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Everything posted by raz

  1. raz

    Poor Roxy

    Well take it up with Ms Taylor from The West Australian. She's the journo who wrote the article, not the rspca.
  2. Obviously unsuited for the profession. Sorry but that's hilarious. Not someone I want working on my dogs under GA. Actually I would want her near my dogs full stop. She'd probably burst into tears just to clip their nails or give them a vax
  3. maybe learn to read. vetrq did not say breeders think they're special. And as for being against anyone breeding dogs for personal gain - ok so they should go bankrupt breeding dogs and be really unhappy about providing quality pups for puppy buyers. That makes a lot of sense - not.
  4. Wow. How lovely they had a memorial for just such a thoroughly decent human being.
  5. I think the problem is, they dont think at all. My dogs are all crated in the car so ofcourse some weirdo in the street reported me to council years ago thinking my dogs were kept in the crates in the car 24/7. The ranger couldnt get over it - this twit didnt think to herself OK so dogs are transported in crates in a car for safety reasons. I dont know what on earth she was thinking.
  6. Sure, I lost my fave brother in a shocking car accident as well but telling Dju once was enough, not continually bludgeon her over the head. She has the harness for Hugo and he's slowly getting used to it. Maybe it would have been better if Dju said - OK I get the point and I've bought a harness - but she was getting yelled at. Toolz, I think those clip ons to collars are a really bad idea for exactly the reason you mentioned.
  7. Same here. I dont find that offensive at all. Ofcourse we're breed snobs on this purebreed dog forum ;) I'm sure you'd find crossbreed snobs on a crossbreed forum. Each to their own.
  8. Naww thanks Jaza. She's pretty cool and getting it all sorted.
  9. No. She told me in a PM. Just leave her alone for goodness sake.
  10. Thats not quite my worry Raz Mine is they will run away and not come back! Mine is based on personal experience, jaza - dog attacks my dog and the owner says 'sorry sorry...he's just playing'.
  11. Yeah same here. I'm too worried about other owners who dont think about the repurcussions of a loose dog who is not under effective control.
  12. You started the thread - you got the answers. Not sure why you dont like it. Maybe it's because just about everyone told you that you were at fault with the jogger. You were. Sorry if you dont like that - you were at fault. How did you go with the report to Council? Its a good question. How DO you know if your dog is 100% unless you test it? Please answer I would like to know. If your dog attacks another dog or person (sorry...behaves like a brat) you train the thing until you have effective control before you let it loose in another dog park. Pretty simple really. This 'gee it was a once off and then I took him to to the park again' idea is not bloody on. Train your bloody dog if you want it offlead. eta sorry that last bit was not directed at you, jaza.
  13. Where's your link to the stats? Dogs are being killed because owners dump them.
  14. You started the thread - you got the answers. Not sure why you dont like it. Maybe it's because just about everyone told you that you were at fault with the jogger. You were. Sorry if you dont like that - you were at fault. How did you go with the report to Council?
  15. There was actually. That's what your thread is about - a jogger on the beach. What is it - no jogger on the beach or a jogger on the beach? your quote There must be a balance between obnoxious out of control dogs and owners and people trying to do the right thing. Urmmm yeah.
  16. Take a chill pill for goodness sake, LM. Dju said she was getting a harness. How about you lay off - your brow beating isnt encouraging anyone!
  17. So was I but I soon worked out how insane the Animal Libbers are, Feef. I completely turned my back on them. Extremist idiots.
  18. Hear Hear! I was watching people in the dog park this morning - 1 person on her laptop, 1 guy reading his newspaper and half a dozen people all having a gossip while their dogs crapped and fought. Fantastic. Any wonder people in my suburb were up in arms when the dog park was first proposed. And it was actually dog owners who were against it because they knew this would happen. Non dog owners thought it would be great because it would leave the dog shit off the pavements (nup. Still happening) and keep offleash dogs in an offleash area (nup. People still let their dogs loose in prohibited areas).
  19. Fair enough. My apologies for jumping to conclusions. The thought of my tiny pug being attacked by two dogs makes me physically ill so I let emotion get the better of me, but obviously you're distressed about the incident as well. If you havent done so already, ring the ranger for a chat.
  20. raz

    Poor Roxy

    ahh rightyo. Sorry, I missed that one.
  21. No probs. I know shit happens but we can do our best to avoid it for as long as possible. The OP brought up some good points.
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