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Everything posted by raz

  1. It is actually. Same as India, South America, Asia. Westerners come in and go Ohhh Noessss these poor dogs. Much easier if they're just shot and the people are educated about feral dogs spitting out lots of puppies.
  2. Yes I was the same. What's a breed club??? Then when you ring them them they just flog their own puppies from a recent litter anyway. But in this day and age, people who want a particular breed just google, dont they? Then if they're smart, they start making phone calls.
  3. Research and more research, sad part is many just want a puppy and want it now!! Yep. totally agree.
  4. Where did you get your JRT from, Goldie? Most JRT breeders remove them when they're neonates...and for that very reason. Poor little bugger but good for you to have them whacked out.
  5. Oh sorry this thread is so over the place now I had to pick up on this. Getting back to the OP - how does someone pick a good breeder? Word of mouth. It goes a longggggg way.
  6. Well that's the answer. Joe Public wants a dog and they want it now. Comes back to the poster who said most people dont care - I totally agree. They want a puppy now. Fight that little acorn.
  7. Yep that's so true. And therein lies the problem, I think. Tackle that need to have one popped out of the freezer or oven right now and really, I think that's a massive hurdle when it comes to Joe Public. Not sure what breeders can do about this.
  8. My answers 1. No 2. Yes 3. As long as it takes.
  9. Maybe the dog doesnt remember the words at all. Maybe Chaser is so smart she can read the names on the toys
  10. No, it's because there isnt any mobile service in Bugarach, silly! That's why it's called the Last Shangri-La
  11. Wings probably got iced up. It is VERY VERY cold over there right now. Souff Shame on you, Souffle. It's nearing the end of the Mayan calendar that's doing it. Let's head off to Bugarach and wait for the alien invasion to save us from the Apocalypse. Tom Cruise will probably be there bunkering down with his tin foil hat.
  12. Excellent point, Dan. The respect those two have for each other is fantastic.
  13. I couldnt agree more, Ark. Absolutely ridiculous.
  14. One of them had a few seizures and he still has skin problems which was all put down to his reaction to AV so if he is envenomated again I'll certainly be discussing with vet the pitfalls of another vial or two of AV but no problems for a few years. The one worst affected because he received the most venom had the quickest recovery despite continually pulling out his IV so I think it just comes down to the individual dog. I've heard of dogs having a personality change after an incident with a snake leading to treatment but mine seem pretty much the same as they were prior. It's just a long road to recovery and unfortunately there isnt a huge amount of info available re envenomation of dogs and affects of AV (because the majority of them die) - the organ breakdown is just so frigging fast. Snake venom is such a complex damn substance. Your little bloke is alive and that's more than most owners have after a run in with a snake so hang in there, sheps. I didnt seek alternative treatment so cant advise but go for it. Every bit helps, especially Diet.
  15. :D ;) Stormie to the rescue while her boss does butt duty. I think it would be really hard to field calls in a busy vet clinic when upset owners, someone who brought in an injured lorikeet and pesky sales reps call in and HAVE TO SPEAK TO THE VET RIGHT NOW not realising that the nurse/practice manager answering the call no doubt knows exactly what's going on at any given moment of the day. Sure there might be those out there with no people skills but that's the same for any industry. I'm sure people with medical problems have come across the odd grumpy/too busy medical receptionist. If I've got a concern about one of my animals I just contact my vet nurse over the net and have full confidence in her advice rather than call or lob up to a busy clinic. Go Stormie!!!
  16. 4am walks. No one else about, temp isnt too hot, really nice when the birds start waking up. Ofcourse it only works if you're a morning person.
  17. Bugger. Poor guy. How long did he take to recover, shepherds? Two of mine were bitten and it took 9 months. What you've got to be careful of is if he ever gets envenomated again (touch wood) by snake or tick, his chances of serum sickness are much higher. If it does happen and I really hope it doesnt, and he goes to a different vet, it's really important you tell them it's his second time. NZ is looking mighty good!
  18. And to you. Good luck with your new puppy. Make sure to post pics - and thanks for a fun thread. Vet fees always spark a lively discussion.
  19. I've just been showing Mr R a photo of baby sparky. He wants to come along tomorrow as well. Hey that's two people in the consult room and two coffees - do we get charged two consult fees?
  20. Anyone who lives in Sydney knows that where Dan comes from to see her vet is pretty hardcore dedicated. That's a hell of a drive but she doesnt care - she loves her vet clinic and I'll guarantee she doesnt ever quibble about the cost. (She's probably scared of Stormie as well ). When you find a great vet that you love you just stick with them because you know the main thing - they'll look after your animals.
  21. I love our vets as well and just like another client who is a member on here, I would drive right across Sydney if I moved. I pay whatever he asks - mostly because Stormie said she's a Kick Boxing Champion and would kick my arse if I didnt pay up so I just quake in fright when it comes to bill time, hand over my American Express card and tell her to go for her life
  22. What a great attitude. May you and your old boy have many more happy and healthy years together and continue with your great relationship with your vet clinic.
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