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Everything posted by raz

  1. Oh god no, Monah. Dont be silly. I'd have to dress my dog up to look like a coke snorting tramp before I could call her Paris Hilton
  2. I said - go for your life, buddy, but you can use your own chanel mascara on him...you're not using mine!
  3. *snort* I was having dinner with friends one night and one of them said my dog had long eyelashes and was it OK if he put mascara on him
  4. Yes that would actually be a bit of a problem
  5. I bought a really cute pink coat with fluffy white collar for one of my dogs. I like it and bought it for me, not that I thought my dog would feel pretty wearing it. She needs coats in winter and I sort of think that if I have to look at the coat, put it on her, wash it when it's grubby then I can indulge myself with what type of coat I buy. If I say to her when I put it on - ohh my you look like Zsa Zsa Gabor, is that humanising my dog? I know she doesnt look like Zsa Zsa Gabor - she's a dog, but is that a bad thing?
  6. ahh rightyo. I think I see where you're coming from now. Ta.
  7. I'm not shooting the messenger, I'm asking you if it's the end of the world if I describe my dogs as happy. It's not like I'm encouraging bad pack behaviour by using an everyday word on a dog forum for everyday owners. This is a dog forum, not university where someone is marking your thesis. I'm just not getting you - you think it's cool to offer your dog a choice for dinner but you dont think it's cool that someone describes their dogs emotions using plain english rather than scientific terminology?
  8. Is it really such a big deal if I say my dogs are happy, like having fun, sulk when they're told off, pine when I go on holidays? I'm not a scientist, Corvus, so I dont have to be careful what words I use to describe my dogs. I'm talking on a forum, not writing a thesis. It's hardly the end of the world, is it? If I dress my dogs up like a baby, push them around in a pram and convince myself they ARE a baby, well that's another issue and I've probably got more to worry about than using the word happy
  9. Fair enough. It is pretty rude but when my uncle who worships his little bichon said it to me i just thought it was funny. I then told him he was a big girl for having a sweet white fluffy . It was just all fun banter (he really does think Pancake is ugly, though) and he's a prof of psychiatry so i think he was just trying to see how doting I am as a dog owner
  10. Would you think the person was mean for calling Bitty a boy, though? What about if someone said Bitty was stupid - would that upset you? I went to a family lunch recently and my uncle said Pancake is really ugly. I responded with, she's even dumber than she is ugly He's a dog owner and couldnt believe I wasnt upset by the comment. Why would I be - Pancake doesnt know how dumb or ugly she is so the comment wont upset her.
  11. Yep. They do zoomies, makes me happy and I laugh, they do even faster zoomies. I certainly do think they have a sense of fun, otherwise we wouldnt buy them toys, sandpits, clam shells, frisbees. If imposing my idea of different human emotions on them is humanising them, then so be it. Last night my pug was barking for the sheer hell of it. My OH told the little bitch off so she sulked. Now I dont know if she was thinking - well he's a rotten bastard for spoiling my fun - but she certainly had her nose out of joint.
  12. God I can imagine, especially because Stormie has become your friend but it's good that you could take some of the heat off by a light hearted moment.
  13. I dont ask what they want for dinner - they eat what I give them. If i had little kids they'd eat what I dished up as well. As for not saying your dog is happy - c'mon now corvus. Havent you ever watched your dog doing zoomies and thought to yourself, gee he looks happy.
  14. Yes Oh bloody hell I'd love to meet him and belt that out as I shook his hand
  15. It was my husband. I was trying to do the slow mo run around the living room in my red boardies and he asked me to do a Roger Ramvet. My jaw isnt big enough so we both fell apart laughing. Look I love the guy. I think he's incredibly handsome but he knows jack shit about bringing up a puppy. Infact he probably knows less than Don Burke.
  16. I'm the same as you, Pers. Dont touch me or I'll lose it.
  17. I'd want to pay you first, Stormie. I'd be so flipped out about making you feel bad after, or crying infront of you - just kick me out the door and tell me to go home.
  18. because some owners are understandably upset..and may 'grab at the dog in a hug..moving the dog,causing a possible needlestick injury to staff..or a messy and painful injection Also because some dogs may be upset/aggressive... and it's not fair on an owner to see their dog's final minutes spent in a struggle. ... also because sometimes the owners faint or collapse seen all of the above ..except the needlestick, thank goodness. I was allowed to hold the dog while he was put under. I just felt sorry for the vet and the nurses that they had to witness me lose it after. Tough job, guys, and they probably dont teach you psyche101 when you study to become a vet or vet nurse. High five to all of you. To my vet nurse who is a member on here - please dont cry if ever I bring a dog in to be put down. You'll spin me out, babe. Just give me the bill and make me do something practical.
  19. I'm sure my vet would probably do the same, bless him. I just suddenly had a freak out about how vet nurses/receptionists handle the situation because I havent got a clue. I started dwelling on the situation, silly duffer I am.
  20. Thanks Cris. How do you ask a basket case to pay money in that situation, say if their dog suddenly got hit by a car? For example I wouldnt have a problem paying the bill but I wouldnt be able to stop shaking long enough to get my plastic out of my wallet so would you just tell me to go home and tell me I'd receive a bill or are people so shell shocked they just pay at the time? Really morbid question, I know.
  21. For you guys who work for vets - how do you ask for the bill after putting a dog down? I've only been with one dog when he was put down. He wasnt mine but the owner was outside and couldnt cope. I was such a mess there's no way I'd have the means about myself to pull out a credit card so do you sort of discretely ask for payment prior? I remember being at emergency one night with a sick dog and a young woman was in the consulting room sobbing her heart out so I only guessed her dog was being put to sleep. How do you ask for payment? Icky question - sorry
  22. He's really lovely. You must have a problem with people picking him up and cuddling him. I'd probably pick him up, stick him in my pocket and walk home with him
  23. raz


    It's not so much the cruelty stories that upset me (although I totally understand how they really upset other people) as the teenage angsty screams calling for the abuser to be tortured that I find extremely distressing when we supposedly live in a civilised society. Sure dont click on the link but it comes up on the top of the page so you cant miss the title and know full well what's going to happen in the thread.
  24. raz


    Thank you sooooooo much!!!! I have one more query about this forum - is there any possibility that the "home page" can be set to not show the latest topic if it happens to be in the sub forum. I logged on and saw a topic title I didn't need to see ............ Yep same question, Troy. I accidentally clicked on the damn thing and then wanted to go off the deep end about people wishing death on someone.
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