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Everything posted by raz

  1. Not to mention way too much red cordial in the kids that Ruth serves her dogs. *shudder*
  2. Liver is OK if eaten with fava beans and a nice drop of chianti thsthsthsths
  3. It seems that his/her 'beef' is bones? Now that makes sense...doesn't it? and 'racketed' food
  4. How lovely, a newbie being rude. And your point is??????? Wait for the - this forum is horrible and everyone is always horrible to newbies
  5. A bit like brussel sprouts, really. If I bring those home, the dogs AND the husband run for their lives
  6. Yes i read someone they do but first they have to buy all of the arborist gear to climb up the trees.
  7. The same place they buy their designer coats and doggy beds to keep them warm in winter, silly!
  8. raz

    Im Fully Spewing !

    Oh give me a break. Bring out the world's smallest violin. People tried to make sense of your posts and give you advice. What more do you want.
  9. CHEATER!!! You still cant enter the curry cook off, Darien!!! Why wasnt I invited for dinner?
  10. Thinking of you, Jed. Chase bunnies at the bridge, Poppy
  11. Mwahahaha. I can do this for you as well although it was a bit rubbery
  12. You're amazing, Anna Vietnamese eggplant curry - for Bub who put me onto these people
  13. That green one is incredible. How long did that take, anna?
  14. Pink? Pink??? I'd like to join in but I dont own anything pink. Oh hang on a sec...yes I do
  15. :p ;) He was certainly good for a laugh - not much good for anything else.
  16. Dressage: the method of training horses to perform manoeuvres as a display of obedience Doggy Dressage - say no more. Google is his friend - although not always. He can always look the word up if he wants to pontificate in a thread.
  17. Ummm, that's because it IS dancing with dogs, or canine freestyle to be technical and I think it's an extremely wonderful thing to watch. These people put in a lot of time and effort to achieve this with their dogs, with some routines taking up to 12 months, sometimes more to perfect. The commitment and training time is not much different to that of a sniffer or police dog really. Thanks for sharing Tangerinedream. Ohhh, so why not just call it dancing with dogs? Did you watch the clip? If so you would know why TD put dog dressage instead of dancing with dogs. It's bloody obvious, really! Of course I bloody watched it. How is it obvious? Tearies.
  18. Amazing just amazing. How is the back to back section - gave me a case of the sniffles. Dont worry about midol's carryon. If he actually knew what the word meant he would see why it was used.
  19. Thanks all. All suggestions have been handed over to the owner. :rolleyes:
  20. What do you do to manage? Sorry if it's been asked before. I've just been asked by a concerned owner.
  21. My bro shared a house years ago with a super anal guy. Everynight bro would make one of the paintings crooked and the next morning flatmate had straightened it. This went on for 2 years Little barrstarrd.
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