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Everything posted by raz

  1. Aus PMs always snub him to toady to the chinese govt but she had no excuse because the Dalai Lama is no longer head of state to CTA. Really gutless act. sorry Back to the dog - they should have offered to buy the jack on the comedy show about her although maybe he doesnt want a shedding dog (pretty funny if he thinks all noodles are non shedders - he could be in for a bit of a surprise)
  2. What? I didnt say we should only do it at the moment. We should bloody well do it all the time which I do but how nice of you to imply that people in this thread who arent nice all the time are abnormal while you are not. and please DONT YELL - I'm sure people reading this thread can read the text without you sticking in in caps
  3. You're a good sport, CW I was picking up a stray poo left on someone's front lawn this morning and got abused by the home owner for letting one of my dogs poo there. It was a total pain in the bum but I had to bite my tongue and not abuse him back but just told him my 4 1/2 kilo and 6 kilo dogs could not have possibly left such a giant land mine - the poo was almost as big as they are. I was trying to do the old coot a favour and pick up after some dickhead who couldnt be bothered cleaning up after their own dog. He'll probably be a bit nicer tomorrow and maybe not think all dog owners are lazy mongrels. If we all go the extra mile we can turn dog haters in the community around. Fingers crossed, anyway.
  4. Yeah I know. It's not easy for me to be Pollyanna but ya have to do what ya have to do and be 'glad' about it
  5. sure I totally understand that but dog owners are in the cross hairs at the moment and any time that trigger could be pulled so we have to suck it up and be Pollyanna sacharine sweet and show the rest of the community we're nice, responsible dog owners, willing to share and have our dogs behaving nicely. If we give nothing for non dog owners (AND responsible dog owners)to complain about they wont then complain about us. It's not hard - we just have to suck it up!
  6. You told her to call Dr Chris??? Oh man I hope she doesnt. That would be the blind leading the blind. She'll just bat her eyelids and ask him to take his shirt off.
  7. There is also a rule that off lead dogs in off leash parks still have to be under control of the owner. Doesnt sound like the dogs in your story were, CW. Dont get cranky at the people who set up a BBQ in dog poo land when they probably didnt know any better - get cranky at the owners for being dickheads. You said you werent cranky but you certainly look like you are a bit.
  8. I walk 20 km a day with my lot - always ALWAYS get off the path for walkers, pam pushers, skate boarders and joggers. They'll only thank you for it rather than yell at you, and think dog owners are great. Pick up their poo and dont let them rush people. If we dont give common courtesy to non dog owners they end up thinking we're all a bunch of selfish shmucks who then start screaming for more and more legislation against us.
  9. Well we all know you Asians cant hold your drink. You silly duffer. You're not Japanese by any chance? One beer and they're down for the count and have a shocker of a headache the next day Jocularity aside, at times like that it really is a great time to choof over for a chinwag. We're all ambassadors for dog ownership so it's a great time to wander over and strike up convo. The guys waving sticks might have been scared so with little fluff monsters as cute as yours it would have been a great opportunity to introduce them and show they're not big scary creatures. Do it next time it ever happens, you'll probably make some nice friends and end up with a free feed
  10. Oh my sweet jesus that is soooo pathetic for an Asian chicky. I'm never inviting you over for my kim chi and bulgogi...and I'm Celtic. Getting back to the story - what you should do in situations like that is go over for a chat rather than get cranky. It's really good for the dog community, and really good for visitors. You never know, they might have been on a tour group from China or somewhere and simply couldnt read the sign. As DR said, dog parks are usually full of dog crap because of bastard owners who dont pick up after their dogs and this crowd you speak of might have just set up there thinking it was a nice spot.
  11. How funny - I just read the Sun article. She used to own a 'mini pomeranian'. Atleast she didnt call it a tea cup but let's face it, Julia - you owned a runt if it was undersized, not a mini anything. Calling it a mini doesnt detract from the fact that if it was undersized it was defective. Hmmm not sure that Jules buying a designer mongrel is going to encourage Australians to buy mongrels. No one likes her as PM anyway so it'll probably be a great advert for buying from ethical breeders.
  12. Well there you go. If they had kim chi they probably were cooking bulgogi. You should have dropped by, introduced your cute dogs and begged for some, CW EW.
  13. Sorry BM. It's such a waste to splurk a good cup of coffee. In all seriousness I think it would be great to get Julia on dogzonline. Heaps of great info in here about owning a puppy and if she gets her post count up, she can join in on the threads in OT about...oh gee I dunno...kicking boat people out, gay marriage, bad hair days and ear wax eating for kRuddles, budgie smuggler wearers with satellite disc ears and bad laughs, trying to kill the cattle farmers in this country, carbon tax etc etc. No seriously - lots of great info in here for new puppy owners. Just buy a purebreed and stop the sausage factories, Julia. I didnt vote for you (oh hang on...no one did) but I will vote for you if you stop the sausage factories
  14. I dont get it - what's the fact they were asian got to do with the story? Were they cooking bulgogi beef or something?
  15. Waves to Julia It might be Obama. He has a portuguese water dog, doesnt he? There ya go, Jules - get one of those.
  16. Gee why did you do that, GT. She'll see my comment that she has a big bottom. Sorry Julia - you have gorgeous hair, though.
  17. I dont know why they put byber in the article and dont explain what that means. Average Jo out there looking for a pup wouldnt know what that means.
  18. Well that was an interesting read. I hope the breeder is a member of this forum.
  19. I've never seen a greyhound with an enormous arse and who speaks perfect strine. I'm with EVO8gold - the dog wont be in The Lodge for much longer.
  20. Isnt it amazing. I had a fluffy run across the road to see my dogs the other day. Grabbed her collar and told the owner I was worried she was about to be run over because it was on a blind corner. He grabbed her back and said she was an 'inside dog'. Ummm so how about KEEPING HER INSIDE. Sweet dog but if her dumb owner keeps that up she wont be a sweet dog for much longer - she'll be flipping roadkill.
  21. I'm thinking of walking with a shovel because sooner or later one of the dogs left loose in it's unfenced front garden and rushing dog walkers on the other side of the road in my suburb is going to need to be scraped off the bitumen and handed back to the stupid owner. Young people frequently speed down this street so why idiots leave their dogs out is just beyond me. Every single day while out walking this happens.
  22. Cute mongrels. Mr Ears on the left looks like a cute mongrel a friend of mine had and he would have been about 8-10 kilos.
  23. So take it up with them. No point getting your tights in a twist on a discussion forum where you dont want opinions on the matter.
  24. Well look at that - two little curly coated retrievers for the price of one! This thread needs to come with a cuteness overload warning. Lots of lovely fat little porkers in here.
  25. She has a bizarre outlook on life. They are fantastic.
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