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Everything posted by scratchcat
Digital Melanoma & Vomiting *update*
scratchcat replied to scratchcat's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thank you so much for all your kind words. Unfortunately our beautiful boy took a turn for the worse overnight forcing us to make the hardest decision of all. May the naughtiest, most destructive dufus of a Rottweiler RIP. Gone far too young, we will miss him forever -
Digital Melanoma & Vomiting *update*
scratchcat replied to scratchcat's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thank you to ShnauzerMax for the advice. We went ahead with the ultrasound and unfortunately it's not good news. It appears our young boy's cancer has spread where we least expected. Unfortunately with the type of cancer he has, we can now only make him comfortable. I can't even describe how devastated we are. -
Bison The Rottweiler And His Lymphoma Battle
scratchcat replied to DerRottweiler's topic in Palliative Care Forum
DR, thank you so much for your kind wishes. It is wonderful to see everything going so well for Bison. On a sad note, we have had some terrible news in regards to our young boy. We will now do what we can to make him comfortable. Good luck with everything -
Bison The Rottweiler And His Lymphoma Battle
scratchcat replied to DerRottweiler's topic in Palliative Care Forum
Hi, I've just come across your thread after posting in the health section also. My almost 4 year old rotty has digital melanoma discovered only a couple of months ago. Prognosis is not good but we hope to 'extend' his life and the quality of it as much as we can. He is currently undergoing a vaccine treatment from the USA which has not been tested greatly on melanoma of the nail bed. I guess you could say he is kind of a "guinea pig" in relation to his type of cancer and the treatment he is currently undergoing in Victoria. Such a young boy, we never would have imagined this type of cancer as it's normally seen in dogs aged 9+. We are currently having a few other health issues with him but don't think it's related to the melanoma. Anyway,I have read your thread with interest including all the advice and comments. I will continue to do so. It is fantastic to read that things are going so well and I wish you and Bison the very best. -
Digital Melanoma & Vomiting *update*
scratchcat replied to scratchcat's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Whoops, struggling with the reply!! Sorry. Thank you for your reply SchnauzerMax. Yes, he's vomiting clear liquid, sometimes slightly tinged but mostly clear. The vomiting isnt huge amounts but just seems to be when he gets a tad excited or gets up from lying down. The vet has done blood tests and xrays and everything came back normal. The pancreas was mentioned but nothing showed up in the tests. We are just getting frustrated as it is not normal for him and tests are not showing anything. He is also slightly off his food which is just not like him, he's normally a guts. The last thing left for us is an ultrasound but I am hesitant as surely all the other tests would have shown something?? I know he's just over being poked and prodded and getting put under again can't be great. I just don't know anymore. As you can imagine, our vet bill is already into the thousands and we have no pet insurance. He is also undergoing a course of vaccine from the USA for the cancer but the vomiting began before that. Having cancer is the worst thing we could imagine for him and I just want my dog to enjoy what's left of his life without the added bits of vomiting and not eating the meals he once enjoyed with gusto. -
Digital Melanoma & Vomiting *update*
scratchcat replied to scratchcat's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Scratchcat, when you say vomiting water do you mean vomiting up a clear or slightly tinged liquid? Whenever my dogs (past and present) have done this it is has been a precursor to what has turned into pancreatitis. One occasion was triggered by rimadyl, another by previcoxx, both as long term treatments for arthritis. The third occasion was a gall bladder infection which turned really nasty. Ultrasound of the abdomen mght show if there is a problem in that area. -
My almost 4 year old Rottweiler has been diagnosed with digital melanoma. He has had his toe amputated and lymph node (which came up clear) removed. About 6 weeks after surgery, he has been vomiting water and not as keen on food as he used to be. Numerous tests have not shown any cause and numerous tablets don't seem to be helping. Firstly I am wondering if anyone else has had a dog diagnosed with digital melanoma and what their experiences have been. Prognosis is obviously not good but currently there are no obvious signs of spread. Second, does anyone have any ideas as to the possible cause of his vomiting? I am starting to think that it may be an anxiety issue as the vomiting seems to happen when he gets up quickly, after a sleep etc. It is almost always clear fluid and has only been food on a couple of occasions. This has now been going on for about 3 weeks. He is quite an anxious Rotty, gets very worked up with loud bangs, licks doors when we're inside and he's not etc so could this be a possible cause or am I way off?? Thank you for any advice
