall Park on Brighton Parade, Southport, Qld. some very good handlers and instructors... -
Oh sounds like fun, i could quite easily get back into obedience if it were rally o what about a trip to QLD visit the sunny state... i'm sure i could round up quite a few participants...
my shopping list was Cool Kong Dog Toys: 1 Options: Medium: $6.95 Item Total: $6.95 Squeakin' Bees 3-Pack: 1 Item Total: $6.45 Pilates for Pooches DVD: 1 Item Total: $38.45 FitBALL Balance Disc, 14 in.: 1 Item Total: $21.95 Get on the Ball DVD: 1 Item Total: $28.45 Really Reliable Recall DVD: 1 Item Total: $28.45 can never have enough DVD's lol... mine have heaps of toys so only ordered a couple thi stime... actually the bees are for the new litter of puppies to play with
Human Dog Sports Question
bordacollies4me replied to Silvawilow's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
i have had two bad ankle injuries.. outside of agility... best strapping i found was horse strapping, can be purchased from most produces or vets... is sort of sticky as well... i have tried braces, but too uncomfortable, the strapping straps firmly to ankle and is not bulky.. comesa in a great range of colours as well... -
Where To Purchase Agility Equipment?
bordacollies4me replied to Silvawilow's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
the equipment is the easy bit, the transport is the hardest... i make equipment, have had a few enquiries from interstate, every time i ring transport companies to enquire i get different quotes... -
Free Shipping Clean Run
bordacollies4me replied to SwaY's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Good Luck -
i am a huge fan of Susan Garrett recomend all of her books/dvds... very good resources indeed... also have her foundation binder... also you may want to check out her youtube stuff Sg You tube
Excellence In Weaving
bordacollies4me replied to bordacollies4me's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
this method is all about speed... and accuracy when starting the first 2 poles are say at 2 and 8 oclock, you work you entries, initially shaping your dog to go through with food.. a toy driven dog is much better, when rewarding the dog, you always reward on what susan calls the reward line... which is basically the line that the 12 poles would follow... when you add the next 2 poles they are also at 2 and 8 oclock... but about 4 feet from the first set forming a channel... once the dog is driving through these (1 or 2 sessions) you then start turning the poles to say 1 and 7 oclock.. work the ark add distractions, maintaining speed and drive... then turn to 6 and 12 forming a straight line... i had my last dog doing 4 straight poles with speed in 5 sessions... -
Excellence In Weaving
bordacollies4me replied to bordacollies4me's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
No Worries i hope it has helped understand the 2x2 a little better... this is a snipet of what Susan calls the 2x2 difference Quoting Susan GArrett From Pavlov we learn about classical conditioning and how if a neutral stimulus (such as weave poles) is continually paired with something desirable (toy or food), we will get a conditioned response to that stimulus. In the initial stages of other methods of weave pole training, a toy or cookie is put at the end of an open channel or an angled row of poles for the dog to drive towards. The dog is conditioned in this way to see-poles-run-fast. This is a key reason why many dogs go through their entire agility career without ever gaining consistency with weaving. The “see-poles-run-fast” trigger is so strong it is sometimes next to impossible for this dog ever to become thoughtful enough to collect his stride to hit a weave entry. By way of contrast, the sight of weave poles for the 2x2 trained dog triggers a conditioned response that has him SEE-POLES,-COLLECT-HIS -STRIDE,-FIND-HIS-ENTRY, and then RUN-FAST! -
Excellence In Weaving
bordacollies4me replied to bordacollies4me's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
nothing i suppose... the 2x2 is sort of a channel method, however you start with 2 poles, then add two more poles forming a channel, then close the gaps until poles are straight, shaping the dog to do all this, working on entries around the arc, when poles are straight and dog is driving through from all entries, you then add another 2, opening the gap to make it easy for the dog, close the gap on these 2, maintaining working the arc and drive, then you just keep adding 2 until you reach 12... of course adding distractions along the way... it is a quite simple and easy method to train... i think it is better as the dog learns quicker how to bend...