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Everything posted by raz

  1. This is what I want from a breeder and for the most part, that's what I got with my breeders. Trouble is how to you write that in ? I dont know. Will have a ponder. What you said is pretty good, though, and you always shine through when you talk about your beagle puppy buyer that I know so it's actually really obvious how attached you are to your puppies and your buyers. You know who my breeders are - one of them is dead but the current one has sat up crying with me at night because I've had to take her dog to Emergency. She doesnt pull any punches so I'm sure you could get some good lines from her. I still think what you said really sums it up. Maybe quote yourself? It's simple and to the point. Very nice.
  2. This is what I want from a breeder and for the most part, that's what I got with my breeders.
  3. I agree and the reception some people get on this forum doesnt help. It happened yesterday with someone asking about breeding - not pointing the finger because I've done it myself jumping on a n00b. It also happened to a member of my family joining up here and asking about a designer dog in the rescue subforum - she was ripped to shreds so she went straight to a puppy farmer to buy a dog. I didnt see the thread but she was pretty shaken up by it and it turned her right off pedigree breeders when at that point she hadnt actually made her mind up.
  4. There isn't one. Oh really? I thought there was. That's pretty dreadful.
  5. What's the cooling off period for petshops?
  6. Hilarious but disturbing at the same time. God talk about having a hang up.
  7. Nup. And in actual fact, we raced into buying our first dog because we just had to have one so I do understand the - gotta have it now - attitude.
  8. Good question but I dont know what would be reasonable for the average Jo Blow. I've been waiting for a dog from a breeder on here since shortly after I joined and I'm happy to wait but I wouldnt expect the guy on the street to hang out for that long.
  9. Yes I agree with this. It's the - I want a puppy and I want it now - attitude that keeps the sausage factories and pet shop sales in business.
  10. That's terrible. How traumatic for you, sharon. Poor little buggers.
  11. It's not the whimpering dog owners with their tails down that have curtailed your liberties. It's the assholes that flaunt the law at every opportunity. Good for you if you want to clog up the court system by fighting the council ranger who slaps you with a fine for taking your dog into a prohibited area - I hope that gives you a sense of empowerment. This morning when I drive through a school zone I might put my foot down just because I think a 40k zone is ridiculous
  12. I didnt realise this was a new law. I thought it had been around for a while.
  13. Oh man you've had baptism by fire. Good for you for sticking around Bitches arent called that for nothing.
  14. Isnt it funny. Just because a dog is small does not mean the owner can get away with it. My dogs are small but shit. It doesnt mean I am above the law...or that I can clog up the List just because I'm an asshole with too much time and money on my hands. Do the right bloody thing and you wont get fined - or treated like an idiot and get done for costs. Simple.
  15. I think it's a combination - people who know the law and do what they like anyway without having any common sense and not giving a rats' ass about how it impacts on other people
  16. If someone steals your dog, it's a thing. No different to stealing your car or stereo which dont breathe either. Be happy about the legal definition - it may one day help you (fingers crossed you never need it)
  17. Yes and further to that, because idiots like that twit in news subforum thought they could just flaunt the law because they simply didnt agree with it, then make a mockery of the whole thing by being such an arrogant asshole. What does that have to do with puppy farms? Nothing I've just got a bee in my bonnet about irresponsible dog owners. Sorry for the hijack, Steve.
  18. Are you seriously saying that because I cant take my dog to a certain beach or cafe that I'm going to dump it? How funny but I do get the point you're making in a roundabout fashion. Comes back to why puppy farms and pet shop sales need to be trampled on. Ethical breeders will grill a potential owner to make sure they're going to be responsible. Puppy farmers and girls who work in big pet shop franchises wont.
  19. YES!!! It's crazy, isnt it. People think they're standing up for their 'rights' by flaunting laws. It's exactly why they're there to start with. 40 k school zones are pretty stupid but they're not going to be overturned because some idiot thinks they can speed through at 80 clicks just to thumb their nose.
  20. Yep. I'm hearin ya loud and clear. Pretty friggin frightening, isnt it.
  21. Yes I totally agree with this. Like it or lump it but it's not just the OP that people are responding to - it's every Tom Dick and Harry that might be reading the forum and wanting to ask the same question about breeding the first litter. If the OP is genuine, good on you for asking. I'll never be a breeder but I do admire the n00bs for wanting to get in there and do it right from the get go.
  22. Sure that's fine. I'm not a card carrying robot either but if I see a sign saying no dogs, I dont go in there with my dogs - either on the ground or up in the air. It's irresponsible.
  23. :p That photo of Bobby is hysterical. Well caught!
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