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Everything posted by raz

  1. My stupid computa hates those files and it takes me forever to scroll through the things but can you give me a rundown, Woof - looks like that study is only on the use of cadavers, not live animals?
  2. I get your point (and no I didnt think you thought vets were non feeling bastards) and thanks for clarifying. Will have a squizz at your linky
  3. The topic of desensitising vet students came up in the last thread on this but I dont actually understand the issue. For me, I'd much rather have a vet desensitised by adequate hands on training at uni than one who becomes desensitised killing dogs in a clinic through lack of training. Is the issue the assumption that working on live animals in uni is going to spit out a grad who just doesnt care about the animals? I think that if that's the theory, it's actually really insulting to the vet grads.
  4. When I first saw that second last pic I thought they were both straining the potatoes
  5. Yes it does - it most certainly does. An organ donor is alive when the organs are donated -and I totally agree with it the same as I agree with vet students being allowed to operate on a live animal that is going to die anyway. Good on them
  6. To those who object to Vet students studying on a dog that is going to die anyway, would you object to a human receiving an organ donation?
  7. Whatever.. you just have to love it when we get down to the "I'm waaay more sensitive than you" level of argument. While we're recommeding learning, I suggest YOU research Godwin's Law. ;) Someone just had to mention the Nazis. It was only a matter of time. I'm surprised it took Godwin's Law so long to appear in this thread after the last one. Thanks to the vet grads and students for giving their side of the story.
  8. That's just incredible, sandgrubber. That last pic is a beauty!
  9. That is so disgustingly cute. My only name recommendation is Fluffy.
  10. If I offer my pug, you'll have to keep her Is it the same company that used your boy for the Korean ad?
  11. I have a small dog. Available Tuesday. Frequently sent to the naughty corner. Walks nicely on lead...but would probably jump on the head of a person lying on the ground so I cant help Goodluck with it. I'm sure you'll find someone.
  12. Amazing. I was wondering how they'd get a dog out of a chopper
  13. I LOVE the flying border collie!
  14. Reprimanded for what? A no facts Telegraph story?
  15. That's what was so funny, Willow. You're such a laid back poster and of all the threads in OT to latch onto, she grabbed yours. You must have special powers :D
  16. ;) It was a bit like that. Off topic must be some sort of magical magnet. I caught up on it this morning while doing this
  17. ;) They do indeed - threads being the operative word GET ME OUT OF OT scuse me while I go and abuse someone in OT while I wait for the forum admin to get me out of OT Whoooo cue music from twilight zone
  18. *cough*. Famous last words, Dee. You wait - someone will find something else to whinge about
  19. ;) Just. Lost. My. Coffee
  20. Yeah Yeah - ban it and it self markets itself, give an R rating and it will as well. I dont know what the answer is, Conz. I still dont understand why people reported it, though - it just makes it more popular. Do the people on here who reported it have an android phone? I'm not sure if that would make a difference at all - just tossing around ideas.
  21. Marketing ploy, perhaps? It's certainly got my interest now that it's been discussed on here (not that I'd buy it but I've read a banned book just because it was banned and watched a banned movie for the same reason)
  22. Well that's the problem, isnt it. I've spent 2 days chatting (read disagreeing ) with my husband about this and we discussed why they dont just bring R rating in for violent games. I think it's bloody dreadful that the christian right wingers are against it and would prefer certain games just get banned outright if they need anything over MA rating. People just go and find them elsewhere. Isnt it better to rate them rather than send them underground? I'm still grappling with this whole issue
  23. I think I really want it now just because it's gone. Is it really a win that google removed it from the game site? if someone wants it, they'll still be able to get it. And gee it's certainly getting lots of free publicity, isnt it.
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