My dog also suffers from allergies. After a particularily bad episode last year, the vet also gave her an injenction and she was put on 'blue tablets.' The vet then recommended Claratyne for future breakouts. I have since used Claratyne when her skin reacts to who knows what, and it works a treat. She has a reaction maybe once a month in warmer weather so it's not constant. Half to one tablet, depending on how bad her skin is, and you can see the change within an hour. (She weighs 42kg) No side effects that I have noticed. I also use Squirt shampoo and conditioner for sensitive skin. Good Luck
Hi Everyone, I just noticed a chip / hole on the side of my dogs canine tooth. I've googled vet dentistry which there doesn't seem to be a lot of in Melbourne. By that I mean an actual specialist field. I will book her in to the local vet tomorrow in the hope that they can refer her to a vet dentist?? Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has experienced something similar with their dog and whether there are such things as "fillings" which are strong enough to last in a canine tooth? Is there any other advice / recommendations that someone can give me regarding this problem? My dog is only 2 and a half years old, have just switched her food from Innova to Artemis, gets some chicken necks with dinner every night and gets either raw or smoked bones about every 2nd to 3rd day. Thankyou
Thankyou everyone for your replies and suggestions. I have tried many of the ones you have mentioned except for the earplugs for hubby!! He has gone away for work for a night or two so I will suggest them when he gets back. I think I may also go back to the vet to see if they have any other medication to offer. They didn't seem to have sleeping tablets as such for a dog which is why he was put on valium. We started on half a tablet and are now on one whole one a night just before bed. Even a whole seems to have lost its affect and that was the highest dose recommended for the little one. My hubby did suggest taking them for himself As I mentioned earlier, he's partially blind and deaf and a little slower on his feet but other than that he seems happy. When we first took him home from my parents he was so much worse and used to stare at a wall in the daytime and bark as well as at night. I changed his diet, let him sleep inside at night and spend a lot more time with us. (My parents had lost all interest in him). I have no doubt he became much better with the change of lifestyle we have given him. At the time we had an old rotty and even though they weren't "friends" they both seemed content with the knowledge that the other was there. My rotty got ill and had to be PTS so I have made the decision in the past when I believed it had to be made. I know he is slowly deteriorating but at this stage while he's still wagging that tail and eating his food the decision is just too hard. Thanks again for your help and any more suggestions are more than welcome.
Hi Becky in Oz, Yes he is crated at night and tends to bark more if covered, I've tried that as well but thanks for the suggestion. This is what I'm hoping for. Ideas etc of things I can at least try if I haven't already. Vet just says it's our decision. I'm having a really hard time making this decison. Obviously I know what hubby would prefer and I guess he's waiting for me to agree. I just can't seem to bring myself to do it without knowing I've tried everything else which is why I'm on here.
Hi everyone, I have posted a few times in here and everyone has always been so helpful I thought I'd try again for some advice. I'll try to keep this short as I can but need to explain the situation. I have a small terrier x that I inherited from my elderly parents who could no longer look after him. I also have an 11 month old American Bulldog, 2 cats and a cockatiel. The old dog is about 17 years old and we've had him for about 2 years now. I have no doubt we gave him a new lease on life. Anyway, he's partially blind and deaf and going a bit senile. Problem is he wakes up at all hours of the night and barks at nothing. Obviously going a bit nutty at his age but other than that he eats, drinks and toilets well and is always happy to see me. BUT, his barking at all hours is driving my sleepless hubby nuts and hubby has said he thinks its time. We've tried a few things to stop the barking and the old dog is even on valium from the vets. Valium worked for awhile but the barking has started up again in the last few weeks. I sometimes think my hubby is right and for our sanity it may be time but I just can't bring myself to do it. Other than his barking at night, he seems pretty happy and I just can't imagine myself taking a happy dog to the vet to be PTS. Unfortunately I now have an unhappy husband! Any advice / thoughts / options would be much appreciated. Thanks
Stilboestral didn't work for my rotty so she was put on Propalin. Same as Warley stated, you need to make sure you're on time with it or you may have little accidents. I paid about $65 - $70 a month and just mixed it in with her food and she never seemed to notice. Worked a treat.
