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Everything posted by raz

  1. My god that's a neat office, Luke! I've got travel pics and one helluva cute painting of the blowfly that Huga did for Mr R's birthday.
  2. That's the one that has to come and live with me, Lea. You can keep the other one
  3. ;) Hilarious! He flattened Xia.
  4. Big hugs Lea. Thinking of you.
  5. Tell big Kev to move all of his boy crap out of the garage! Lovely birdy.
  6. I cant remember what I said. I cant remember what I said yesterday so no surprises there. Your emails are always polite, old boy. No need for stationery. Who uses that stuff these days anyway. Good to see you back. Now I'm going to bombard your email box with spam
  7. What was wrong with you the way you were? Hey you still havent answered my email. What a rood barrstarrd. I'm going to start a thread now about feeling ignored
  8. @ Lea's duck or whatever the hell it is. Very Cindy Sherman, my dear. I'd love to take up the challengem Ash, but still bored out of my brain resizing pics from Xmas. I'll just drool over everyone else's pics
  9. Might be worth just giving her a buzz. Let me know if you want her details, Mo. dont want to push you. Legal action is always a pain in the ass and quite stressful so I'll leave the ball in your court, hon.
  10. Friend of the family and we had to use her once. She has a nasty bite but great to have on your team, Snowy. Very aggressive lady and a dog lover so bonus.
  11. Are you in Syd? If so I can put you in touch with a lawyer who won a case againt the BC of the Horizon Apartments when they suddenly tried to kick her dogs out. I dont know how much she charges but she's quite the 'pit bull' as a lawyer. Great chick.
  12. raz


    Your definitions have nothing to do with dogs! Number one should have alerted you to that. Midol is madly googling for info about humans rather than dogs again, is he? No surprises there :D
  13. raz


    Maybe it's just guys with small penises that need the bits attached. To the OP - desex, hon. She wont bleed everywhere, try to escape to get knocked up or get narky when she's coming into season.
  14. *drool* How can something so tiny turn into something so huge. Just gorgeous Lyn!
  15. I hear ya. I was emptying them out when I was at my breeders place - projectile vomit
  16. What? You mean like this? Midol: Your vet is an idiot
  17. That would be you. Google is your friend - oh wait no it's not. That was shown in the other snake thread.
  18. You disgust me. Whilst I understand you may not have had the money to treat these dogs, instead of sitting there watching them suffer a long and painfull process you should have done the right thing by the poor little buggers and had them pts. I couldn't sit there and watch my dogs die in pain and agony. Get a grip . I hope you never get anywhere near my pets or family if they are ill. I'd at least hope they would have a chance to recover before being killed 'just in case'. Get a grip yourself. Leaving a pet to die from envenomation is just as bad as letting it die from being smashed up in a car accident. Be a responsible pet owner and DO NOT WITH HOLD VETERINARY TREATMENT FOR YOUR PETS IN CRISIS!
  19. Crap. They were left without treatment! She didnt want to pay so she took them home. She was sitting on the computer when the dogs were in complete paralysis. No AV - no treatment.
  20. Rubbish! Over 70% of dogs not treated with AV when they have been envenomated by an elapid in this country DIE! No vet in their right mind would just say - take it home so it can die in your arms...while it's shitting it's bowels out, bleeding out, in complete renal failure, and asphyxiating because it's in complete paralysis and the diaphragm will no longer allow it to breath. Cant afford the AV - then do the humane thing. People in this thread, including King Midol, told the Op to get the pups back to the vet. When they were in complete paralysis she was still sitting at the computer. And absolutely NO comparison between medical treatment and veterinary treatment.
  21. Bingo! And how do you know the Vet did NOT say that? You dont - nor does anyone else.
  22. Sure looks like it. Tell me what clinic in Australia charges 4 grand for a vial of AV? 2 dogs would be two vials ... and I thought someone said the dogs might need two vials each ... so that is $2400 just for the meds, then the cost of the vets time etc would be added (times two dogs). If the vet doesnt have the AV it would need to be couriered in which increases the cost too. If it was after hours add another several hundred (times two dogs) .... I can see how it could cost $4k at some vets. ($2K per dog). Dont forget too that the OP was advised by the vet that the dogs would probably be OK and to take them home. If my vet said that I would probably believe him . I dont understand why vets who have a 'relationship' with their clients dont accept delayed payment in an emergency . If you just turn up for the first time, or if it is an emergency clinic, maybe, but not your own vet! Wow. I think some people must have their keyboards set to mandarin because obviously some people are having trouble reading their posts. Have you read the entire thread??? Bashing my head on a brick wall...
  23. Sure looks like it. Tell me what clinic in Australia charges 4 grand for a vial of AV?
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