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Everything posted by raz

  1. I know what you're talking about - I just cant see it working. Joe Blow who wants a dog will get one regardless. You see it on this forum all the time - I called a registered breeder and she gave me the third degree to make sure she was selling a puppy to a responsible owner and I got the shits and bought one from a byber selling in the local pub instead, or Joe Blow comes on here and says the laws restricting dogs are ridiculous so I'll go out of my way to flaunt the law simply because I dont like it. You cant tell me that people who buy a dog are so bloody dumb that they dont know that they have to register their dog, pick up shit, stop their dogs barking non stop and not be in restricted areas where there is a big bloody sign on it to say dogs are prohibited - and in a pretty clear picture...not even in text. People who go out of their way to give the bird to a law they dont like will do so regardless of any new legislation eta and if we had so many people behind the wheel getting it right we wouldnt have to listen to so many whingers complaining that speeding fines are just revenue collecting
  2. No it isnt. Steve is right on the money. The ACO I spoke to today said your idea is just council registration with a different name. As for a drivers license - it doesnt automatically make people a better driver. Filling in a dodgey RTA test to get a learner's permit does not stop road rage, speeding, drunk drivers, disregard for seatbelts etc.
  3. Even if they had to read it when buying Fluffy or Adolf, I dont think it would make a scrap of difference, Woof. If someone wants a dog, they'll get one regardless. The dog that killed the little girl last week wasnt registered. Why? We dont know if the owner just wasnt aware that his dog had to be or if he didnt get him registered because he simply didnt feel like abiding by restricted dog registration. How many times do we see people come on this forum and say - well I know dogs arent allowed on certain beaches but stuff that - I'll take him to that beach anyway. Just this morning I saw several dogs offleash in the local oval and the kiddy playground that have big signs up prohibiting dogs. Now I know these people can read a sign but they just dont care and think they're above the law. I think your idea is a good one but simply unenforceable. I was talking to an ACO this morning - they're understaffed and underpaid for the hours they put in so who is going to enforce even more legislation. Same old shit - some people will do the right thing and those who dont, wont, regardless of how many laws are brought in
  4. A lot of owners dont obey the current Companion Animals Act so what makes you think they'll suddenly become law abiding citizens if new regulations are brought in? I suppose we're all going to find out after the meeting tomorrow anyway.
  5. That's OK you're in good company. I end up playing musical lounges every night because I have my lot draped all over me like dead weights.
  6. Wow your dogs have got you and your hubby worked out. You've both got TOTAL PUSHOVER engraved on your foreheads. Two new beautiful chairs just for them I think we need to see some photos. What are they like when you feed them - wait politely or barge ass their way in? Check out the thread in training called Triangle of Temptation
  7. Sorry but it's just laughable, isnt it. Double standards indeed!
  8. raz

    Peta Goes Xxx

    Good god what genius came up with that idea? I cant imagine that anyone wanting to see that site is actually going to have their focus on the animals. they'll be hoping to get free porn, not save a little kitty
  9. In this current climate with screams for crossbreeds to be banned, I'd just tell him he's an idiot. Seriously - tell him to pick up a newspaper
  10. IQ doesnt equate to responsible dog ownership either. It doesnt take too many brain cells to tell the nanny to walk Portia up and down The Esplanade
  11. Look at your opening post and see how you came across. You said you'd get flamed. Major flamage happening now. How many millions you spend on a house does not equate to responsible dog ownership
  12. And I read out your post to my husband. He also grew up in Mosman. He did this
  13. That's funny. I was in Mosman yesterday and was astounded at how many roaming dogs I saw, not to mention seeing people who couldnt even be bothered picking up their own dogs' shit. Sorry love but your need to discriminate on dog ownership because of suburb is ludicrous
  14. You're kidding, right? I grew up in Mosman and I can tell you now, it doesnt matter how expensive some suburbs are, it does NOT make for more responsible dog owners.
  15. In the current climate I dont blame people for being 'overly dramatic', snook. Infact if this was my thread I'd have it moved to OT
  16. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    Great. This sort of stupidity is all the dog world in Aus needs right now. Unbelievable. All it will take is for some twit to run with that on monday Linda Watson, who is doing a PhD degree on ''dog-bite injury and the effect of regulation'', said the term ''pit bull'' had become a generic one, to include dogs such as Staffordshire terriers, English bull terriers, bulldogs, even boxers. The term pit bull had come to mean ''any small- to middle-sized, short-haired, muscular dog'', she said Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/animals/death-of-girl-forces-new-thinking-at-dog-review-20110819-1j2da.html#ixzz1VVcv7Hv3
  17. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    It's not a breed. It's already been plastered all over the news since this happened - it's a mongrel. No one knows what it is I do believe i was speaking directly to Poodlefan about a link regarding accurate information. Your negative picky input is not necessary or welcomed. My response was neither negative nor picky. Who are you, by the way- another journo? Goodoh, lovey. The dog that killed the little girl was not a breed. It was a mongrel.
  18. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    It's not a breed. It's already been plastered all over the news since this happened - it's a mongrel. No one knows what it is
  19. No. We're already regulated enough and that isnt even enforced. All something like this does is get the honest people to sign up - the dishonest continue on the way they already are...dishonestly.
  20. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    Well she's not owned by your typical macho, nor does she adorn studded/spiked collars, In fact we're In the process of getting a nice pink girly collar ;) NOOOOO. She's a redhead - redheads and pink dont go Great idea. Gorgeous looking poochie and she'd look fabulous darrrrling all dressed up like zsa zsa gabor!
  21. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    No need for gundogs either Matthew.... shooting is banned in most states. And as they bite kiddies, best we be rid of them. Hunting to Hounds is out as well so best i get rid of my JRTs
  22. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    Your big boofhead in your sig with the smiley face and sitting over a book is a fantastic pic, Rottn. That's the kind of publicity you guys should be chasing at the moment
  23. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    Oh God that made me cringe. That video does the breed no favours with it's heavy metal, head banging music and proving just how powerful and tenacious bull breeds are. The small handful of clips showing Pits doing obedience are good but the rest I couldn't even finish it the bogan music was grinding in to my brain. Yep totally. Poodlefan has been saying for years that pitty owners should get their dogs the little poody outfit or spangly collars rather than the macho bullshit aggro studded collars that freak out the public but nup
  24. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    Nup cant see it. I scrolled through but cant find a link to dogzonline.
  25. raz

    Child Killed By Dog

    Do you have a linky, megan? No one on here has defended a dog that killed a little child. As far as I'm aware the consensus is this should all be brought back to responsible dog ownership.
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