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Everything posted by raz

  1. Oh my lord I'd be going directly to a senior counsel for an advice.
  2. Quality of the chocolate brand and how much cacao is actually in them would be my guess, but I am surprised at the easter eggs - there isnt much chocolate in them at all. Great news about little piglet Daphne coming home .
  3. Thanks for starting your offtopic 'thread' to complain about the offtopic subforum in General Dog Discussion. Maybe now you can get back to discussing dogs in General Dog Discussion. Hope you had a lovely Easter.
  4. The easiest way not to fill up the general dog discussion forum with off topic crap is not to start off topic threads like this in it. That's what off topic is for.
  5. Yes I have to say that as soon as her name cropped up I stopped reading the article.
  6. Wrong Souffle. The world will be a better place when that crappy tabloid goes up in flames...or we can start believing the articles in it that great grandmothers have all been abducted by aliens for experiments with probes and slices of cheese that were carved off the moon.
  7. Ahh ya big sucker, Jed. Fabulous story. What a huge little dog.
  8. Report it, Lisa. Ring the ranger first thing on tuesday morning if you havent already done so. Poor little baby dobe, and I totally understand how shaken up it made you.
  9. I took a lens in for repair. I picked it up within 10 days and had email notifications from them the entire time - couldnt be happier with the customer service. That's a bugger about your experience.
  10. Well on one hand you're complaining that your complaints (you think) were not followed up and then complaining that a complaint WAS followed up. I agree with the others who said good on him for doing his job.
  11. raz


    Oh No one of my all time faves. RIP little guy. Too young. Thinking of you Dotty
  12. What on earth is that supposed to mean? Only Americans feel immense grief when their pet dies from a sudden stroke or only American cops charge an idiot for pulling a knife and trying to throttle a vet?
  13. Ohh yes. What was he doing with it off in the first place I hope he's reunited with it before something else comes off. Goodluck Sarz.
  14. Wow. I didnt think Peta could stoop any lower than a bug under a rock but there ya go.
  15. Thanks Woof. I cant find anything either. From what I saw on the news the poor woman was conscious the entire time. I cant imagine how terrified she was.
  16. So is there any news anywhere on how the woman is recuperating?
  17. Lovely. Just lovely. Shaking my head...
  18. Get away from my man bitch, you bitch! What a great story.
  19. Hearty congrats to all the winners, and Troy - Wow. That's fantastic. Well done MDBA.
  20. What darwinroyal said. Megz is a good person.
  21. Oh BooHoo. Poor RSPCA. My heart bleeds for them. I think I'll change my will and bequeath $1.
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