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Everything posted by raz

  1. That's bloody dreadful. You poor thing. Could he have got into compost, Jules?
  2. Does your friend want children? If so, tell her she could keep the money it costs to raise a kid and buy a house instead. Pretty silly thing to say to someone who owns a dog, isnt it. I hope she was just being tongue in cheek
  3. After just getting 3 of my dogs out of SASH I have to say - the vets and nurses there are bloodly brilliant.
  4. I have a friend in another country who has called every dog he has owned 'Johnny'. I asked him why and he said it was only because he thought that was a typically western name. I thought that was pretty cute.
  5. I wouldnt do it but if someone is attached to a name and a memory, so be it, as long as they change their expectations and not cling on to the hope the dog is going to be the same just because of it.
  6. is there a dog in that photo? I cant take my eyes off the world's ugliest nail polish.
  7. The JRT is an Australian 'developed' breed.
  8. Oh get out of town! He should be dancing to chicano rap, not flamenco, the little traitor. Way too cute! eta He should learn to dance to this. Catchy little tune about the cartels in Mexico
  9. All the more reason not to listen to the shit WIRES volunteers tell people. Red Bellies ARE deadly if your dog gets envenomated. And they do NOT keep Browns off your property. sorry but that sort of misinformation is frigging dangerous. Black snakes can kill a dog very quickly if they're not immediately given anti venom.
  10. I'll have a look through some of Ynet's other articles later to see what other shitstirring they get up to. Amazing that so many newspapers picked it up without checking anything, isnt it. Even the Australian has it. Shameful lazy reporting
  11. But wait, there's more. Steve, check the ynet website. Here's one post in the feedback section 23. Baloney Story This story is baloney. The commenters here who are so outraged should apply reality-checks before going ballistic in public. Do judges ask children on the street to carry out sentences? When was the last time you hear of a dog "wandering into a courtroom"? Is there no end to the malicious slander invented by Ynet and other militant secularists? Get real! This story is all baloney - and some people swallowed it whole. (NB, maybe it is was really a dog that was re-incarnated into a lawyer's body...) Jake in Jerusalem , Jerusalem, Israel and another 32. Oh please, people... "The head of the court, Rabbi Avraham Dov Levin, denied that the judges had called for the dog's stoning. But one of the court's managers confirmed the report to Yedioth Ahronoth." The court denied such a thing happened, and YNet (and an unnamed 'manager'), who has a history of making things up, writes the story. And people, nonetheless, would rather believe Ynet... R , Jerusalem (06.16.11) it seems Ynet is not very popular in Israel
  12. Yep. I had a thought of what might have happened - the judge did actually say it but it was as a joke. I was in court one day where a judge sentenced someone 'to be taken from here to another place and hanged by his neck until dead'. It was hilarious, especially because it wasnt even a criminal matter but if some uptight person with no sense of humour had been sitting in the courtroom it could have runaway like a train
  13. I think it would have had a bit more credibility if it had started circulating on 1st april.
  14. I just found this way too hard to believe so looked it up on the snopes forum and found this from a poster who looks like he may be a lawyer It seems to be an Urban Legend in the making. First, a "Rabbinical Court" is not a secular authority. People go there for advice (this one seems to handle financial issues, so I suspect that it mediates small disputes to keep them out of small claims court, in addition to handling purely religious matters), and it can draw up documents that dissolve marriages, or authorize conversions, which the government honors (the divorces have to be filed with a city clerk, though), but the court has no authority to do something like this, and yes, could be charged under animal cruelty laws if someone reported it. Second, it doesn't seem to have happened. I couldn't find an article in English, but, FWIW, here's one in Hebrew. It pretty much repeats everything in the OP, adding that Quote: The organization "Let the Animals Live" is expected to file today (Thursday) a police complaint against Rabbi Avraham Dov Levin, an Orthodox rabbi and head of a beit din [rabbinical court] in a well-known in the Haredi sector. [my translation, FWIW] The "Haredi sector" is Mea Shearim, Jerusalem. Then, the article goes on to quote Rabbi Avraham Dov Levin as saying "it never happened." He confirmed that a dog did show up in the court, and apparently got inside the building, frightening some people, and it took a while to chase it out, so it was a bit of an event, but the idea that it was identified as a lawyer who had been cursed was nonsense. It seems that once the dog was chased out, some children did throw stones at it, but that was a case of children being cruel, because they chose to be, not because the court told them to be. I have no idea how old the children were, or what happened to them-- whether they were an older group of punks, who probably should have been arrested, or little kids who might have seen the dog chased out of the building, and thought they were somehow helping by chasing the dog out of the area. I don't know whether they were trying to kill the dog or just chase it away, and it does seem to have gotten away-- if it really had been sentenced to death, it wouldn't have been allowed to get away. But the beit din doesn't have that authority-- like I said, Israel does have animal cruelty laws. I also have no idea whether there ever was a secular lawyer who gave the beit din trouble 20 years ago, and if there was, whether or not he died recently. and further to that, judaism strictly forbids unnecessary cruelty to animals so what judge in his right mind would order the stoning of a dog by kids
  15. it was probably started by some anti Israeli blogger like this dude http://thegulfblog.com/2011/06/18/jewish-court-sentences-dog-to-death-by-stoning/ and then picked up by the uk tele
  16. Sounds fake to me as well. It 'happened' several weeks ago but is only now getting headlines? Give it a few more weeks and the story will get even better.
  17. They're playing chess, smoothie. Nothing more, nothing less.
  18. My uncle was a frontbencher. When we were little kids he took us in to Parliament house to watch a rather lively debate. When we walked out I asked him what it was all about. His answer - make enough noise and the public wont see the bigger issues. Smoke and mirrors, darling. Scream loud enough and they wont see the train wreck approaching. I've always remembered that.
  19. I thought exactly the same thing when I saw that not only is she more unpopular than kRudd, she's also more unpopular than little Johnny was when he brought in GST. Poor Julia Goolia. She's made one guarantee - we wont be having another female PM in a hurry. Bloody hell even the mad monk is starting to look good...almost but not quite.
  20. The little kiddy asylum seekers shoved off to a country where they'll get flogged. Sorry that's bad taste but only half tongue in cheek. this Govt is in a right royal mess at the moment, isnt it. There's poop flying eveywhere
  21. Even if they are meant f r the pot. You can still eat them here - as long as you dont cut their tails off or debark them without the correct paper work and take em to a show first. I know I know. Ludicrous, isnt it. And I can kill livestock here without a stun gun if I'm so inclined (disclaimer - I'm not inclined to kill livestock at all). Sorry shortstep - I know you said you didnt want to talk about livestock but I do see your point. If the animal libbers manage to bring in a live trade ban they wont just stop at cows and sheep - it will also mean no exotic fish, birds and reptiles, no puppies and kittens, no live seafood
  22. The live trade ban isnt going to happen any time soon, anyway. It was all just a smokescreen for Gillard to hide behind to disguise the fact she's now more unpopular than kRudd was when she knifed him in the back. Dont worry, shortstep. I think you're pretty safe importing or exporting dogs for the time being, as long as they arent meant for the pot.
  23. Oh yeah...just jump on a boat or plane with the child asylum seekers who are going to be deported by Gillard to a country who wont give assurances re Human Rights. Easy Peasy.
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