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Everything posted by raz

  1. So what? That's the rescue subforum. Get over yourself and read the forum rules. Stop ruining a good thread on the (oh my lord do I have to point this out) promotion of purebreeds!
  2. Oh good god. How to wreck a fun thread on a PUREBRED DOG FORUM
  3. Here tis. http://www.cites.org/ I just think you've got better chance of getting a journo to run with the story if that shop is selling endangered animals. Crappy awful pet shops selling sick puppies and kittens lying in shitty little plastic boxes are a dime a dozen in Japan and not much we can do about it from over here, but if they're in contravention of international government trade agreements re exotic animal trade then you can get CITES to crack down on them
  4. Sure. If the shop is still there and you can get pics of animals listed on CITES it would really pull more weight but feel free to PM me. They are a member of CITES which is why those horrible filthy shops pack up and move address so quickly. Really distressing, though, so dont go back in if it's going to wreck your time away. Enjoy your time in Japan which is otherwise an amazing place.
  5. Do you mean the third world countries live exports are sent to? They cant accept processed meat products - most of them live hours away from where the meat is brought in and dont have refrigeration. Better Aus that sends in the livestock with a vet on each boat and a highly regulated industry rather than sending in animals from unregulated countries like Somalia and Sudan where most of the animals will be dead before they even get there. But that's really beside the point of this thread. To the OP - so did you shoot off a letter to The Japan Times about the state of those hole in the wall petshops in Japan? The shop has probably moved on now anyway, especially if they had Appendix 1 animals for sale.
  6. Exactly, I totally agree with you. I still think the little dog was riled up first. I could easily do that with my pug - rev her up with play then if you put your finger near her she goes for it. And I also think a lot of the 'clients' are wanting their 15 seconds of fame on a tv show. I'll stick with my vet who doesnt have a tv crew in the face of animals to get a reaction worthy of tv ratings.
  7. This vet? http://www.pennanthillsvet.com.au/ A few people on this forum are clients and I met him the other day. He's fantastic, and his nurses are great as well. I couldnt recommend them highly enough.
  8. But he's a good looking prat. I'll have to watch the start of it again next week just to see him with his shirt off doing the Hasselhoffian run along the beach
  9. Sure for sure. I totally understand what you're saying on both counts. And this comment of yours is where I'm looking at it from the point of view of an animal owner: every little bit of experience is so valuable & helps to make me more competent & more confident at what I'm doing. It's been a really interesting thread but I wont be signing the petition. Any vet grad I consult in future for my dogs I want to have had maximum experience. Good luck in your final year Staranais.
  10. That was me. Thanks for calling me a nong - not just once but twice. Breach of forum rules there. No I havent watched every episode - I've watched one/ Nice ASSumption on your part.
  11. Well that's good to know they are genuinely interested in the animals, and the stupid things they say and do arent their fault - the producers call the shots on all that crap to make it more interesting for the target viewers, which is why most people on here cant stand the drivel. I mean the whole thing with the chi - you can just hear the producers saying it - rev the little land piranha up so it looks really good for the silly old bitches at home who want to see Fabio hold up his finger and show blood blood blood. Then you can hear the collective sigh from the old girls - Nawwwww Fabio my darling, I'll fix that war wound for you I should become a tv producer.
  12. Mr Raz said he's the Fabio of the vet world - He makes the old girls wet their pants.
  13. Because it was stated on here by a few people, you included, that it could be learnt just by looking at diagrams, or am I missing something? Apologies in advance if I have.
  14. Dr Harry is ugly and I reserve a special dislike for him too :D I was thinking exactly the same thing. I think Chris is fantastic looking, especially with his shirt off, but I dont like celebrity vets full stop. I'll stick with my own celebrity supervet because I'm confident he knows what he's doing with my animals and doesnt get them stirred up first to make for more interesting tv. Maybe we dont fit the target demographic, RSG. It's obviously targeted at older single women who like to swoon over the hero pin up boy with a great tan and sunkissed hair.
  15. And of how he looks riding a surfboard and running on the beach. No he didnt address the issue - he just made it all squeeee worthy. The worst segment was the poor little chi who looked like he'd been razzed up and nawww how cute that a big brave vet gets bitten by a little dog. It was totally disgusting. Poor little dog - and we're down on rabies vax at the moment so I hope the chi is OK
  16. ;) I'll pitch in to buy him a pil popper. He certainly needs some Bex for his hysterics over the chiwi
  17. That show is so utterly ridiculous. He should stick to riding surfboards, not terrorising little dogs. And the story about the rottie being inbred was hilarious. It was clearly a mongrel...and it was docked so why didnt the rspca jump on that issue rather than on registered breeders?
  18. No not really. I was coming at it from this angle - If I have your child in the backseat of my car and I drive it for the first time after only learning to drive by looking at a text book, would you be happy? The same for me. No way in hell would I let a grad vet slice open my dog if they had only looked at pictures. Still a bad analogy given that there is more to a vet degree than 'looking at pictures', regardless of whether there were non-recovery ops done. I'll say again - no not really. You're not even a vet student so I dont know how you're prepared to slice open a dog, with or without a picture. I'm as capable of driving on the road without training as you are to operate on an animal just by looking at pictures in a text book
  19. No not really. I was coming at it from this angle - If I have your child in the backseat of my car and I drive it for the first time after only learning to drive by looking at a text book, would you be happy? The same for me. No way in hell would I let a grad vet slice open my dog if they had only looked at pictures.
  20. I know you're serious, and I totally agree with you. eta it's going to the pack. This is all so ridiculous.
  21. Even bins and plastic bag dispensers don't motivate some people. The one and only time I went to an off leash fully fenced dog park in Asquith, I picked up nine, yes nine, bags of poo and in most bags I had two or three dogs poos. I agree - the local dog park here is full of crap and the dispensers and bin are right there as you walk in the gate so it's not like people dont see them. They're just too damn lazy.
  22. Probably. They dont have a problem with selling Appendix 1 animals unfortunately. An American journo I worked with over there constantly ran stories about it but obviously he didnt manage to make any changes if it's still going on.
  23. The Japan Times. A lot of the journos are American expats. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/ Your letter would have more impact if you also have proof that they're selling endangered baby animals. God I lived there in the early 90s and I'm disheartened to see things just havent changed.
  24. Gee they sure snuck that one through on the quiet. When all the arguments were going on with docking everyone said dew claws would be next. That certainly didnt take long. Is Vic the only state to sneak that through so far?
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