Care Of The Giant Breed Senior Citizen
scratchcat replied to SpikesPuppy's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I'm with peibe. Get some Joint guard. My beautiful Rotty passed away in February at the age of 11. I discovered Joint Guard late and wish I had put her on it sooner. The time she was on it, I believe made a difference. She had a cruciate operation in both rear legs when she was young so suffered arthritis in her later years. I'd recommend to at least give Joint Gaurd a go. Good luck, I'm sure Spike is spoilt just as much as my Pepper was. -
Strange Lump On 7 Month Old Pups Leg
scratchcat replied to scratchcat's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Back from the vet. Turns out my pup had a torn tendon sheath (obviously the limping I noticed 3 weeks ago!) and this caused a seroma which the vet took some fluid out of just to be sure. Apparently its very likely to come back but should go down again in a couple of weeks on its own. Thanks to Lisa M, the vet was lovely and was able to diagnose quite quickly. I'm very relieved and there should be no long term damage. Now to try and keep her quiet!!! -
Strange Lump On 7 Month Old Pups Leg
scratchcat replied to scratchcat's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thankyou for the advice and recommendations. My pup is booked in today at the Monash. Once I find out what's going on I'll update. The lump hasn't improved and after reading a few other posts on lumps I think I've freaked myself out a little. She's only 7 months old so hopefully all will be ok. Thanks again. -
Hi everyone, My 7 month old American Bulldog has a strange lump on her hock. I guess you could say it's around the front of it but in the crease part if that makes sense?? Anyway, she's been checked out by her vet who is actually unsure of what it is. She's been on anti inflam with no change and the vet doesn't believe it's a cyst. He doesn't want to put a needle in it and thinks it's attached to a ligament. He also thinks it has a bit of scar tissue in it?? I saw her limping 3 weeks ago but she was fine after a couple of hours and hasn't limped since. She is a very energetic 31kg pup! The vet has suggested let things be and see how she goes for awhile. She doesn't appear to be in any pain but because I can see the lump and know it shouldn't be there, I'm thinking of getting another opinion for peace of mind. I would appreciate if anyone can recommend a vet that possibly deals with leg injuries / lumps? I live south east Victoria. Thankyou in advance.
Hi everyone, I have a 15 week old American Bulldog pup. She has been inside since 8 weeks old and is slowly learning that her "toilet" is outside and waits by the door to go out. If we are gone for a longer period she obviously can't hold on but while we are home she's pretty good in letting us know. This week we have put her outside while we are at work/out and she is doing well. We leave her with plenty of toys and so far nothing has been destroyed! We don't have a pergola so I leave the garage door open so she has shelter and her bed is in there. Over the last few days it has been raining and she has started pooping in the garage. I think I have worked out that she doesn't like getting her paws wet on the wet grass!! Is this normal?? Now when she goes out for the toilet she walks into the barked area which is dry and goes there. While we are not home she just does her business in the garage. Why is this and how can I stop it? I'd prefer to leave the garage open for her to have shelter from the elements and a dry and comfortable area for her to play but if she continues this behaviuor I may be forced to get a kennel and close the garage. I would welcome any suggestions???
I write this with a broken heart. Pepper took a turn for the worse yesterday. We made the hardest decision of our lives. Her poor body was shutting down. I can't even express my devestation. Thankyou to everyone for their advice. I can't believe she's gone.I'm heartbroken.
Thankyou benny123 and everyone else that mentioned cartrophen. Just to let you know, Pepper was having these injections for a few years but I guess they just stopped working for her. I'm assuming her body may have got used to them? As for Sasha's Blend, can't get her to eat it! Even tried the flexi bites that Sasha's Blend make and she won't go near it. Her lips actually curl up when she smells it even though I have tried to disguise it numerous times. Too smart for her own good!! Anyway, I'll keep persisting and am very open to any more suggestions and can't thank everyone enough for your advice.
Thankyou everyone for your replies and kind words. Pepper is back on anti flam tablets from the vet and once again her mood seems to have improved. I will try and get her moving/walking a bit more and see if this helps. Her hydro appointment is next week and this includes the underwater treadmill. I have also discovered a wonderful harness that I can strap around her rear end which has handles, therefore allowing me to be able to help her up and take the pressure off her sore leg. Unfortunatley I don't have it as yet as I have had to order a larger size. I have also slowly changed her diet which she seems to love at this stage. Pepper has always slept inside at the foot of my bed on her own bed, but due to the heat has moved to the hallway where we leave the front door open for the breeze to flow through. It's still outside our room so if she needs the toilet or something she can still come in and nudge me awake. I do adore her and I have now learnt so much, but again I wish I had known these things earlier. This site has been fantastic not only for advice but for information on raising dogs, problems, what to feed etc. I have never used a website so much and I guess now I will know better for any future 'family' members. Once again thankyou to everyone and I will let you know how she goes at her hydro/physio appointment. Hopefully someone out there may be able to learn something from my own and Pepper's experiences.
