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Everything posted by raz

  1. Because it's precisely the attitude that 'my Fluffy has rights' that brings in more legislation. What harm was done? One twit makes all dog owners look like irresponsible dickheads.
  2. OK I'll answer that - you're wrong. Ofcourse breeders understand what their puppy buyers feel towards their dogs if the buyer first creates a bond with the breeder. What a silly generalisation. As for mandatory desexing - that's just another law. I dont know what the answer is to crack down on puppy farms but screaming for more and more legislation is just going to impact on everyone.
  3. Yeah. Shortstep is actually agreeing with you so stop being so reactive. I watched it my own breed. People not wanting to breed to the standard screwed it for everyone else.
  4. It's the infighting, ellz. No one can seem to get their act together
  5. Surely a person answering such a phone should be employed? They already have a call centre.
  6. This thread has been really interesting but I have to ask - why on earth is someone who has been run off English Dog forums here on an Australian dog forum? Asking the obvious, I know.
  7. Getting back to the OP re reporting yet again just because some property that you think is 'trailer trash' is selling puppies and now is a boarding kennel - what exactly are you reporting them for?
  8. Not at all like a Lab :p If it was a Lab it would have eaten the car. :D Big question is, how did the cairn find a car with Kentucky number plates? One of my terriers ate my prized Oxford Dictionary - Hardcover. Must be a terrier thing!
  9. Oh wow. I've never even heard of a blondie KB before.
  10. And what the hell is it going to do to stop dog attack stats anyway, apart from what was pointed out earlier in the thread, they'll just say no to anyone wanting a licence. Mind boggling.
  11. The RSPCA investigates complaints of animal abuse and neglect. This was not a complaint about animal abuse and neglect - the OP/complainant had never seen any because they hadnt been on the property. Craning your neck as you drive by does not constitute witnessing animal cruelty. What next - dob in a neighbour whose property Joe Blow has never been on or animal abuse and cruelty never witnessed just because they didnt mow their front lawn every week?
  12. Yep I know exactly what you mean. If someone asks me how many dogs a particular breeder has, I question why they would ask as well and tell them to ask the breeder themself if they think they have a reason to know.
  13. Yep sure. And the breeders of the not popular breeds actually give pups away and really, I cant see how they can manage to keep going. Comes back to what Steve said about passion for it.
  14. That's what I was trying to say but you said it better
  15. Understandable. So this is the bit I dont get - it's OK for a horse breeder to get into it big time and make a profit but the attitude seems to have cropped up here since I joined that if a registered breeder goes upscale and makes moneyin order to provide Jo Public with good dogs, they're automatically branded as a puppy farmer and/or hoarder.
  16. Sure for sure but if breeders make some money out of it and it keeps them going, goodluck to them I think. Do horse breeders make a profit?
  17. I've never understood that either. If breeders continually go into the red to provide us with quality healthy pedigree dogs, they'll just stop breeding.
  18. STOP YELLING!!! That's extremely rude and please stop doing it. The RSPCA doesn not have time to get back to every complainant and the poor woman on the phone just works in the call centre and says whatever she has to say to get off the bloody phone. Stop harping on and on about this, Moselle. The OP did the wrong thing - not the person on the end of the telephone
  19. What a gorgeous post, Crits! RIP old boy.
  20. Bloody hell dont do that. He'll get a poverty line and then some dickhead really will report you! Leave him as is.
  21. The redhead is gorgeous but yes, he does have a fat ass. Bad bad ellz!!!
  22. ;) What's your address, ellz. I'll report you every three days so I can become a vexatious complainant as well
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