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Everything posted by Toby71

  1. My boy is four, and has always squatted. I like it, he's so dainty! Our little fella (who is now bigger than the big fella!) has obviously taken his cues from Len, because so far he's a squatter too. He's only five months though, so I suppose he could change his mind.
  2. We had a parvo test done on our pup, unfortunately he was quite sick when he arrived (but that's another story). The test itself only took about five minutes, we waited in the consult room while our vet ran it. I'm not sure how much it costs, as we handed so much money over to our vet at the time for an array of things! I would do it, even if it's just to put your mind at ease - it did for us.
  3. Toby71

    Puppy Food

    We were told that as long as you feed your pup a good quality dry food, you really don't need to feed them anything else, apart from treats occasionally and training food. I don't know if this is right? We feed our little guy equal portions Eukanuba (large breed) for breakfast, lunch and dinner and also give him the odd chicken neck or pigs ear - but not daily. Do you think he's missing out?
  4. Does anyone have any great hints for toilet training that they'd like to share? I'm keen to hear any ideas. Thanks in advance.
  5. My husband bought aluminium frames from Bunnings, and then put plastic lattice on them. Not expensive at all, we got two barricades/gates out of it for around $70 - and they're light enough that I can easily move them to different parts of the house.
  6. I've heard a heap of conflicting things, so wanted a general concensus. What should puppies eat?
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