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Everything posted by raz

  1. Yep totally agree. So much money was spent on what happened in Indonesia to get it up to scratch but looks like nothing happened here in the same regard. That's totally ridiculous.
  2. I think it's an important discussion and you wouldnt get enough traffic up in the cruelty subforum but Kirislin is highly sensitive to stuff like this as are others so I'm not sure how you'd get around it. Woof, you say surveillance cameras wouldnt work. I disagree - I doubt that piglet would have been treated like that if the mongrel knew cameras were trained on him and he would suffer a huge fine, docked pay and/or sacking. I dont think it matters where abbattoir workers come from or what they're education level is when it comes to hitting them in the hip pocket.
  3. I asked myself the same thing, Kirislin. He gets more of an audience here to start a controversial topic because hardly anyone goes into the cruelty news subforum.
  4. No it isnt. It's just easier to point the finger outside of our own backyard. When the threads were running here about Indonesia there were abbattoir workers on this forum who said it happens here but they were met with - Oh noesss it couldnt possibly. Much easier just to turn a blind eye and blame other people. I dont know why abbattoirs here dont have surveillance cameras. I wonder how many Indonesian Politicians are going to watch that footage today and call us hypocrites.
  5. Do you have any friends who have a laid back older dog? Might be a way to start with introductions - you know the type; old dog just wants to sit there and be patted rather than bark in excitement. I remember being frightened of barking dogs when I was a kid and we grew up with dogs. Even a new crazy puppy was frightening when he was brought home. I grew out of the fear so hopefully your grandson will as well.
  6. Ian Murdoch opposite pennant hills/beecroft road intersection is great and one of his staff members is a member of this forum http://www.pennanthillsvet.com.au/
  7. My sister moved to Holland and back again. The dog coped really well. Worth looking into because 7 isnt exactly old.
  8. Same here. Some bloggers are just nut cases but god they're funny. This one is food planking.
  9. dont be silly, sandgrubber. Where is the story if you leave out the bits about puppies. Isnt it funny how the actual charges are not much more than an afterthought but the article's full focus is on dog meat. As far as I'm aware, eating dog is not actually illegal. As Steve said, only if you cut the tail off before killing it. Reads like a total beat up by a journo who is probably a blind follower of oscar's claptrap.
  10. I didnt see the comment from JB because I got bored with all the stupid comments after about 20 seconds.
  11. Hilarious. What a maniac!
  12. What does this have to do with general dog discussion?
  13. I know that was terrible, wasnt it, Aussie. I drove my husband mad this morning when I showed him the ad. I was saying - Hey look...that's Bark Vader. Barkcess Leia. Obi Wan KeBarklee. ChewBarker. I couldnt stop myself.
  14. No problems. The ad is directed by George Woofus
  15. I think he's probably being Jabba the Pug with his tongue hanging out.
  16. There must be a few Star Wars fanboys working at that ad agency - I love it. Chewbacca was great!
  17. Is that directed at me? If so, I didnt suggest skippies make better tenants. I was giving an example of what landlords can do with applications after it was suggested they shouldnt have the right to knock anyone back when it comes to living in their investment properties.
  18. Thanks Huski. I just thought the english only rule was really interesting. I had never heard of it before.
  19. Thanks Wuffles. I'm still not really getting it, though. If for example a handler uses numbers from one to ten in mandarin as commands, if the judge doesnt understand mandarin they'll just think it's random consonants and vowels strung together as a monosyllable in english. If I said the mandarin word for number 4 to make the dog sit, the judge wouldnt have a clue.
  20. I still dont understand why english only. If they said single syllable words only that would make more sense to me if it's along the lines of simple commands. As I said, I'm just curious. What happens if the handler is mute or the dog is deaf - are hand signals only OK?
  21. I still dont get it. It's just a curiosity question because I'll probably never compete in trials but what's it matter to the judge if the handler says Come or BudgieSmugglerExtraordinaireILoveYouSchnookieBoy?
  22. OT but what's the reason for the English Only rule for ANKC Obedience trials? If the dog completes the test, why does it matter if the handler gives the commands in English, Mandarin or Elvish? I've never competed in obedience but I've stewarded and couldnt even hear the commands most of the time.
  23. Awesome. Name him or atleast let him know you've given him a plug. That is just great and the owner probably gets some solace in her last days knowing her dog will be looked after.
  24. Tearies. I can just imagine the wolfie paw doing the thump on the aniseed ball.
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