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Everything posted by raz

  1. Bloody hell the poor girl, and poor you.
  2. Sandra removed them so you might need to pm her your email addy to view them, SC. eta scratch that - she can probably contact you through the linky in your sig. Sandra, what was China doing this morning that alerted you to the fact she might have been envenomated?
  3. How far away is the vet? If I were you I'd bag the snake up and take it back in. Failing that you're best bet would be to ask on venomdoc, I would think. http://www.venomdoc.com/venomdoc/Contact.html I'm not sure how long it takes for new members on his forum to receive approval so try his email. Goodluck with your dog. eta a member on here is 'snakecatcher'. Maybe send him/her a pm.
  4. I'm with you, Dory. 'Sponsored by an insurance company'? Urmm the cynic within said no thanks.
  5. Sumosmum has gone off to prettify in preparation for the cameras. She'll be back later for a debrief
  6. IGreat advice Spot. If you've got a pink fluffy collar, go for that. And can you bring out the littlies to show them all playing together? Gives you an opportunity to say how they're all from the same litter but are completely different as well
  7. Grab yourself a cuppa and a timtam.
  8. What time are they turning up, SM?
  9. SM said she thinks tomorrow night on ABCs 7.30 Report, Rotts.
  10. Go you good thing. Have the biccies out ready. No one in their right mind can resist a double choc timtam
  11. Scruffy is good. Adds character Have tea and coffee ready and as soon as they walk in the door start pouring for them. That way they have to give you some time to tell them how you want it to go.
  12. Goodluck, sumosmum. All I can suggest is to sit down with them first and tell them what you want much the same as what you just did in your post.
  13. Sounds like you're doing all the right stuff, Nic. Good on you. Also watch out for butcher birds who accidentally drop them in your yard. I had one of those a few months ago - scared the crap out of me when I thought my dogs were pretty safe during a cold period
  14. It doesnt actually stop, but as PF said, be on the alert now as it's all getting warmer. More activity in your house yard will keep them away? Nup sorry. If a snake wants to move through your territory, it will do it regardless of whether you have dogs running around or not.
  15. Journos for the Sun Herald and Telegraph should have to go through this every day
  16. I think this was more a case of an editor telling some 16 year old apprentice to get off their ass and write an article. Hippy diet for a cat or horoscope telling people they'll get a screw this weekend. Poor apprentice chose the hippy diet
  17. Sorry to laugh but this guy is such a tool. Pitbulls are a menace, he said, but he now admits he cant ID one. Good one, Hugh.
  18. I'm not a breeder but I assume this is what Bailey means http://www.dogzonline.com.au/membership.asp
  19. Spot on, and you can just about guarantee that every time there is an attack during the current climate it's going to get reported. That poor woman must have been terrified. what the??? comment from a reader: This does not suprise me yesterday i made a complaint to the Cardinia shire council in relation to two dogs that jump as high as the fence in my elderly parents backyard as you go to the clothes line and i told the council i was scared to walk in my parents back yard to my disgust my parents and myself were told to go to a solicitor as coucil do not deal with dog problems.
  20. raz

    Saving Pepsy

    OK going back for another look...with volume
  21. raz

    Saving Pepsy

    Oops my bad. I really should turn on the speakers when I watch a linky to ACA but I just cant bring myself to do that. I'd much rather see why it took her 18 months to sell her house
  22. raz

    Saving Pepsy

    No it didnt. It just makes people scared of vet bills or worse, people who will undersell their house for a vet bill when they listed it for sale before they even bought the dog. Ridiculous reporting! Is ACA so desparate for stupid stories they have to make shit up? Oh yeah sorry - that's what they do.
  23. raz

    Saving Pepsy

    Bizarrely that site also has an online shop selling dog products? Is there more to this "pensioner" than meets the eye? This gets better and better
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