Thankyou for your replies. Obviously I'm having good and bad days but can't stop kicking myself!! Pepper seems a little more depressed this morning and I'm wondering if it's because she's off her anti inflam medication from the vet. New age outlaw, I have her on an anti inflam that I purchased at the Pet Expo. It's made by NutroSmart and contains ginger, Devil's claw, Meadowsweet, Yucca, Clivers, Nettle, Gingko Biloba and Cobolt Blue. I'm giving it a go and as it's herbal I'm assuming it can't do much harm. However I have noticed that she's not herself this morning so maybe the other tablets were helping. Maybe I should put her back on these? Madison, I'll ask the vet about Metacam. Thanks everyone.
Hello everyone. I'm another newbie to the forums and would like some advice on arthritis. I know it's been a subject discussed often and I have used the "search" button for many many hours. I just wish I had found this website earlier. I never realised that there was so much to offer my poor baby and am wondering if it is now too late. Please bear with me while I tell you her story. I have a 10 year old rottweiler with bad arthritis in her back legs. Her right one seems worse and has alot of thickening around the knee joint. She does not like to put weight on it but after a little wander around the yard will put it down lightly. She has had two cruciate operations, one in each knee, when she was about two years old. For the last few years she has had cartrophen injections which seemed to help at the time. About 4 weeks ago, I noticed she gained a major limp and was favouring her left leg. Off to the vet we went, who did some xrays and put her on Rymadil. The vet informed us she had osteo arthritis. I knew nothing of the side affects of Rymadil and gave it to her as instructed. A week later and my baby became more depressed, was off her food and did not want to get off her bed. For her to be off her food, any food(!), is a BIG deal. I then hopped onto the internet and did some research into Rymadil. I decided to take her off this immediately and also researched arthritis in dogs in general. I was so upset to discover so many treatments for dogs that I guess were more a preventative than a treatment. None the less, I purchased Sasha's Blend, much to Pepper's disgust, with little success. It's not that I don't think it works, it's just that I couldn't get her to eat it no matter how I tried to disguise it! Back to the vets for some anti inflam tablets and her appetite was back within a day. Then along came blood in her poo and back to the vets again. Looks like 10 days on Rymadil gave her ulcers in her stomach which then burst. More tablets and a blood test to confirm things were ok and now there is no more blood in her poo. She is still eating and drinking but is a little anaemic. We are feeding her liver for this (vet recommended this to get her red blood cells up, is this correct??) About a week ago, after much research on this and other websites, I have put her on JointGuard. She is also on a tablet of Fish oil a day. Yesterday her anti inflam tablets ran out and I started her on some herbal anti inflammatory medicine instead. She has a magnetic pet theraputic bed and I have also booked her in for her first physio and hydro bath session next week. (Need the hubby to be home because I can't lift her in the 4WD myself!!) I guess at this stage I'm doing as much as I think I can for her. But, I have spoken to many people, vet included, who have all told me that to have a rotty at 10 years of age, I just should be grateful that she's lasted this long. Her knee is pretty sore and is beginning to look enlarged just like when humans get arthritis. I have to encourage her to get off her bed but seems to walk a bit better after a few minutes. She still has a limp and tries to stay off it, but much better then when she first gets up. I'm starting to wonder if it's all too late? Obviously I should have had her on Jointguard and all the other stuff years ago, but I just didn't know it was there for her. I'm angry at myself and upset that she is now so bad. I'm questioning if it will get better or if I'm just wasting my time on all these things? She's only been on JointGuard for just over a week so I know that it's probably not working yet. I think I know in my heart that she may be too far gone with her arthritis for it to get better. Am I just acting like a crazy woman searching for help that may not help? Am I clutching at straws? I'm extremely upset with myself and I don't want to give up on her yet. I guess I need to know that what I am doing is ok and if anyone has any other suggestions to help her I would be more than grateful for the advice. I apologise for the long post and thankyou for taking the time to read it. I guess in my own way I am also venting my frustration and dissapointment in myself for not knowing there was help for her earlir. :p