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Everything posted by raz

  1. That would last about 2 minutes in this house.
  2. Hey GT - I drink chinotto and eat lemons but I think stabbing myself in the heart with a blunt Swiss Army Knife would put more of a smile on my face than drinking AV juice. Maybe Mr GT has a point. I still remember the day Mr Raz thought it was lemonade That'll teach him for taking a swig straight from the bottle!
  3. LMAO @ Steve - only because I do exactly the same thing. Foul!
  4. :D Sorry but that just about sums it up. Love the little tears
  5. First coffee spray of the morning! Bloody hell - goodluck Buster's Mum. You're in for a real treat. I think it's great stuff but tastes like caca.
  6. Good thinking :D Not sure that's the way I'd like to get it down my own throat, though.......
  7. I emailed you yesterday, Caffriend, but think it went to your work addy. Syringe. Buy it from the local chemist. I'll be doing the same with my boy. The stuff tastes bloody disgusting so I dont blame the poor little bugger for screwing his nose up. Great to read he's no longer scratching himself raw :D I'd make him finish the bottle anyway - if only to get him back for putting you through hell last week (and for upchucking on the fresh sheets then cocking his leg once you remade the bed )
  8. Maybe PM Doberdave. His Dobe girl has Wobblers.
  9. I think Roxiekda who has Poms is away until next week so it might be good for you to keep an eye out for when she's back online for even more advice, Harminee.
  10. Thanks BL. Good to know she's OK this morning. Hey, whatever happened to that redback you brought down from Bris???
  11. So if dogs dont sweat, what exactly is the localised 'sweating'?
  12. How is she this morning, BL? Remember what my showie mate said about redbacks? They have really small fangs so you may not be able to detect puncture marks on her.
  13. My sis pays that in an affluent suburb of Sydney. As Dru said, that's probably the norm depending on where you are in Sydney.
  14. Organs. Doesnt sound like awful for nothing
  15. In this litigious society - you bet. And my old response of "What grease???? ;) I clean the bar-b-que every week" wouldnt wash if it came down to it. Personally I like the high pressure hose idea for feral, flea ridden puss puss. Failing that I'd speak to Ripley about an obedient parrot who would attack on command.
  16. ;) :D No advice to offer. I'll come back when I can stop laughing.
  17. Just read the link about electric shock to slow down envenomation - it's not recommended so I guess my toaster is safe from me sticking a knife into it
  18. Interesting. I havent heard that before. At the very least it would probably take your mind off the pain from the bite I'll make some enquiries with a herper.....it kinda makes sense.
  19. I agree Jed - if I lived over 30 minutes from anti venene I'd be giving it a go as well. And I'm totally with you on just the start of a long recovery. No-one could think otherwise after seeing the CK levels skyrocket and know just how bad the organ and tissue damage is from that. As for snakey heaven - I call it the brain trauma clinic in snakey heaven ;) Well I'm now giving the vinegar and raw diet a go so shall update down the track :p
  20. Thanks Jed I'll check it out. And thanks for the tip on the vinegar - No. I havent been doing that so I'll give it a go. 1 litre will be fine and dandy. Red Belly, Jed. Very bloody complex venom. I've been obsessed with herpetology since Boxing Day but there's so little info out there about surviving dogs after envenomation - probably because most dogs dont in this country. Haven - I've read all about the vitamin c as a possible way to slow down envenomation after a tag. I'll stick with anti venene if it happens again. Snake venom is way too complex to stuff around and see if something else might work - that's why there's no formal research on it. From the numerous discussions I've had with herpetologists, vitamin c will only work in the case of a dog who has received a dry bite - most initial bites are dry (free of venom). As far as I have seen there is no evidence that vitamin c assists in organ repair after envenomation but feel free to educate me I'll check out that book by Coleby. Where did you find it? Thanks. Sorry for the hijack ;) once I get started on snake bite I cant seem to stop
  21. Thanks guys I'll try anything at this point in time and keeping in mind snake time is coming up soon I'll do anything.
  22. Thanks guys. It's making more and more sense. Espinay - they'll eat anything I give them - greedy little pigs. I just worry capsules will pass through too quickly. You have to see it to believe it! His baths are medicated, Zayda. I'm just at the point where I'm losing faith. Does that make sense? Yep GD - I thought the same thing. I just cant get a handle on his skin. It's just driving us to despair to help the little guy. Three Cheers Guys. Thanks a bundle.
  23. GD - tinned oily fish is a regular here and drives them insane - they love it. I still am of the mind that the caps will be more concentrated so it might help to throw them in on top? Zayda - I thought even human grade offal was suss if raw - correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just feeling my way here and playing devil's advocate to sort my own thinking processes out. If it helps to describe what this little bugger is going through - his skin gets really oily within days of a bath. That's when the scratching is at its most extreme and totally unlike the other guys, despite the fact that the organ damage was much more severe (from the envenomation) in the other male - cortisone was never needed for irritated skin in this particular male. Cortisone shots are now off the menu thanks to some brilliant emails by zayda on the fact that cortisone depletes the already fragile immune system :thumbsup:I really appreciate your advice , and I really need to start hunting even deeper for stuff on the net about longterm affects from Australian venomous snakes but the info just isnt out there. I really do feel this is at the crux of it. As for the flax oil - my instincts came into play with that one. It was suggested by a local naturopath but I feel it made him worse so stopped using it pretty quickly. He's a lovely little bloke and I'd like to see him thrive the way the others seem to be doing. GD - thanks for your lovely PMs. I look forward to seeing what happens with this. I was chatting up the local butchers this morning!!!
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