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Everything posted by raz

  1. Never heard of him but you're talking 50 years ago. Didnt they have Ethics Committees back then?
  2. raz

    Dog Poo Lottery

    Paris could well do with a lottery for lazy bloody dog owners' to pick up after their own dogs' shit and chuck it in a bin rather than get everyone else to do it for them while they hang back and smoke a gauloise while out walking Chien Chien
  3. Exactly. And quite frankly, if you dont have the dough to feed a foster dog, you probably shouldn't put your hand up for one!
  4. Yeah she's pretty cute and it keeps her happy rather than terrorising my toes so who am I to deny her presents
  5. I love supporting the salvos - they do an amazing job. I've picked up some fantastic giant teddys and dogs lately for my little pug who likes to sleep ontop of them like a security blankie kind of thing. When she sucks on their ears and they get too grubby or the terriers get a hold and shred them I just chuck them out. $3 a pop so no biggy. I could be wasting that money on useless crap like McDonalds so it doesnt worry me to buy her toys from somewhere like the Salvos that help people.
  6. I think I'll pop down to the local salvos this morning and see how much useless crap I can buy for my dogs and while I'm there, I'll see how much useless crap I can buy for our sponsored children OS
  7. Exactly. I dont appreciate being told by a stranger how to spend my money or that what I buy is useless. gimme gimme gimme. As Clyde said, people here donate all year round so the OP is just a total turnoff, especially at this time of year when people are winding down and looking forward to forgetting all the crap that's happened in the world in the last 12 months and having a bit of fun with their families. If that includes buying their dogs something that gets torn up in 4 minutes, big whoopdy do and goodluck to them. eta I buy 'useless crap' from the local salvos for my dogs at xmas and that way I can feel like I'm helping out some poor person who cant even afford a can of Pal for xmas day let alone a dog.
  8. It's fun. Hey Stormie I've got a bloke for you who will think that's hilarious. He's just got a puppy, he's gorgeous and single. He's a responsible dog owner with a great sense of humour so it'll go down well if you have a laugh about Katherine saying BALLS. He'd find it hilarious if some little cutie like you came out with that.
  9. That's exactly what it's doing and why I think it's so clever. How easy is it to meet someone who owns an entire dog and instead of getting on a rant and tell them to cut their dog's balls off you can just throw in - Hey have you seen the Katherine Heigl hates balls ad.
  10. You might be right (damn shame none of the Dol menfolk are giving their perceptions on it for a bit of insight) but maybe what it's really targeting is women dog owners. It's a much better approach than the peta style campaigns with graphic images trying to shock people into neutering their pets.
  11. Totally irrelevant info - I read something a while ago claiming that Katherine Heigl is regarded as too fat for Hollywood standards. What the??? I say Balls to that. She's gorgeous.
  12. next time I meet a guy walking his entire dog I'm going to mention Katherine Heigl's glorious boobs. I'm sure he'll rush home and google
  13. I'm sorry but that is a coffee splurk moment. The ad sure got your attention, didnt it, just as it got the attention of everyone else commenting in this thread so it must be working on one level or another Even if it makes you cranky because she has her boobs on display. One thing is for sure - you wont be forgetting the ad in a hurry. Katherine Heigl ROCKS
  14. A guy I knew years ago had a Great Dane. I asked him if he was going to get the dog desexed because he wasnt a breeder or exhibitor. His response was - I wouldnt cut my own balls off so why would I do it to a dog. I just said - well you must have tiny genitals if you're so attached to them that you wont desex your dog. I'm with Katherine Heigl on this issue. Male dogs in my house - 2. Number of puppy making scrotums - zero.
  15. I loathe and detest scammers with a passion but I cant say I have any sort of empathy for dickheads who get ripped off over the net these days. There's more than enough info for people to be aware this sort of crap happens. Nigerians get 4 billion dollars a year out of Americans alone so god knows how much dumb Australians are losing and this sort of thing shits me to tears because our taxes are going towards this garbage to try to recoup money for really stoooopid people who get sucked in on a daily basis. Buyer Beware and all that stuff.
  16. I tried that coffee in a bag stuff once, Mill, but it reminded me of balls as well so now I just stick to my espresso coffee.
  17. Isnt it funny how such an ugly little appendage that men think are the most beautiful things on the planet get such great nicknames (sorry to the men on here. Yes your balls really are the most beautiful thing a woman has ever seen. So are your dog's balls - they're gorgeous and should be in a glass display cabinet to adore for eternity, not on your dog). I actually quite like the nickname 'teabag'
  18. That's probably exactly the sort of thing Katherine Heigl would say Jacquie(but she'd probably replace manhood with something a bit bawdier). I once said something to my breeder about dogs' balls. She was such a lady and really offended - I beg your pardon, miss. It's testes thankyou very much. I felt like a little kid wishing the ground would open up and swallow me Maybe that's why I thought it was such a funny ad. Seeing someone that goodlooking discussing dogs' balls just seems so unexpected. I think she should do another one trying to encourage lazy bloody dog owners to pick up their dog's poo.
  19. I finally got around to seeing Red Dog. What a great movie. Great job by the Aussie film makers
  20. Look I know what you're saying and yes, the balls in the jar thingy was a bit How ya goin, but it's in keeping with the sort of movies she makes, Jacqui. If it gets some dork to have his dog castrated before he makes lots of little Rovers, that's a good thing, isnt it? It's toilet humour by a gorgeous looking hollywood starlet with her boobs on show so should grab a lot of male attention. As minimiss said, it's not being directed at people like you and her and me who work at being responsible dog owners. It's directed at Joe Blow who doesnt know any better. There should be another one for cat owners.
  21. I found her gorgeous boobs distracting but then she started with the death stares and I laughed. Oh and by the way - my dogs bar one dont have tails. They were chopped off at birth so dont bother bringing waggy tails into the argument, jacqui. Doesnt work. Tails dont make hundreds of thousands of puppies that end up with a needle sticking into them and chucked in a council waste depot. Dogs with balls do. Great ad and the target demographic is obviously the average Joe Blow down the street who buys a dog and should have it's balls removed.
  22. I thought exactly the same thing, Alkhe
  23. She's not making the point that dogs with balls are disgusting. She's making the point that irresponsible owners are disgusting...and they're usually the owners with balls who are obsessed with their dog's balls and wont have them chopped off before they go and service the neighbourhood bitches, creating lots of little dogs with balls that end up in pounds and getting slaughtered. If you dont get this ad, I feel sorry for you.
  24. I just splurked my coffee. Frodo is such a doofus. You must just laugh constantly with that bone head's antics. He's just adorable.
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